Ask-tell experimentation with trial-level early stopping
Trial-level early stopping aims to monitor the results of expensive evaluations with timeseries-like data and terminate those that are unlikely to produce promising results prior to completing that evaluation. This reduces computational waste, and enables the same amount of resources to explore more configurations. Early stopping is useful for expensive to evaluate problems where stepwise information is available on the way to the final measurement.
Like the ask-tell tutorial we'll be minimizing the Hartmann6 function, but this time we've modified it to incorporate a new parameter which allows the function to produce timeseries-like data where the value returned is closer and closer to Hartmann6's true value as increases. At the function will simply return Hartmann6's unaltered value.
While the function is synthetic, the workflow captures the intended principles for this tutorial and is similar to the process of training typical machine learning models.
Learning Objectives
- Understand when time-series-like data can be used in an optimization experiment
- Run a simple optimization experiment with early stopping
- Configure details of an early stopping strategy
- Analyze the results of the optimization
- Familiarity with Python and basic programming concepts
- Understanding of adaptive experimentation and Bayesian optimization
- Ask-tell Optimization of Python Functions
Step 1: Import Necessary Modules
First, ensure you have all the necessary imports:
import numpy as np
import as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from ax.early_stopping.strategies import PercentileEarlyStoppingStrategy
from ax.preview.api.client import Client
from ax.preview.api.configs import ExperimentConfig, ParameterType, RangeParameterConfig
Step 2: Initialize the Client
Create an instance of the Client
to manage the state of your experiment.
client = Client()
Step 3: Configure the Experiment
The Client
instance can be configured with a series of Config
s that define how the
experiment will be run.
The Hartmann6 problem is usually evaluated on the hypercube , so we will
define six identical RangeParameterConfig
s with these bounds and add these to an
along with other metadata about the experiment.
You may specify additional features like parameter constraints to further refine the search space and parameter scaling to help navigate parameters with nonuniform effects. For more on configuring experiments, see this recipe.
# Define six float parameters for the Hartmann6 function
parameters = [
name=f"x{i + 1}", parameter_type=ParameterType.FLOAT, bounds=(0, 1)
for i in range(6)
# Create an experiment configuration
experiment_config = ExperimentConfig(
# The following arguments are optional
description="Optimization of the Hartmann6 function",
# Apply the experiment configuration to the client
Step 4: Configure Optimization
Now, we must configure the objective for this optimization, which we do using
. This method expects a string objective
, an expression
containing either a single metric to maximize, a linear combination of metrics to
maximize, or a tuple of multiple metrics to jointly maximize. These expressions are
parsed using SymPy. For example:
would direct Ax to maximize a metric named score"-loss"
would direct Ax to Ax to minimize a metric named loss"task_0 + 0.5 * task_1"
would direct Ax to maximize the sum of two task scores, downweighting task_1 by a factor of 0.5"score, -flops"
would direct Ax to simultaneously maximize score while minimizing flops
For more information on configuring objectives and outcome constraints, see this recipe.
Step 5: Run Trials with early stopping
Here, we will configure the ask-tell loop.
We begin by defining our Hartmann6 function as written above. Remember, this is just an example problem and any Python function can be substituted here.
Then we will iteratively do the following:
- Call
to "ask" Ax for a parameterization to evaluate - Evaluate
using those parameters in an inner loop to simulate the generation of timeseries data - "Tell" Ax the partial result using
- Query whether the trial should be stopped via
- Stop the underperforming trial and report back to Ax that is has been stopped
This loop will run multiple trials to optimize the function.
Ax will configure an EarlyStoppingStrategy when should_stop_trial_early
is called for
the first time. By default Ax uses a Percentile early stopping strategy which will
terminate a trial early if its performance falls below a percentile threshold when
compared to other trials at the same step. Early stopping can only occur after a minimum
number of progressions
to prevent premature early stopping. This validates that both
enough data is gathered to make a decision and there is a minimum number of completed
trials with curve data; these completed trials establish a baseline.
# Hartmann6 function
def hartmann6(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6):
alpha = np.array([1.0, 1.2, 3.0, 3.2])
A = np.array(
[10, 3, 17, 3.5, 1.7, 8],
[0.05, 10, 17, 0.1, 8, 14],
[3, 3.5, 1.7, 10, 17, 8],
[17, 8, 0.05, 10, 0.1, 14],
P = 10**-4 * np.array(
[1312, 1696, 5569, 124, 8283, 5886],
[2329, 4135, 8307, 3736, 1004, 9991],
[2348, 1451, 3522, 2883, 3047, 6650],
[4047, 8828, 8732, 5743, 1091, 381],
outer = 0.0
for i in range(4):
inner = 0.0
for j, x in enumerate([x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6]):
inner += A[i, j] * (x - P[i, j]) ** 2
outer += alpha[i] * np.exp(-inner)
return -outer
# Hartmann6 function with additional t term such that
# hartmann6(X) == hartmann6_curve(X, t=100)
def hartmann6_curve(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, t):
return hartmann6(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6) - np.log2(t / 100)
hartmann6(0.1, 0.45, 0.8, 0.25, 0.552, 1.0),
hartmann6_curve(0.1, 0.45, 0.8, 0.25, 0.552, 1.0, 100),
maximum_progressions = 100 # Observe hartmann6_curve over 100 progressions
for _ in range(30): # Run 30 trials
trials = client.get_next_trials(maximum_trials=1)
for trial_index, parameters in trials.items():
for t in range(1, maximum_progressions + 1):
raw_data = {"hartmann6": hartmann6_curve(t=t, **parameters)}
# On the final reading call complete_trial and break, else call attach_data
if t == maximum_progressions:
trial_index=trial_index, raw_data=raw_data, progression=t
trial_index=trial_index, raw_data=raw_data, progression=t
# If the trial is underperforming, stop it
if client.should_stop_trial_early(trial_index=trial_index):
Step 6: Analyze Results
After running trials, you can analyze the results. Most commonly this means extracting the parameterization from the best performing trial you conducted.
best_parameters, prediction, index, name = client.get_best_parameterization()
print("Best Parameters:", best_parameters)
print("Prediction (mean, variance):", prediction)
Step 7: Compute Analyses
Ax can also produce a number of analyses to help interpret the results of the experiment
via client.compute_analyses
. Users can manually select which analyses to run, or can
allow Ax to select which would be most relevant. In this case Ax selects the following:
- Parrellel Coordinates Plot shows which parameterizations were evaluated and what metric values were observed -- this is useful for getting a high level overview of how thoroughly the search space was explored and which regions tend to produce which outcomes
- Interaction Analysis Plot shows which parameters have the largest affect on the function and plots the most important parameters as 1 or 2 dimensional surfaces
- Summary lists all trials generated along with their parameterizations, observations, and miscellaneous metadata
client.compute_analyses(display=True) # By default Ax will display the AnalysisCards produced by compute_analyses
Parallel Coordinates for hartmann6
View arm parameterizations with their respective metric values
hartmann6 by progression
Observe how the metric changes as each trial progresses
Interaction Analysis for hartmann6
Understand an Experiment's data as one- or two-dimensional additive components with sparsity. Important components are visualized through slice or contour plots
Summary for hartmann6_experiment
High-level summary of the Trial
-s in this Experiment
trial_index | arm_name | trial_status | generation_method | generation_node | hartmann6 | x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5 | x6 | |
0 | 0 | 0_0 | COMPLETED | Sobol | Sobol | -0.106925 | 0.177323 | 0.7554 | 0.742666 | 0.440512 | 0.705899 | 0.80327 |
1 | 1 | 1_0 | COMPLETED | Sobol | Sobol | -0.132358 | 0.969821 | 0.049505 | 0.141375 | 0.533487 | 0.279822 | 0.352548 |
2 | 2 | 2_0 | COMPLETED | Sobol | Sobol | -0.028089 | 0.735593 | 0.500031 | 0.98977 | 0.100572 | 0.160783 | 0.057986 |
3 | 3 | 3_0 | COMPLETED | Sobol | Sobol | -0.021849 | 0.411818 | 0.30395 | 0.403563 | 0.882461 | 0.852518 | 0.598567 |
4 | 4 | 4_0 | COMPLETED | Sobol | Sobol | -0.000315 | 0.316204 | 0.739374 | 0.055304 | 0.786278 | 0.948584 | 0.885846 |
5 | 5 | 5_0 | COMPLETED | BoTorch | MBM | -1.24719 | 0.65442 | 0.14301 | 0.435167 | 0.466066 | 0.350256 | 0.645672 |
6 | 6 | 6_0 | COMPLETED | BoTorch | MBM | -1.3499 | 0.632291 | 0.063884 | 0.43263 | 0.421793 | 0.284825 | 0.789439 |
7 | 7 | 7_0 | COMPLETED | BoTorch | MBM | -0.565801 | 0.643751 | 0.035596 | 0.154409 | 0.376237 | 0.417006 | 0.974714 |
8 | 8 | 8_0 | COMPLETED | BoTorch | MBM | -1.43145 | 0.640835 | 0.026037 | 0.480317 | 0.229587 | 0.31064 | 0.805952 |
9 | 9 | 9_0 | COMPLETED | BoTorch | MBM | -0.427434 | 0.585275 | 0.27551 | 0.497422 | 0 | 0.198016 | 1 |
10 | 10 | 10_0 | COMPLETED | BoTorch | MBM | -0.572103 | 0.701303 | 0 | 0.642484 | 0 | 0.275841 | 0.725476 |
11 | 11 | 11_0 | COMPLETED | BoTorch | MBM | -1.09963 | 0.662206 | 0 | 0.509523 | 0.327381 | 0.448667 | 0.656137 |
12 | 12 | 12_0 | COMPLETED | BoTorch | MBM | -2.19419 | 0.494814 | 0 | 0.493684 | 0.325783 | 0.318969 | 0.726258 |
13 | 13 | 13_0 | COMPLETED | BoTorch | MBM | -1.18138 | 0.457048 | 0 | 0.507847 | 0.454661 | 0.356154 | 0.890672 |
14 | 14 | 14_0 | COMPLETED | BoTorch | MBM | -2.42008 | 0.459385 | 0.002023 | 0.468699 | 0.286651 | 0.270283 | 0.653674 |
15 | 15 | 15_0 | COMPLETED | BoTorch | MBM | -1.41663 | 0.425329 | 0 | 0.904664 | 0.298363 | 0.250027 | 0.608034 |
16 | 16 | 16_0 | COMPLETED | BoTorch | MBM | -2.60479 | 0.44144 | 0.213296 | 0.332616 | 0.27129 | 0.275142 | 0.632887 |
17 | 17 | 17_0 | COMPLETED | BoTorch | MBM | -2.2387 | 0.429377 | 0 | 0.149733 | 0.276908 | 0.262049 | 0.633281 |
18 | 18 | 18_0 | EARLY_STOPPED | BoTorch | MBM | 2.35231 | 0.431879 | 0.687592 | 0.383725 | 0.279572 | 0.275458 | 0.600176 |
19 | 19 | 19_0 | EARLY_STOPPED | BoTorch | MBM | 2.34879 | 0.431663 | 0.687103 | 0.382516 | 0.278803 | 0.276868 | 0.600813 |
20 | 20 | 20_0 | EARLY_STOPPED | BoTorch | MBM | 2.18304 | 0.431801 | 0.67869 | 0.383534 | 0.279341 | 0.27536 | 0.599902 |
21 | 21 | 21_0 | EARLY_STOPPED | BoTorch | MBM | 2.34458 | 0.432071 | 0.685054 | 0.383612 | 0.2805 | 0.274564 | 0.599833 |
22 | 22 | 22_0 | EARLY_STOPPED | BoTorch | MBM | 2.34746 | 0.431716 | 0.686642 | 0.382629 | 0.279018 | 0.276622 | 0.600718 |
23 | 23 | 23_0 | EARLY_STOPPED | BoTorch | MBM | 2.16563 | 0.432042 | 0.673404 | 0.384113 | 0.280238 | 0.274141 | 0.599344 |
24 | 24 | 24_0 | EARLY_STOPPED | BoTorch | MBM | 2.36676 | 0.432329 | 0.691018 | 0.383611 | 0.281585 | 0.273867 | 0.599837 |
25 | 25 | 25_0 | EARLY_STOPPED | BoTorch | MBM | 2.03431 | 0.43152 | 0.672934 | 0.382822 | 0.27799 | 0.276972 | 0.600532 |
26 | 26 | 26_0 | EARLY_STOPPED | BoTorch | MBM | 2.19864 | 0.431871 | 0.682976 | 0.383442 | 0.279683 | 0.275262 | 0.599991 |
27 | 27 | 27_0 | EARLY_STOPPED | BoTorch | MBM | 2.35683 | 0.431864 | 0.689052 | 0.38281 | 0.279662 | 0.27604 | 0.600567 |
28 | 28 | 28_0 | EARLY_STOPPED | BoTorch | MBM | 2.16815 | 0.431823 | 0.674669 | 0.383397 | 0.279309 | 0.27558 | 0.600015 |
29 | 29 | 29_0 | EARLY_STOPPED | BoTorch | MBM | 2.36011 | 0.431921 | 0.689622 | 0.383413 | 0.280011 | 0.27507 | 0.60003 |
Cross Validation for hartmann6
Out-of-sample predictions using leave-one-out CV
This tutorial demonstates Ax's early stopping capabilities, which utilize timeseries-like data to monitor the results of expensive evaluations and terminate those that are unlikely to produce promising results, freeing up resources to explore more configurations. This can be used in a number of applications, and is especially useful in machine learning contexts.