Source code for

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# pyre-strict

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC, abstractproperty
from typing import Any, Callable, ChainMap, Dict, Optional, Type

from ax.core.metric import Metric
from ax.core.runner import Runner
from import (
from import register_metrics
from import register_runners
from import Decoder
from import Encoder
from import SQAConfig

[docs]class RegistryBundleBase(ABC): """An abstraction to help with storing experiments with custom Metrics and Runners. Rather than managing registries individually, the RegistryBundle consumes custom metrics, runners, and configuration information and is lazily creates the storage registries needed for saving and loading. Args: metric_clss: A dictionary from Metric classes to the int their type should be encoded as in the associated SQAMetric. If no None is passed for the int a hash will be generated. runner_clss: A dictionary from Runner classes to the int their type should be encoded as in the associated SQARunner. If no None is passed for the int a hash will be generated. json_encoder_registry: A dictionary from Types to methods from an instance of the type to JSON. json_class_encoder_registry: A dictionary from Types to methods from the type's class to JSON. json_decoder_registry: A dictionary from str class labels to their associated Type. json_class_decoder_registry: A dictionary from str class labels to an associated method for reconstruction. """ def __init__( self, metric_clss: Dict[Type[Metric], Optional[int]], runner_clss: Dict[Type[Runner], Optional[int]], # pyre-fixme[2]: Parameter annotation cannot contain `Any`. # pyre-fixme[24]: Generic type `type` expects 1 type parameter, use # `typing.Type` to avoid runtime subscripting errors. json_encoder_registry: Dict[Type, Callable[[Any], Dict[str, Any]]], # pyre-fixme[2]: Parameter annotation cannot contain `Any`. # pyre-fixme[24]: Generic type `type` expects 1 type parameter, use # `typing.Type` to avoid runtime subscripting errors. json_class_encoder_registry: Dict[Type, Callable[[Any], Dict[str, Any]]], json_decoder_registry: TDecoderRegistry, # pyre-fixme[2]: Parameter annotation cannot contain `Any`. json_class_decoder_registry: Dict[str, Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], Any]], ) -> None: # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self._metric_registry, encoder_registry, decoder_registry = register_metrics( metric_clss=metric_clss, encoder_registry=json_encoder_registry, decoder_registry=json_decoder_registry, ) ( # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self._runner_registry, # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self._encoder_registry, # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self._decoder_registry, ) = register_runners( runner_clss=runner_clss, encoder_registry=encoder_registry, decoder_registry=decoder_registry, ) self._json_class_encoder_registry = json_class_encoder_registry self._json_class_decoder_registry = json_class_decoder_registry @property def metric_registry(self) -> Dict[Type[Metric], int]: return self._metric_registry @property def runner_registry(self) -> Dict[Type[Runner], int]: return self._runner_registry @property # pyre-fixme[3]: Return annotation cannot contain `Any`. # pyre-fixme[24]: Generic type `type` expects 1 type parameter, use # `typing.Type` to avoid runtime subscripting errors. def encoder_registry(self) -> Dict[Type, Callable[[Any], Dict[str, Any]]]: return self._encoder_registry @property def decoder_registry(self) -> TDecoderRegistry: return self._decoder_registry @property # pyre-fixme[3]: Return annotation cannot contain `Any`. # pyre-fixme[24]: Generic type `type` expects 1 type parameter, use # `typing.Type` to avoid runtime subscripting errors. def class_encoder_registry(self) -> Dict[Type, Callable[[Any], Dict[str, Any]]]: return self._json_class_encoder_registry @property # pyre-fixme[3]: Return annotation cannot contain `Any`. def class_decoder_registry(self) -> Dict[str, Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], Any]]: return self._json_class_decoder_registry @abstractproperty def sqa_config(self) -> SQAConfig: pass @abstractproperty def encoder(self) -> Encoder: pass @abstractproperty def decoder(self) -> Decoder: pass
[docs] @classmethod def from_registry_bundles( cls, *registry_bundles: RegistryBundleBase ) -> RegistryBundleBase: return cls( metric_clss={}, runner_clss={}, json_encoder_registry=dict( # pyre-ignore[29] `typing._Alias` is not a function. ChainMap(*[bundle.encoder_registry for bundle in registry_bundles]) ), json_class_encoder_registry=dict( # pyre-ignore[29] `typing._Alias` is not a function. ChainMap( *[bundle.class_encoder_registry for bundle in registry_bundles] ) ), json_decoder_registry=dict( # pyre-ignore[29] `typing._Alias` is not a function. ChainMap(*[bundle.decoder_registry for bundle in registry_bundles]) ), json_class_decoder_registry=dict( # pyre-ignore[29] `typing._Alias` is not a function. ChainMap( *[bundle.class_decoder_registry for bundle in registry_bundles] ) ), )
[docs]class RegistryBundle(RegistryBundleBase): """A concrete implementation of RegistryBundleBase with sensible defaults.""" def __init__( self, metric_clss: Dict[Type[Metric], Optional[int]], runner_clss: Dict[Type[Runner], Optional[int]], # pyre-fixme[2]: Parameter annotation cannot contain `Any`. # pyre-fixme[24]: Generic type `type` expects 1 type parameter, use # `typing.Type` to avoid runtime subscripting errors. json_encoder_registry: Dict[ Type, Callable[[Any], Dict[str, Any]] ] = CORE_ENCODER_REGISTRY, # pyre-fixme[2]: Parameter annotation cannot contain `Any`. # pyre-fixme[24]: Generic type `type` expects 1 type parameter, use # `typing.Type` to avoid runtime subscripting errors. json_class_encoder_registry: Dict[ Type, Callable[[Any], Dict[str, Any]] ] = CORE_CLASS_ENCODER_REGISTRY, json_decoder_registry: TDecoderRegistry = CORE_DECODER_REGISTRY, # pyre-fixme[2]: Parameter annotation cannot contain `Any`. json_class_decoder_registry: Dict[ str, Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], Any] ] = CORE_CLASS_DECODER_REGISTRY, ) -> None: super().__init__( metric_clss=metric_clss, runner_clss=runner_clss, json_encoder_registry=json_encoder_registry, json_class_encoder_registry=json_class_encoder_registry, json_decoder_registry=json_decoder_registry, json_class_decoder_registry=json_class_decoder_registry, ) self._sqa_config = SQAConfig( json_encoder_registry={**self.encoder_registry, **CORE_ENCODER_REGISTRY}, json_decoder_registry={**self.decoder_registry, **CORE_DECODER_REGISTRY}, metric_registry=self.metric_registry, runner_registry=self.runner_registry, json_class_encoder_registry=self.class_encoder_registry, json_class_decoder_registry=self.class_decoder_registry, ) self._encoder = Encoder(self._sqa_config) self._decoder = Decoder(self._sqa_config) # TODO[mpolson64] change @property to @cached_property once we deprecate 3.7 @property def sqa_config(self) -> SQAConfig: return self._sqa_config @property def encoder(self) -> Encoder: return self._encoder @property def decoder(self) -> Decoder: return self._decoder