Source code for ax.utils.sensitivity.sobol_measures

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Callable, List, Optional

import torch
from ax.utils.common.typeutils import checked_cast
from botorch.models.model import Model
from botorch.posteriors.gpytorch import GPyTorchPosterior
from botorch.sampling.normal import SobolQMCNormalSampler
from botorch.utils.sampling import draw_sobol_samples
from botorch.utils.transforms import unnormalize
from torch._tensor import Tensor

[docs]class SobolSensitivity(object): def __init__( self, dim: int, bounds: torch.Tensor, input_function: Optional[Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]] = None, num_mc_samples: int = 10**4, input_qmc: bool = False, second_order: bool = False, num_bootstrap_samples: int = 1, bootstrap_array: bool = False, ) -> None: r"""Computes three types of Sobol indices: first order indices, total indices and second order indices (if specified ). Args: dim: The dimension of the function. bounds: Parameter bounds over which to evaluate model sensitivity. input_function: The objective function. num_mc_samples: The number of montecarlo grid samples input_qmc: If True, a qmc Sobol grid is use instead of uniformly random. second_order: If True, the second order indices are computed. bootstrap: If true, the MC error is returned. num_bootstrap_samples: If bootstrap is true, the number of bootstraps has to be specified. bootstrap_array: If true, all the num_bootstrap_samples extimated indices are returned instead of their mean and Var. """ self.input_function = input_function self.dim = dim self.num_mc_samples = num_mc_samples self.second_order = second_order # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self.bootstrap = num_bootstrap_samples > 1 # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self.num_bootstrap_samples = ( num_bootstrap_samples - 1 ) # deduct 1 because the first is meant to be the full grid self.bootstrap_array = bootstrap_array if input_qmc: # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self.A = draw_sobol_samples(bounds=bounds, n=num_mc_samples, q=1).squeeze(1) # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self.B = draw_sobol_samples(bounds=bounds, n=num_mc_samples, q=1).squeeze(1) else: self.A = unnormalize(torch.rand(num_mc_samples, dim), bounds=bounds) self.B = unnormalize(torch.rand(num_mc_samples, dim), bounds=bounds) # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self.A_B_ABi = self.generate_all_input_matrix().to(torch.double) if self.bootstrap: subset_size = 4 # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self.bootstrap_indices = torch.randint( 0, num_mc_samples, (self.num_bootstrap_samples, subset_size) ) self.f_A: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None self.f_B: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None # pyre-fixme[24]: Generic type `list` expects 1 type parameter, use # `typing.List` to avoid runtime subscripting errors. self.f_ABis: Optional[List] = None self.f_total_var: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None # pyre-fixme[24]: Generic type `list` expects 1 type parameter, use # `typing.List` to avoid runtime subscripting errors. self.f_A_btsp: Optional[List] = None # pyre-fixme[24]: Generic type `list` expects 1 type parameter, use # `typing.List` to avoid runtime subscripting errors. self.f_B_btsp: Optional[List] = None # pyre-fixme[24]: Generic type `list` expects 1 type parameter, use # `typing.List` to avoid runtime subscripting errors. self.f_ABis_btsp: Optional[List] = None # pyre-fixme[24]: Generic type `list` expects 1 type parameter, use # `typing.List` to avoid runtime subscripting errors. self.f_total_var_btsp: Optional[List] = None # pyre-fixme[24]: Generic type `list` expects 1 type parameter, use # `typing.List` to avoid runtime subscripting errors. self.f_BAis: Optional[List] = None # pyre-fixme[24]: Generic type `list` expects 1 type parameter, use # `typing.List` to avoid runtime subscripting errors. self.f_BAis_btsp: Optional[List] = None self.first_order_idxs: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None self.first_order_idxs_btsp: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
[docs] def generate_all_input_matrix(self) -> torch.Tensor: A_B_ABi =, self.B), dim=0) for i in range(self.dim): AB_i = deepcopy(self.A) AB_i[:, i] = self.B[:, i] A_B_ABi =, AB_i), dim=0) if self.second_order: for i in range(self.dim): BA_i = deepcopy(self.B) BA_i[:, i] = self.A[:, i] A_B_ABi =, BA_i), dim=0) return A_B_ABi
[docs] def evalute_function(self, f_A_B_ABi: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None) -> None: r"""evaluates the objective function and devides the evaluation into torch.Tensors needed for the indices computation. Args: f_A_B_ABi: Function evaluations on the entire grid of size M(d+2). """ if f_A_B_ABi is None: f_A_B_ABi = self.input_function(self.A_B_ABi) # pyre-ignore # for multiple output models, average the outcomes if len(f_A_B_ABi.shape) == 3: f_A_B_ABi = f_A_B_ABi.mean(dim=0) self.f_A = f_A_B_ABi[: self.num_mc_samples] self.f_B = f_A_B_ABi[self.num_mc_samples : self.num_mc_samples * 2] self.f_ABis = [ f_A_B_ABi[self.num_mc_samples * (i + 2) : self.num_mc_samples * (i + 3)] for i in range(self.dim) ] self.f_total_var = torch.var(f_A_B_ABi[: self.num_mc_samples * 2]) if self.bootstrap: self.f_A_btsp = [ torch.index_select(self.f_A, 0, indices) # pyre-ignore for indices in self.bootstrap_indices ] self.f_B_btsp = [ torch.index_select(self.f_B, 0, indices) # pyre-ignore for indices in self.bootstrap_indices ] self.f_ABis_btsp = [ [ torch.index_select(f_ABi, 0, indices) for f_ABi in self.f_ABis # pyre-ignore ] for indices in self.bootstrap_indices ] self.f_total_var_btsp = [ torch.var( (self.f_A_btsp[i], self.f_B_btsp[i]), dim=0 # pyre-ignore ) ) for i in range(self.num_bootstrap_samples) ] if self.second_order: self.f_BAis = [ f_A_B_ABi[ self.num_mc_samples * (i + 2 + self.dim) : self.num_mc_samples * (i + 3 + self.dim) ] for i in range(self.dim) ] if self.bootstrap: self.f_BAis_btsp = [ [torch.index_select(f_BAi, 0, indices) for f_BAi in self.f_BAis] for indices in self.bootstrap_indices ]
[docs] def first_order_indices(self) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Computes the first order Sobol indices: Returns: if num_bootstrap_samples>1 Tensor: (values,var_mc,stderr_mc)x dim else Tensor: (values)x dim """ first_order_idxs = [] for i in range(self.dim): vi = ( torch.mean(self.f_B * (self.f_ABis[i] - self.f_A)) # pyre-ignore / self.f_total_var ) first_order_idxs.append(vi.unsqueeze(0)) self.first_order_idxs =, dim=0).detach() if not (self.bootstrap): return self.first_order_idxs else: first_order_idxs_btsp = [, dim=0).unsqueeze(0)] for b in range(self.num_bootstrap_samples): first_order_idxs = [] for i in range(self.dim): vi = ( torch.mean( self.f_B_btsp[b] * (self.f_ABis_btsp[b][i] - self.f_A_btsp[b]) ) / self.f_total_var_btsp[b] ) first_order_idxs.append(vi.unsqueeze(0)) first_order_idxs_btsp.append(, dim=0).unsqueeze(0) ) self.first_order_idxs_btsp =, dim=0) if self.bootstrap_array: return self.first_order_idxs_btsp.detach() else: return ( [ self.first_order_idxs_btsp.mean(dim=0).unsqueeze(0), self.first_order_idxs_btsp.var( # pyre-ignore dim=0 ).unsqueeze(0), torch.sqrt( self.first_order_idxs_btsp.var(dim=0) / (self.num_bootstrap_samples + 1) ).unsqueeze(0), ], dim=0, ) .t() .detach() )
# pyre-fixme[3]: Return type must be annotated.
[docs] def total_order_indices(self): r"""Computes the total Sobol indices: Returns: if num_bootstrap_samples>1 Tensor: (values,var_mc,stderr_mc)x dim else Tensor: (values)x dim """ total_order_idxs = [] for i in range(self.dim): vti = ( 0.5 # pyre-fixme[58]: `-` is not supported for operand types # `Optional[torch._tensor.Tensor]` and `Any`. # pyre-fixme[16]: `Optional` has no attribute `__getitem__`. * torch.mean(torch.pow(self.f_A - self.f_ABis[i], 2)) / self.f_total_var ) total_order_idxs.append(vti.unsqueeze(0)) if not (self.bootstrap): total_order_idxs =, dim=0).detach() return total_order_idxs else: total_order_idxs_btsp = [, dim=0).unsqueeze(0)] for b in range(self.num_bootstrap_samples): total_order_idxs = [] for i in range(self.dim): vti = ( 0.5 * torch.mean( torch.pow(self.f_A_btsp[b] - self.f_ABis_btsp[b][i], 2) ) / self.f_total_var_btsp[b] ) total_order_idxs.append(vti.unsqueeze(0)) total_order_idxs_btsp.append(, dim=0).unsqueeze(0) ) total_order_idxs_btsp =, dim=0) if self.bootstrap_array: return total_order_idxs_btsp.detach() else: return ( [ total_order_idxs_btsp.mean(dim=0).unsqueeze(0), total_order_idxs_btsp.var(dim=0).unsqueeze(0), torch.sqrt( total_order_idxs_btsp.var(dim=0) / (self.num_bootstrap_samples + 1) ).unsqueeze(0), ], dim=0, ) .t() .detach() )
# pyre-fixme[3]: Return type must be annotated.
[docs] def second_order_indices( self, first_order_idxs: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, first_order_idxs_btsp: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ): r"""Computes the Second order Sobol indices: Args: first_order_idxs: Tensor of first order indices. first_order_idxs_btsp: Tensor of all first order indices given by bootstrap. Returns: if num_bootstrap_samples>1 Tensor: (values,var_mc,stderr_mc)x dim else Tensor: (values)x dim """ if not self.second_order: raise ValueError( "Second order indices has to be specified in the sensitivity definition" ) if first_order_idxs is None: first_order_idxs = self.first_order_idxs second_order_idxs = [] for i in range(self.dim): for j in range(i + 1, self.dim): vij = torch.mean( self.f_BAis[i] * self.f_ABis[j] - self.f_A * self.f_B # pyre-ignore ) vij = ( (vij / self.f_total_var) - first_order_idxs[i] # pyre-ignore - first_order_idxs[j] ) second_order_idxs.append(vij.unsqueeze(0)) if not (self.bootstrap): second_order_idxs =, dim=0).detach() return second_order_idxs else: second_order_idxs_btsp = [, dim=0).unsqueeze(0)] if first_order_idxs_btsp is None: first_order_idxs_btsp = self.first_order_idxs_btsp for b in range(self.num_bootstrap_samples): second_order_idxs = [] for i in range(self.dim): for j in range(i + 1, self.dim): vij = torch.mean( self.f_BAis_btsp[b][i] * self.f_ABis_btsp[b][j] - self.f_A_btsp[b] * self.f_B_btsp[b] ) vij = ( (vij / self.f_total_var_btsp[b]) - first_order_idxs_btsp[b][i] - first_order_idxs_btsp[b][j] ) second_order_idxs.append(vij.unsqueeze(0)) second_order_idxs_btsp.append(, dim=0).unsqueeze(0) ) second_order_idxs_btsp =, dim=0) if self.bootstrap_array: return second_order_idxs_btsp.detach() else: return ( [ second_order_idxs_btsp.mean(dim=0).unsqueeze(0), second_order_idxs_btsp.var(dim=0).unsqueeze(0), torch.sqrt( second_order_idxs_btsp.var(dim=0) / (self.num_bootstrap_samples + 1) ).unsqueeze(0), ], dim=0, ) .t() .detach() )
[docs]def GaussianLinkMean(mean: torch.Tensor, var: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return mean
[docs]def ProbitLinkMean(mean: torch.Tensor, var: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: a = mean / torch.sqrt(1 + var) return torch.distributions.Normal(0, 1).cdf(a)
[docs]class SobolSensitivityGPMean(object): def __init__( self, model: Model, bounds: torch.Tensor, num_mc_samples: int = 10**4, second_order: bool = False, input_qmc: bool = False, num_bootstrap_samples: int = 1, link_function: Callable[ [torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor ] = GaussianLinkMean, ) -> None: r"""Computes three types of Sobol indices: first order indices, total indices and second order indices (if specified ). Args: model: Botorch model bounds: Parameter bounds over which to evaluate model sensitivity. method: if "predictive mean", the predictive mean is used for indices computation. If "GP samples", posterior sampling is used instead. num_mc_samples: The number of montecarlo grid samples second_order: If True, the second order indices are computed. input_qmc: If True, a qmc Sobol grid is use instead of uniformly random. num_bootstrap_samples: If bootstrap is true, the number of bootstraps has to be specified. """ self.model = model self.dim = model.train_inputs[0].shape[-1] # pyre-ignore self.second_order = second_order self.input_qmc = input_qmc # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self.bootstrap = num_bootstrap_samples > 1 self.num_bootstrap_samples = num_bootstrap_samples self.num_mc_samples = num_mc_samples def input_function(x: Tensor) -> Tensor: with torch.no_grad(): p = checked_cast(GPyTorchPosterior, self.model.posterior(x)) return link_function(p.mean, p.variance) self.sensitivity = SobolSensitivity( dim=self.dim, num_mc_samples=self.num_mc_samples, input_function=input_function, bounds=bounds, second_order=self.second_order, input_qmc=self.input_qmc, num_bootstrap_samples=self.num_bootstrap_samples, ) self.sensitivity.evalute_function()
[docs] def first_order_indices(self) -> Tensor: r"""Computes the first order Sobol indices: Returns: if num_bootstrap_samples>1 Tensor: (values,var_mc,stderr_mc)x dim else Tensor: (values)x dim """ return self.sensitivity.first_order_indices()
# pyre-fixme[3]: Return type must be annotated.
[docs] def total_order_indices(self): r"""Computes the total Sobol indices: Returns: if num_bootstrap_samples>1 Tensor: (values,var_mc,stderr_mc)x dim else Tensor: (values)x dim """ return self.sensitivity.total_order_indices()
# pyre-fixme[3]: Return type must be annotated.
[docs] def second_order_indices(self): r"""Computes the Second order Sobol indices: Returns: if num_bootstrap_samples>1 Tensor: (values,var_mc,stderr_mc)x dim(dim-1)/2 else Tensor: (values)x dim(dim-1)/2 """ return self.sensitivity.second_order_indices()
[docs]class SobolSensitivityGPSampling(object): def __init__( self, model: Model, bounds: torch.Tensor, num_gp_samples: int = 10**3, num_mc_samples: int = 10**4, second_order: bool = False, input_qmc: bool = False, gp_sample_qmc: bool = False, num_bootstrap_samples: int = 1, ) -> None: r"""Computes three types of Sobol indices: first order indices, total indices and second order indices (if specified ). Args: model: Botorch model. bounds: Parameter bounds over which to evaluate model sensitivity. num_gp_samples: If method is "GP samples", the number of GP samples has to be set. num_mc_samples: The number of montecarlo grid samples second_order: If True, the second order indices are computed. input_qmc: If True, a qmc Sobol grid is use instead of uniformly random. gp_sample_qmc: If True, the posterior sampling is done using SobolQMCNormalSampler. num_bootstrap_samples: If bootstrap is true, the number of bootstraps has to be specified. """ self.model = model self.dim = model.train_inputs[0].shape[-1] # pyre-ignore self.second_order = second_order self.input_qmc = input_qmc self.gp_sample_qmc = gp_sample_qmc # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self.bootstrap = num_bootstrap_samples > 1 self.num_bootstrap_samples = num_bootstrap_samples self.num_mc_samples = num_mc_samples self.num_gp_samples = num_gp_samples self.sensitivity = SobolSensitivity( dim=self.dim, num_mc_samples=self.num_mc_samples, bounds=bounds, second_order=self.second_order, input_qmc=self.input_qmc, num_bootstrap_samples=self.num_bootstrap_samples, bootstrap_array=True, ) posterior = self.model.posterior(self.sensitivity.A_B_ABi) if self.gp_sample_qmc: sampler = SobolQMCNormalSampler( sample_shape=torch.Size([self.num_gp_samples]), seed=0 ) # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self.samples = sampler(posterior) else: with torch.no_grad(): self.samples = posterior.rsample(torch.Size([self.num_gp_samples]))
[docs] def first_order_indices(self) -> Tensor: r"""Computes the first order Sobol indices: Returns: if num_bootstrap_samples>1 Tensor: (values,var_gp,stderr_gp,var_mc,stderr_mc)x dim else Tensor: (values,var,stderr)x dim """ first_order_idxs_list = [] for j in range(self.num_gp_samples): self.sensitivity.evalute_function(self.samples[j]) first_order_idxs = self.sensitivity.first_order_indices() first_order_idxs_list.append(first_order_idxs.unsqueeze(0)) # pyre-fixme[16]: `SobolSensitivityGPSampling` has no attribute # `first_order_idxs_list`. self.first_order_idxs_list =, dim=0) if not (self.bootstrap): first_order_idxs_mean_var_se = [] for i in range(self.dim): first_order_idxs_mean_var_se.append( torch.tensor( [ torch.mean(self.first_order_idxs_list[:, i]), torch.var(self.first_order_idxs_list[:, i]), torch.sqrt( torch.var(self.first_order_idxs_list[:, i]) / self.num_gp_samples ), ] ).unsqueeze(0) ) first_order_idxs_mean_var_se = first_order_idxs_mean_var_se, dim=0 ) return first_order_idxs_mean_var_se else: var_per_bootstrap = torch.var(self.first_order_idxs_list, dim=0) gp_var = torch.mean(var_per_bootstrap, dim=0) gp_se = torch.sqrt(gp_var / self.num_gp_samples) var_per_gp_sample = torch.var(self.first_order_idxs_list, dim=1) mc_var = torch.mean(var_per_gp_sample, dim=0) mc_se = torch.sqrt(mc_var / (self.num_bootstrap_samples + 1)) total_mean = self.first_order_idxs_list.reshape(-1, self.dim).mean(dim=0) first_order_idxs_mean_vargp_segp_varmc_segp = [ torch.tensor( [total_mean[i], gp_var[i], gp_se[i], mc_var[i], mc_se[i]] ).unsqueeze(0) for i in range(self.dim) ], dim=0, ) return first_order_idxs_mean_vargp_segp_varmc_segp
[docs] def total_order_indices(self) -> Tensor: r"""Computes the total Sobol indices: Returns: if num_bootstrap_samples>1 Tensor: (values,var_gp,stderr_gp,var_mc,stderr_mc)x dim else Tensor: (values,var,stderr)x dim """ total_order_idxs_list = [] for j in range(self.num_gp_samples): self.sensitivity.evalute_function(self.samples[j]) total_order_idxs = self.sensitivity.total_order_indices() total_order_idxs_list.append(total_order_idxs.unsqueeze(0)) total_order_idxs_list =, dim=0) if not (self.bootstrap): total_order_idxs_mean_var = [] for i in range(self.dim): total_order_idxs_mean_var.append( torch.tensor( [ torch.mean(total_order_idxs_list[:, i]), torch.var(total_order_idxs_list[:, i]), torch.sqrt( torch.var(total_order_idxs_list[:, i]) / self.num_gp_samples ), ] ).unsqueeze(0) ) total_order_idxs_mean_var =, dim=0) return total_order_idxs_mean_var else: var_per_bootstrap = torch.var(total_order_idxs_list, dim=0) gp_var = torch.mean(var_per_bootstrap, dim=0) gp_se = torch.sqrt(gp_var / self.num_gp_samples) var_per_gp_sample = torch.var(total_order_idxs_list, dim=1) mc_var = torch.mean(var_per_gp_sample, dim=0) mc_se = torch.sqrt(mc_var / (self.num_bootstrap_samples + 1)) total_mean = total_order_idxs_list.reshape(-1, self.dim).mean(dim=0) total_order_idxs_mean_vargp_segp_varmc_segp = [ torch.tensor( [total_mean[i], gp_var[i], gp_se[i], mc_var[i], mc_se[i]] ).unsqueeze(0) for i in range(self.dim) ], dim=0, ) return total_order_idxs_mean_vargp_segp_varmc_segp
[docs] def second_order_indices(self) -> Tensor: r"""Computes the Second order Sobol indices: Returns: if num_bootstrap_samples>1 Tensor: (values,var_gp,stderr_gp,var_mc,stderr_mc)x dim(dim-1)/2 else Tensor: (values,var,stderr)x dim(dim-1)/2 """ if not (self.bootstrap): second_order_idxs_list = [] for j in range(self.num_gp_samples): self.sensitivity.evalute_function(self.samples[j]) second_order_idxs = self.sensitivity.second_order_indices( # pyre-fixme[16]: `SobolSensitivityGPSampling` has no attribute # `first_order_idxs_list`. self.first_order_idxs_list[j] ) second_order_idxs_list.append(second_order_idxs.unsqueeze(0)) second_order_idxs_list =, dim=0) second_order_idxs_mean_var = [] for i in range(len(second_order_idxs)): second_order_idxs_mean_var.append( torch.tensor( [ torch.mean(second_order_idxs_list[:, i]), torch.var(second_order_idxs_list[:, i]), torch.sqrt( torch.var(second_order_idxs_list[:, i]) / self.num_gp_samples ), ] ).unsqueeze(0) ) second_order_idxs_mean_var =, dim=0) return second_order_idxs_mean_var else: second_order_idxs_list = [] for j in range(self.num_gp_samples): self.sensitivity.evalute_function(self.samples[j]) second_order_idxs = self.sensitivity.second_order_indices( self.first_order_idxs_list[j][0], self.first_order_idxs_list[j][1:], ) second_order_idxs_list.append(second_order_idxs.unsqueeze(0)) second_order_idxs_list =, dim=0) var_per_bootstrap = torch.var(second_order_idxs_list, dim=0) gp_var = torch.mean(var_per_bootstrap, dim=0) gp_se = torch.sqrt(gp_var / self.num_gp_samples) var_per_gp_sample = torch.var(second_order_idxs_list, dim=1) mc_var = torch.mean(var_per_gp_sample, dim=0) mc_se = torch.sqrt(mc_var / (self.num_bootstrap_samples + 1)) num_second_order = second_order_idxs_list.shape[-1] total_mean = second_order_idxs_list.reshape(-1, num_second_order).mean( dim=0 ) second_order_idxs_mean_vargp_segp_varmc_segp = [ torch.tensor( [total_mean[i], gp_var[i], gp_se[i], mc_var[i], mc_se[i]] ).unsqueeze(0) for i in range(num_second_order) ], dim=0, ) return second_order_idxs_mean_vargp_segp_varmc_segp