Source code for ax.service.utils.with_db_settings_base

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# pyre-strict

import re
import time

from logging import INFO, Logger
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type

from ax.core.base_trial import BaseTrial
from ax.core.experiment import Experiment
from ax.core.generation_strategy_interface import GenerationStrategyInterface
from ax.core.generator_run import GeneratorRun
from ax.exceptions.core import (
from ax.modelbridge.generation_strategy import GenerationStrategy
from ax.utils.common.executils import retry_on_exception
from ax.utils.common.logger import _round_floats_for_logging, get_logger
from ax.utils.common.typeutils import not_none

RETRY_EXCEPTION_TYPES: Tuple[Type[Exception], ...] = ()

logger: Logger = get_logger(__name__)

try:  # We don't require SQLAlchemy by default.
    # pyre-fixme[21]: Could not find a name `__version__` defined in module
    # `sqlalchemy`.
    from sqlalchemy import __version__ as sqa_version

    # pyre-fixme[16]: Module `sqlalchemy` has no attribute `__version__`.
    sqa_major_version = int(not_none(re.match(r"^\d*", sqa_version))[0])
    if sqa_major_version > 1:
        msg = (
            "Ax currently requires a sqlalchemy version below 2.0. This will be "
            "addressed in a future release. Disabling SQL storage in Ax for now, if "
            "you would like to use SQL storage please install Ax with mysql extras "
            "via `pip install ax-platform[mysql]`."


        raise IncompatibleDependencyVersion(msg)

    from import init_engine_and_session_factory
    from import Decoder
    from import Encoder
    from import (
    from import (
    from import SQAConfig
    from import DBSettings
    from sqlalchemy.exc import OperationalError
    from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import StaleDataError

    # We retry on `OperationalError` if saving to DB.
    RETRY_EXCEPTION_TYPES = (OperationalError, StaleDataError)
except (ModuleNotFoundError, IncompatibleDependencyVersion, TypeError):
    DBSettings = None
    Decoder = None
    Encoder = None
    SQAConfig = None


[docs]class WithDBSettingsBase: """Helper class providing methods for saving changes made to an experiment if `db_settings` property is set to a non-None value on the instance. """ _db_settings: Optional[DBSettings] = None # Mapping of object types to mapping of fields to override values # loaded objects will all be instantiated with fields set to # override value # current valid object types are: "runner" AX_OBJECT_FIELD_OVERRIDES: Dict[str, Any] = {} def __init__( self, db_settings: Optional[DBSettings] = None, logging_level: int = INFO, suppress_all_errors: bool = False, ) -> None: if db_settings and (not DBSettings or not isinstance(db_settings, DBSettings)): raise ValueError( "`db_settings` argument should be of type" f"(Got: {db_settings} of type {type(db_settings)}. " "structs.DBSettings. To use `DBSettings`, you will need SQLAlchemy " "installed in your environment (can be installed through pip)." ) self._db_settings = db_settings or self._get_default_db_settings() self._suppress_all_errors = suppress_all_errors if self.db_settings_set: init_engine_and_session_factory( creator=self.db_settings.creator, url=self.db_settings.url ) logger.setLevel(logging_level) @staticmethod def _get_default_db_settings() -> Optional[DBSettings]: """Overridable method to get default db_settings if none are passed in __init__ """ return None @property def db_settings_set(self) -> bool: """Whether non-None DB settings are set on this instance.""" return self._db_settings is not None @property def db_settings(self) -> DBSettings: """DB settings set on this instance; guaranteed to be non-None.""" if self._db_settings is None: raise ValueError("No DB settings are set on this instance.") return not_none(self._db_settings) def _get_experiment_and_generation_strategy_db_id( self, experiment_name: str ) -> Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[int]]: """Retrieve DB ids of experiment by the given name and the associated generation strategy. Each ID is None if corresponding object is not found. """ if not self.db_settings_set: return None, None exp_id = _get_experiment_id( experiment_name=experiment_name, config=self.db_settings.decoder.config ) if not exp_id: return None, None gs_id = get_generation_strategy_id( experiment_name=experiment_name, decoder=self.db_settings.decoder ) return exp_id, gs_id def _maybe_save_experiment_and_generation_strategy( self, experiment: Experiment, generation_strategy: GenerationStrategyInterface ) -> Tuple[bool, bool]: """If DB settings are set on this `WithDBSettingsBase` instance, checks whether given experiment and generation strategy are already saved and saves them, if not. Returns: Tuple of two booleans: whether experiment was saved in the course of this function's execution and whether generation strategy was saved. """ saved_exp, saved_gs = False, False if self.db_settings_set: if experiment._name is None: raise ValueError( "Experiment must specify a name to use storage functionality." ) exp_name = not_none( exp_id, gs_id = self._get_experiment_and_generation_strategy_db_id( experiment_name=exp_name ) if exp_id: # Experiment in DB."Experiment {exp_name} is in DB, updating it.") self._save_experiment_to_db_if_possible(experiment=experiment) saved_exp = True else: # Experiment not yet in DB."Experiment {exp_name} is not yet in DB, storing it.") self._save_experiment_to_db_if_possible(experiment=experiment) saved_exp = True if gs_id and generation_strategy._db_id != gs_id: raise UnsupportedError( "Experiment was associated with generation strategy in DB, " f"but a new generation strategy {} " "was provided. To use the generation strategy currently in DB," " instantiate scheduler via: `Scheduler.from_stored_experiment`." ) if not gs_id or generation_strategy._db_id is None: # There is no GS associated with experiment or the generation # strategy passed in is different from the one associated with # experiment currently. f"Generation strategy {} is not yet in DB, " "storing it." ) # If generation strategy does not yet have an experiment attached, # attach the current experiment to it, as otherwise it will not be # possible to retrieve by experiment name. if generation_strategy._experiment is None: generation_strategy.experiment = experiment self._save_generation_strategy_to_db_if_possible( generation_strategy=generation_strategy ) saved_gs = True return saved_exp, saved_gs def _load_experiment_and_generation_strategy( self, experiment_name: str, reduced_state: bool = False, skip_runners_and_metrics: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[Optional[Experiment], Optional[GenerationStrategy]]: """Loads experiment and its corresponding generation strategy from database if DB settings are set on this `WithDBSettingsBase` instance. Args: experiment_name: Name of the experiment to load, used as unique identifier by which to find the experiment. reduced_state: Whether to load experiment and generation strategy with a slightly reduced state (without abandoned arms on experiment and model state on each generator run in experiment and generation strategy; last generator run on generation strategy will still have its model state). Returns: - Tuple of `None` and `None` if `DBSettings` are set and no experiment exists by the given name. - Tuple of `Experiment` and `None` if experiment exists but does not have a generation strategy attached to it. - Tuple of `Experiment` and `GenerationStrategy` if experiment exists and has a generation strategy attached to it. """ if not self.db_settings_set: raise ValueError("Cannot load from DB in absence of DB settings.") "Loading experiment and generation strategy (with reduced state: " f"{reduced_state})..." ) start_time = time.time() experiment = _load_experiment( experiment_name, decoder=self.db_settings.decoder, reduced_state=reduced_state, load_trials_in_batches_of_size=LOADING_MINI_BATCH_SIZE, ax_object_field_overrides=self.AX_OBJECT_FIELD_OVERRIDES, skip_runners_and_metrics=skip_runners_and_metrics, ) if not isinstance(experiment, Experiment): raise ValueError("Service API only supports `Experiment`.") num_trials = len(experiment.trials) f"Loaded experiment {experiment_name} & {num_trials} trials in " f"{_round_floats_for_logging(time.time() - start_time)} seconds." ) try: start_time = time.time() generation_strategy = _load_generation_strategy_by_experiment_name( experiment_name=experiment_name, decoder=self.db_settings.decoder, experiment=experiment, reduced_state=reduced_state, ) f"Loaded generation strategy for experiment {experiment_name} in " f"{_round_floats_for_logging(time.time() - start_time)} seconds." ) except ObjectNotFoundError: "There is no generation strategy associated with experiment " f"{experiment_name}." ) return experiment, None return experiment, generation_strategy def _save_experiment_to_db_if_possible(self, experiment: Experiment) -> bool: """Saves attached experiment and generation strategy if DB settings are set on this `WithDBSettingsBase` instance. Args: experiment: Experiment to save new trials in DB. Returns: bool: Whether the experiment was saved. """ if self.db_settings_set: _save_experiment_to_db_if_possible( experiment=experiment, encoder=self.db_settings.encoder, decoder=self.db_settings.decoder, suppress_all_errors=self._suppress_all_errors, ) return True return False def _save_or_update_trials_and_generation_strategy_if_possible( self, experiment: Experiment, trials: List[BaseTrial], generation_strategy: GenerationStrategyInterface, new_generator_runs: List[GeneratorRun], reduce_state_generator_runs: bool = False, ) -> None: """Saves new trials (and updates existing ones) on given experiment and updates the given generation strategy, if DB settings are set on this `WithDBSettingsBase` instance. Args: experiment: Experiment, on which to save new trials in DB. trials: Newly added or updated trials to save or update in DB. generation_strategy: Generation strategy to update in DB. new_generator_runs: Generator runs to add to generation strategy. """ logger.debug(f"Saving or updating {len(trials)} trials in DB.") self._save_or_update_trials_in_db_if_possible( experiment=experiment, trials=trials, reduce_state_generator_runs=reduce_state_generator_runs, ) logger.debug( "Updating generation strategy in DB with " f"{len(new_generator_runs)} generator runs." ) self._update_generation_strategy_in_db_if_possible( generation_strategy=generation_strategy, new_generator_runs=new_generator_runs, reduce_state_generator_runs=reduce_state_generator_runs, ) return # No retries needed, covered in `self._save_or_update_trials_in_db_if_possible` def _save_or_update_trial_in_db_if_possible( self, experiment: Experiment, trial: BaseTrial, ) -> bool: """Saves new trial on given experiment if DB settings are set on this `WithDBSettingsBase` instance. Args: experiment: Experiment, on which to save new trial in DB. trials: Newly added trial to save. Returns: bool: Whether the trial was saved. """ return self._save_or_update_trials_in_db_if_possible( experiment=experiment, trials=[trial], ) def _save_or_update_trials_in_db_if_possible( self, experiment: Experiment, trials: List[BaseTrial], reduce_state_generator_runs: bool = False, ) -> bool: """Saves new trials or update existing trials on given experiment if DB settings are set on this `WithDBSettingsBase` instance. Args: experiment: Experiment, on which to save new trials in DB. trials: Newly added trials to save. Returns: bool: Whether the trials were saved. """ if self.db_settings_set: _save_or_update_trials_in_db_if_possible( experiment=experiment, trials=trials, encoder=self.db_settings.encoder, decoder=self.db_settings.decoder, suppress_all_errors=self._suppress_all_errors, reduce_state_generator_runs=reduce_state_generator_runs, ) return True return False def _save_generation_strategy_to_db_if_possible( self, generation_strategy: Optional[GenerationStrategyInterface] = None, ) -> bool: """Saves given generation strategy if DB settings are set on this `WithDBSettingsBase` instance and the generation strategy is an instance of `GenerationStrategy`. Args: generation_strategy: GenerationStrategyInterface to update in DB. For now, only instances of GenerationStrategy will be updated. Otherwise, this function is a no-op. Returns: bool: Whether the generation strategy was saved. """ if self.db_settings_set and generation_strategy is not None: # only local GenerationStrategies should need to be saved to # the database because only they make changes locally if isinstance(generation_strategy, GenerationStrategy): _save_generation_strategy_to_db_if_possible( generation_strategy=generation_strategy, encoder=self.db_settings.encoder, decoder=self.db_settings.decoder, suppress_all_errors=self._suppress_all_errors, ) return True return False def _update_generation_strategy_in_db_if_possible( self, generation_strategy: GenerationStrategyInterface, new_generator_runs: List[GeneratorRun], reduce_state_generator_runs: bool = False, ) -> bool: """Updates the given generation strategy with new generator runs (and with new current generation step if applicable) if DB settings are set on this `WithDBSettingsBase` instance and the generation strategy is an instance of `GenerationStrategy`. Args: generation_strategy: GenerationStrategyInterface to update in DB. For now, only instances of GenerationStrategy will be updated. Otherwise, this function is a no-op. new_generator_runs: New generator runs of this generation strategy since its last save. Returns: bool: Whether the experiment was saved. """ if self.db_settings_set: # only local GenerationStrategies should need to be saved to # the database because only they make changes locally if isinstance(generation_strategy, GenerationStrategy): _update_generation_strategy_in_db_if_possible( generation_strategy=generation_strategy, new_generator_runs=new_generator_runs, encoder=self.db_settings.encoder, decoder=self.db_settings.decoder, suppress_all_errors=self._suppress_all_errors, reduce_state_generator_runs=reduce_state_generator_runs, ) return True return False def _update_experiment_properties_in_db( self, experiment_with_updated_properties: Experiment, ) -> bool: exp = experiment_with_updated_properties if self.db_settings_set: _update_experiment_properties_in_db( experiment_with_updated_properties=exp, sqa_config=self.db_settings.encoder.config, suppress_all_errors=self._suppress_all_errors, ) return True return False
# ------------- Utils for storage that assume `DBSettings` are provided -------- @retry_on_exception( retries=3, default_return_on_suppression=False, exception_types=RETRY_EXCEPTION_TYPES, ) def _save_experiment_to_db_if_possible( experiment: Experiment, encoder: Encoder, decoder: Decoder, suppress_all_errors: bool, # Used by the decorator. ) -> None: start_time = time.time() _save_experiment( experiment, encoder=encoder, decoder=decoder, ) logger.debug( f"Saved experiment {} in " f"{_round_floats_for_logging(time.time() - start_time)} seconds." ) @retry_on_exception( retries=3, default_return_on_suppression=False, exception_types=RETRY_EXCEPTION_TYPES, ) def _save_or_update_trials_in_db_if_possible( experiment: Experiment, trials: List[BaseTrial], encoder: Encoder, decoder: Decoder, suppress_all_errors: bool, # Used by the decorator. reduce_state_generator_runs: bool = False, ) -> None: start_time = time.time() _save_or_update_trials( experiment=experiment, trials=trials, encoder=encoder, decoder=decoder, batch_size=STORAGE_MINI_BATCH_SIZE, reduce_state_generator_runs=reduce_state_generator_runs, ) logger.debug( f"Saved or updated trials {[trial.index for trial in trials]} in " f"{_round_floats_for_logging(time.time() - start_time)} seconds " f"in mini-batches of {STORAGE_MINI_BATCH_SIZE}." ) @retry_on_exception( retries=3, default_return_on_suppression=False, exception_types=RETRY_EXCEPTION_TYPES, ) def _save_generation_strategy_to_db_if_possible( generation_strategy: GenerationStrategy, encoder: Encoder, decoder: Decoder, suppress_all_errors: bool, # Used by the decorator. ) -> None: start_time = time.time() _save_generation_strategy( generation_strategy=generation_strategy, encoder=encoder, decoder=decoder, ) logger.debug( f"Saved generation strategy {} in " f"{_round_floats_for_logging(time.time() - start_time)} seconds." ) @retry_on_exception( retries=3, default_return_on_suppression=False, exception_types=RETRY_EXCEPTION_TYPES, ) def _update_generation_strategy_in_db_if_possible( generation_strategy: GenerationStrategy, new_generator_runs: List[GeneratorRun], encoder: Encoder, decoder: Decoder, suppress_all_errors: bool, # Used by the decorator. reduce_state_generator_runs: bool = False, ) -> None: start_time = time.time() _update_generation_strategy( generation_strategy=generation_strategy, generator_runs=new_generator_runs, encoder=encoder, decoder=decoder, batch_size=STORAGE_MINI_BATCH_SIZE, reduce_state_generator_runs=reduce_state_generator_runs, ) logger.debug( f"Updated generation strategy {} in " f"{_round_floats_for_logging(time.time() - start_time)} seconds in " f"mini-batches of {STORAGE_MINI_BATCH_SIZE} generator runs." ) @retry_on_exception( retries=3, default_return_on_suppression=False, exception_types=RETRY_EXCEPTION_TYPES, ) def _update_experiment_properties_in_db( experiment_with_updated_properties: Experiment, sqa_config: SQAConfig, suppress_all_errors: bool, # Used by the decorator. ) -> None: update_properties_on_experiment( experiment_with_updated_properties=experiment_with_updated_properties, config=sqa_config, )