This tutorial illustrates the core visualization utilities available in Ax.
import numpy as np
from ax.modelbridge.cross_validation import cross_validate
from ax.plot.contour import interact_contour
from ax.plot.diagnostic import interact_cross_validation
from ax.plot.scatter import interact_fitted, plot_objective_vs_constraints, tile_fitted
from ax.plot.slice import plot_slice
from ax.service.ax_client import AxClient, ObjectiveProperties
from ax.utils.measurement.synthetic_functions import hartmann6
from ax.utils.notebook.plotting import init_notebook_plotting, render
The vizualizations require an experiment object and a model fit on the evaluated data. The routine below is a copy of the Service API tutorial, so the explanation here is omitted. Retrieving the experiment and model objects for each API paradigm is shown in the respective tutorials
noise_sd = 0.1
param_names = [f"x{i+1}" for i in range(6)] # x1, x2, ..., x6
def noisy_hartmann_evaluation_function(parameterization):
x = np.array([parameterization.get(p_name) for p_name in param_names])
noise1, noise2 = np.random.normal(0, noise_sd, 2)
return {
"hartmann6": (hartmann6(x) + noise1, noise_sd),
"l2norm": (np.sqrt((x**2).sum()) + noise2, noise_sd),
ax_client = AxClient()
"name": p_name,
"type": "range",
"bounds": [0.0, 1.0],
for p_name in param_names
objectives={"hartmann6": ObjectiveProperties(minimize=True)},
outcome_constraints=["l2norm <= 1.25"],
for i in range(20):
parameters, trial_index = ax_client.get_next_trial()
# Local evaluation here can be replaced with deployment to external system.
trial_index=trial_index, raw_data=noisy_hartmann_evaluation_function(parameters)
The plot below shows the response surface for hartmann6
metric as a function of the x1
, x2
The other parameters are fixed in the middle of their respective ranges, which in this example is 0.5 for all of them.
# this could alternately be done with `ax.plot.contour.plot_contour`
render(ax_client.get_contour_plot(param_x="x1", param_y="x2", metric_name="hartmann6"))
The plot below allows toggling between different pairs of parameters to view the contours.
model = ax_client.generation_strategy.model
render(interact_contour(model=model, metric_name="hartmann6"))
This plot illustrates the tradeoffs achievable for 2 different metrics. The plot takes the x-axis metric as input (usually the objective) and allows toggling among all other metrics for the y-axis.
This is useful to get a sense of the pareto frontier (i.e. what is the best objective value achievable for different bounds on the constraint)
render(plot_objective_vs_constraints(model, "hartmann6", rel=False))
CV plots are useful to check how well the model predictions calibrate against the actual measurements. If all points are close to the dashed line, then the model is a good predictor of the real data.
cv_results = cross_validate(model)
Slice plots show the metric outcome as a function of one parameter while fixing the others. They serve a similar function as contour plots.
render(plot_slice(model, "x2", "hartmann6"))
Tile plots are useful for viewing the effect of each arm.
render(interact_fitted(model, rel=False))
Total runtime of script: 54 seconds.