Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# pyre-strict

import enum
from typing import Any, Dict, List

from sqlalchemy import types

[docs]class BaseNullableEnum(types.TypeDecorator): cache_ok = True # pyre-fixme[2]: Parameter annotation cannot be `Any`. def __init__(self, enum: Any, *arg: List[Any], **kw: Dict[Any, Any]) -> None: types.TypeDecorator.__init__(self, *arg, **kw) # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self._member_map = enum._member_map_ # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self._value2member_map = enum._value2member_map_ # pyre-fixme[3]: Return annotation cannot be `Any`. # pyre-fixme[2]: Parameter annotation cannot be `Any`.
[docs] def process_bind_param(self, value: Any, dialect: Any) -> Any: if value is None: return value if not isinstance(value, enum.Enum): raise TypeError("Value is not an instance of Enum.") val = self._member_map.get( if val is None: raise ValueError( "Member '{value}' is not a supported enum: {members}".format( value=value, members=list(self._member_map.keys()) ) ) return val._value_
# pyre-fixme[3]: Return annotation cannot be `Any`. # pyre-fixme[2]: Parameter annotation cannot be `Any`.
[docs] def process_result_value(self, value: Any, dialect: Any) -> Any: if value is None: return value member = self._value2member_map.get(value) if member is None: raise ValueError( f"Value '{value}' is not one of the supported " + "enum values: {supported_values}".format( supported_values=list(self._value2member_map.keys()) ) ) return member
[docs]class IntEnum(BaseNullableEnum): # pyre-fixme[8]: Attribute has type `SmallInteger`; used as # `Type[sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes.SmallInteger]`. impl: types.SmallInteger = types.SmallInteger
[docs]class StringEnum(BaseNullableEnum): impl = types.VARCHAR(NAME_OR_TYPE_FIELD_LENGTH)