Ask-tell Optimization in a Human-in-the-loop Setting
Some optimization experiments, like the one described in this tutorial, can be conducted in a completely automated manner. Other experiments may require a human in the loop, for instance a scientist manually conducting and evaluating each trial in a lab. In this tutorial we demonstrate this ask-tell optimization in a human-in-the-loop setting by imagining the task of maximizing the strength of a 3D printed part using compression testing (i.e., crushing the part) where different print settings will have to be manually tried and evaluated.
In 3D printing, several parameters can significantly affect the mechanical properties of the printed object:
Infill Density: The percentage of material used inside the object. Higher infill density generally increases strength but also weight and material usage.
Layer Height: The thickness of each layer of material. Smaller layer heights can improve surface finish and detail but increase print time.
Infill Type: The pattern used to fill the interior of the object. Different patterns (e.g., honeycomb, gyroid, lines, rectilinear) offer various balances of strength, speed, and material efficiency.
Strength Measurement: In this tutorial, we assume the strength of the 3D printed part is measured using compression testing, which evaluates how the object performs under compressive stress.
Learning Objectives
- Understand black box optimization concepts
- Define an optimization problem using Ax
- Configure and run an experiment using Ax's
- Analyze the results of the optimization
- Familiarity with Python and basic programming concepts
- Understanding of adaptive experimentation and Bayesian optimization
Step 1: Import Necessary Modules
import pandas as pd
from ax.preview.api.client import Client
from ax.preview.api.configs import ExperimentConfig, RangeParameterConfig, ChoiceParameterConfig, ParameterType, GenerationStrategyConfig
Step 2: Initialize Client
Create an instance of the Client
to manage the state of your experiment.
client = Client()
Step 3: Configure Experiment
Define the parameters for the 3D printing optimization problem. The infill density and
layer height can take on any value within their respective bounds so we will configure
both using RangeParameterConfig
s. On the other hand, infill type be either have one of
four distinct values: "honeycomb", "gyroid", "lines", or "rectilinear". We will use a
to represent it in the optimization.
infill_density = RangeParameterConfig(name="infill_density", parameter_type=ParameterType.FLOAT, bounds=(0, 100))
layer_height = RangeParameterConfig(name="layer_height", parameter_type=ParameterType.FLOAT, bounds=(0.1, 0.4))
infill_type = ChoiceParameterConfig(name="infill_type", parameter_type=ParameterType.STRING, values=["honeycomb", "gyroid", "lines", "rectilinear"])
experiment_config = ExperimentConfig(
parameters=[infill_density, layer_height, infill_type],
# The following arguments are optional
description="Maximize strength of 3D printed parts",
Step 4: Configure Optimization
We want to maximize the compressive strength of our part, so we will set the objective
to compressive_strength
. However, we know that modifying the infill density, layer
height, and infill type will affect the weight of the part as well. We'll include a
requirement that the part must not weigh more than 10 grams by setting an outcome
constraint when we call configure_experiment
The following code will tell the Client
that we intend to maximize compressive
strength while keeping the weight less than 10 grams.
client.configure_optimization(objective="compressive_strength", outcome_constraints=["weight <= 10"])
Step 5: Run Trials
Now the Client
has been configured we can begin conducting the experiment. Use
to attach any existing data, use get_next_trials
to generate parameter
suggestions, and use complete_trial
to report manually observed results.
Attach Preexisting Trials
Sometimes in our optimization experiments we may already have some previously collected data from manual "trials" conducted before the Ax experiment began. This can be incredibly useful! If we attach this data as custom trials, Ax will be able to use the data points in its optimization algorithm and improve performance.
# Pairs of previously evaluated parameterizations and associated metric readings
preexisting_trials = [
{"infill_density": 10.43, "layer_height": 0.3, "infill_type": "gyroid"},
{"compressive_strength": 1.74, "weight": 0.52},
{"infill_density": 55.54, "layer_height": 0.12, "infill_type": "lines"},
{"compressive_strength": 4.63, "weight": 2.31},
{"infill_density": 99.43, "layer_height": 0.35, "infill_type": "rectilinear"},
{"compressive_strength": 5.68, "weight": 2.84},
{"infill_density": 41.44, "layer_height": 0.21, "infill_type": "rectilinear"},
{"compressive_strength": 3.95, "weight": 1.97},
{"infill_density": 27.23, "layer_height": 0.37, "infill_type": "honeycomb"},
{"compressive_strength": 7.36, "weight": 3.31},
{"infill_density": 33.57, "layer_height": 0.24, "infill_type": "honeycomb"},
{"compressive_strength": 13.99, "weight": 6.29},
for parameters, data in preexisting_trials:
# Attach the parameterization to the Client as a trial and immediately complete it with the preexisting data
trial_index = client.attach_trial(parameters=parameters)
client.complete_trial(trial_index=trial_index, raw_data=data)
Ask for trials
Now, let's have Ax suggest which trials to evaluate so that we can find the optimal
configuration more efficiently. We'll do this by calling get_next_trials
. We'll make
use of Ax's support for parallelism, i.e. suggesting more than one trial at a time --
this can allow us to conduct our experiment much faster! If our lab had three identical
3D printers, we could ask Ax for a batch of three trials and evaluate three different
infill density, layer height, and infill types at once.
Note that there will always be a tradeoff between "parallelism" and optimization performance since the quality of a suggested trial is often proportional to the amount of data Ax has access to, see this recipe for a more detailed explanation.
trials = client.get_next_trials(maximum_trials=3)
Tell Ax the results
In a real-world scenerio we would print parts using the three suggested
parameterizations and measure the compressive strength and weight manually, though in
this tutorial we will simulate by calling a function. Once the data is collected we will
tell Ax the result by calling complete_trial
def evaluate(
infill_density: float, layer_height: float, infill_type: str
) -> dict[str, float]:
strength_map = {"lines": 1, "rectilinear": 2, "gyroid": 5, "honeycomb": 10}
weight_map = {"lines": 1, "rectilinear": 2, "gyroid": 3, "honeycomb": 9}
return {
"compressive_strength": (
infill_density / layer_height * strength_map[infill_type]
/ 100,
"weight": (infill_density / layer_height * weight_map[infill_type]) / 200,
for trial_index, parameters in trials.items():
client.complete_trial(trial_index=trial_index, raw_data=evaluate(**parameters))
We'll repeat this process a number of times. Typically experimentation will continue until a satisfactory combination has been found, experimentation resources (in this example our 3D printing filliment) have been exhausted, or we feel we have spent enough time on optimization.
# Ask Ax for the next trials
trials = client.get_next_trials(maximum_trials=3)
# Tell Ax the result of those trials
for trial_index, parameters in trials.items():
client.complete_trial(trial_index=trial_index, raw_data=evaluate(**parameters))
# Ask Ax for the next trials
trials = client.get_next_trials(maximum_trials=3)
# Tell Ax the result of those trials
for trial_index, parameters in trials.items():
client.complete_trial(trial_index=trial_index, raw_data=evaluate(**parameters))
Step 6: Analyze Results
At any time during the experiment you may analyze the results of the experiment. Most commonly this means extracting the parameterization from the best performing trial you conducted. The best trial will have the optimal objective value without violating any outcome constraints.
best_parameters, prediction, index, name = client.get_best_parameterization()
print("Best Parameters:", best_parameters)
print("Prediction (mean, variance):", prediction)
Step 7: Compute Analyses
Ax can also produce a number of analyses to help interpret the results of the experiment
via client.compute_analyses
. Users can manually select which analyses to run, or can
allow Ax to select which would be most relevant. In this case Ax selects the following:
- Parrellel Coordinates Plot shows which parameterizations were evaluated and what metric values were observed -- this is useful for getting a high level overview of how thoroughly the search space was explored and which regions tend to produce which outcomes
- Scatter Plot shows both metric values for each trial -- this is useful for understanding the tradeoffs between competing metrics, like compressive strength and weight.
- Interaction Analysis Plot shows which parameters have the largest affect on the function and plots the most important parameters as 1 or 2 dimensional surfaces
- Summary lists all trials generated along with their parameterizations, observations, and miscellaneous metadata
Parallel Coordinates for compressive_strength
View arm parameterizations with their respective metric values
Summary for 3d_print_strength_experiment
High-level summary of the Trial
-s in this Experiment
trial_index | arm_name | trial_status | generation_method | generation_node | weight | compressive_strength | infill_density | layer_height | infill_type | |
0 | 0 | 0_0 | COMPLETED | nan | nan | 0.52 | 1.74 | 10.43 | 0.3 | gyroid |
1 | 1 | 1_0 | COMPLETED | nan | nan | 2.31 | 4.63 | 55.54 | 0.12 | lines |
2 | 2 | 2_0 | COMPLETED | nan | nan | 2.84 | 5.68 | 99.43 | 0.35 | rectilinear |
3 | 3 | 3_0 | COMPLETED | nan | nan | 1.97 | 3.95 | 41.44 | 0.21 | rectilinear |
4 | 4 | 4_0 | COMPLETED | nan | nan | 3.31 | 7.36 | 27.23 | 0.37 | honeycomb |
5 | 5 | 5_0 | COMPLETED | nan | nan | 6.29 | 13.99 | 33.57 | 0.24 | honeycomb |
6 | 6 | 6_0 | COMPLETED | BoTorch | MBM | 12.1457 | 26.9905 | 55.0255 | 0.20387 | honeycomb |
7 | 7 | 7_0 | COMPLETED | BoTorch | MBM | 0.65961 | 1.4658 | 3.29584 | 0.224849 | honeycomb |
8 | 8 | 8_0 | COMPLETED | BoTorch | MBM | 11.6295 | 25.8434 | 67.2087 | 0.260062 | honeycomb |
9 | 9 | 9_0 | COMPLETED | BoTorch | MBM | 9.18253 | 20.4056 | 42.4882 | 0.208218 | honeycomb |
10 | 10 | 10_0 | COMPLETED | BoTorch | MBM | 33.3124 | 74.0277 | 74.0277 | 0.1 | honeycomb |
11 | 11 | 11_0 | COMPLETED | BoTorch | MBM | 7.05347 | 15.6744 | 60.6148 | 0.386713 | honeycomb |
12 | 12 | 12_0 | COMPLETED | BoTorch | MBM | 1.41692 | 2.83384 | 86.4306 | 0.304994 | lines |
13 | 13 | 13_0 | COMPLETED | BoTorch | MBM | 1.16184 | 3.8728 | 9.00879 | 0.116308 | gyroid |
14 | 14 | 14_0 | COMPLETED | BoTorch | MBM | 0.068791 | 0.137582 | 5.50326 | 0.4 | lines |
Cross Validation for compressive_strength
Out-of-sample predictions using leave-one-out CV
Cross Validation for weight
Out-of-sample predictions using leave-one-out CV
This tutorial demonstrates how to use Ax's Client
for optimizing the strength of 3D
printed parts in a human-in-the-loop setting. By iteratively collecting data and
refining parameters, you can effectively apply black box optimization to real-world