Source code for ax.service.utils.report_utils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# pyre-strict

import itertools
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import timedelta
from logging import Logger
from typing import (

import gpytorch
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from ax.core.base_trial import TrialStatus
from import Data
from ax.core.experiment import Experiment
from ax.core.generator_run import GeneratorRunType
from ax.core.map_data import MapData
from ax.core.map_metric import MapMetric
from ax.core.metric import Metric
from ax.core.multi_type_experiment import MultiTypeExperiment
from ax.core.objective import MultiObjective, ScalarizedObjective
from ax.core.optimization_config import OptimizationConfig
from ax.core.parameter import Parameter
from ax.core.trial import BaseTrial
from ax.early_stopping.strategies.base import BaseEarlyStoppingStrategy
from ax.exceptions.core import DataRequiredError, UserInputError
from ax.modelbridge import ModelBridge
from ax.modelbridge.cross_validation import (
from ax.modelbridge.generation_strategy import GenerationStrategy
from ax.modelbridge.random import RandomModelBridge
from ax.modelbridge.torch import TorchModelBridge
from ax.plot.contour import interact_contour_plotly
from ax.plot.diagnostic import interact_cross_validation_plotly
from ax.plot.feature_importances import plot_feature_importance_by_feature_plotly
from ax.plot.helper import get_range_parameters_from_list
from ax.plot.pareto_frontier import (
from ax.plot.pareto_utils import _extract_observed_pareto_2d
from ax.plot.scatter import interact_fitted_plotly, plot_multiple_metrics
from ax.plot.slice import interact_slice_plotly
from ax.plot.trace import (
from ax.service.utils.best_point import _derel_opt_config_wrapper, _is_row_feasible
from ax.service.utils.early_stopping import get_early_stopping_metrics
from ax.utils.common.logger import get_logger
from ax.utils.common.typeutils import checked_cast, not_none
from ax.utils.sensitivity.sobol_measures import ax_parameter_sens
from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame

    from ax.service.scheduler import Scheduler

logger: Logger = get_logger(__name__)
    "<b>NOTE:</b> This plot is intended for advanced users. Specifically,<br>"
    "it is a measure of sensitivity/smoothness, so parameters of<br>"
    "relatively low importance may still be important to tune."
    "<b>NOTE:</b> We have tried our best to only plot the region of interest.<br>"
    "This may hide outliers. You can autoscale the axes to see all trials."
FEASIBLE_COL_NAME = "is_feasible"
BASELINE_ARM_NAME = "baseline_arm"
    "The following metric(s) are behaving unpredictably and may be noisy or "
    "misconfigured: {}. Please check that they are measuring the intended quantity, "
    "and are expected to vary reliably as a function of your parameters."

def _get_cross_validation_plots(model: ModelBridge) -> List[go.Figure]:
    cv = cross_validate(model=model)
    return [
            cv_results=cv, caption=CROSS_VALIDATION_CAPTION

def _get_objective_trace_plot(
    experiment: Experiment,
    data: Data,
    true_objective_metric_name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Iterable[go.Figure]:
    if experiment.is_moo_problem:
        return [
    runner = experiment.runner
    run_metadata_report_keys = None
    if runner is not None:
        run_metadata_report_keys = runner.run_metadata_report_keys
    exp_df = exp_to_df(exp=experiment, run_metadata_fields=run_metadata_report_keys)

    optimization_config = experiment.optimization_config
    if optimization_config is None:
        return []

    metric_names = (
        for metric_name in [
        if metric_name is not None

    plots = [
                if == metric_name
                else experiment.metrics[metric_name].lower_is_better
            title=f"Best {metric_name} found vs. trial index",
        for metric_name in metric_names

    return [plot for plot in plots if plot is not None]

def _get_objective_v_param_plots(
    experiment: Experiment,
    model: ModelBridge,
    importance: Optional[
        Union[Dict[str, Dict[str, np.ndarray]], Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]]
    ] = None,
    # Chosen to take ~1min on local benchmarks.
    max_num_slice_plots: int = 200,
    # Chosen to take ~2min on local benchmarks.
    max_num_contour_plots: int = 20,
) -> List[go.Figure]:
    search_space = experiment.search_space

    range_params = [
        checked_cast(Parameter, param)
        for param in search_space.range_parameters.values()
    range_params = get_range_parameters_from_list(range_params, min_num_values=5)
    if len(range_params) < 1:
        # if search space contains no range params
            "`_get_objective_v_param_plot` requires a search space with at least one "
            "`RangeParameter`. Returning an empty list."
        return []
    range_param_names = [ for param in range_params]
    num_range_params = len(range_params)
    num_metrics = len(model.metric_names)
    num_slice_plots = num_range_params * num_metrics
    output_plots = []
    if num_slice_plots <= max_num_slice_plots:
        # parameter slice plot
        output_plots += [
        warning_msg = (
            f"Skipping creation of {num_slice_plots} slice plots since that "
            f"exceeds <br>`max_num_slice_plots = {max_num_slice_plots}`."
            "<br>Users can plot individual slice plots with the <br>python "
            "function ax.plot.slice.plot_slice_plotly."
        # TODO: return a warning here then convert to a plot/message/etc. downstream.
        warning_plot = _warn_and_create_warning_plot(warning_msg=warning_msg)

    # contour plots
    num_contour_per_metric = max_num_contour_plots // num_metrics
    if num_contour_per_metric < 2:
        warning_msg = (
            "Skipping creation of contour plots since that requires <br>"
            "`max_num_contour_plots >= 2 * num_metrics`. Got "
            f"{max_num_contour_plots=} and {num_metrics=}."
            "<br>Users can plot individual contour plots with the <br>python "
            "function ax.plot.contour.plot_contour_plotly."
        # TODO: return a warning here then convert to a plot/message/etc. downstream.
        warning_plot = _warn_and_create_warning_plot(warning_msg=warning_msg)
    elif num_range_params > 1:
        # Using n params yields n * (n - 1) contour plots, so we use the number of
        # params that yields the desired number of plots (solved using quadratic eqn)
        num_params_per_metric = int(0.5 + (0.25 + num_contour_per_metric) ** 0.5)
            for metric_name in model.metric_names:
                if importance is not None:
                    range_params_sens_for_metric = {
                        k: v
                        for k, v in importance[metric_name].items()
                        if k in range_param_names
                    # sort the params by their sensitivity
                    params_to_use = sorted(
                        key=lambda x: range_params_sens_for_metric[x],
                # if sens is not available, just use the first num_features_per_metric.
                    params_to_use = range_param_names[:num_params_per_metric]
                with gpytorch.settings.max_eager_kernel_size(float("inf")):
                    f"Created contour plots for metric {metric_name} and parameters "
        # `mean shape torch.Size` RunTimeErrors, pending resolution of
        except RuntimeError as e:
            logger.warning(f"Contour plotting failed with error: {e}.")
    return output_plots

def _get_suffix(input_str: str, delim: str = ".", n_chunks: int = 1) -> str:
    return delim.join(input_str.split(delim)[-n_chunks:])

def _get_shortest_unique_suffix_dict(
    input_str_list: List[str], delim: str = "."
) -> Dict[str, str]:
    """Maps a list of strings to their shortest unique suffixes

    Maps all original strings to the smallest number of chunks, as specified by
    delim, that are not a suffix of any other original string. If the original
    string was a suffix of another string, map it to its unaltered self.

        input_str_list: a list of strings to create the suffix mapping for
        delim: the delimiter used to split up the strings into meaningful chunks

        dict: A dict with the original strings as keys and their abbreviations as

    # all input strings must be unique
    assert len(input_str_list) == len(set(input_str_list))
    if delim == "":
        raise ValueError("delim must be a non-empty string.")
    suffix_dict = defaultdict(list)
    # initialize suffix_dict with last chunk
    for istr in input_str_list:
        suffix_dict[_get_suffix(istr, delim=delim, n_chunks=1)].append(istr)
    max_chunks = max(len(istr.split(delim)) for istr in input_str_list)
    if max_chunks == 1:
        return {istr: istr for istr in input_str_list}
    # the upper range of this loop is `max_chunks + 2` because:
    #     - `i` needs to take the value of `max_chunks`, hence one +1
    #     - the contents of the loop are run one more time to check if `all_unique`,
    #           hence the other +1
    for i in range(2, max_chunks + 2):
        new_dict = defaultdict(list)
        all_unique = True
        for suffix, suffix_str_list in suffix_dict.items():
            if len(suffix_str_list) > 1:
                all_unique = False
                for istr in suffix_str_list:
                    new_dict[_get_suffix(istr, delim=delim, n_chunks=i)].append(istr)
                new_dict[suffix] = suffix_str_list
        if all_unique:
            if len(set(input_str_list)) != len(suffix_dict.keys()):
            return {
                suffix_str_list[0]: suffix
                for suffix, suffix_str_list in suffix_dict.items()
        suffix_dict = new_dict
    # If this function has not yet exited, some input strings still share a suffix.
    # This is not expected, but in this case, the function will return the identity
    # mapping, i.e., a dict with the original strings as both keys and values.
        "Something went wrong. Returning dictionary with original strings as keys and "
    return {istr: istr for istr in input_str_list}

[docs]def get_standard_plots( experiment: Experiment, model: Optional[ModelBridge], data: Optional[Data] = None, true_objective_metric_name: Optional[str] = None, early_stopping_strategy: Optional[BaseEarlyStoppingStrategy] = None, limit_points_per_plot: Optional[int] = None, global_sensitivity_analysis: bool = True, ) -> List[go.Figure]: """Extract standard plots for single-objective optimization. Extracts a list of plots from an ``Experiment`` and ``ModelBridge`` of general interest to an Ax user. Currently not supported are - TODO: multi-objective optimization - TODO: ChoiceParameter plots Args: - experiment: The ``Experiment`` from which to obtain standard plots. - model: The ``ModelBridge`` used to suggest trial parameters. - true_objective_metric_name: Name of the metric to use as the true objective. - early_stopping_strategy: Early stopping strategy used throughout the experiment; used for visualizing when curves are stopped. - limit_points_per_plot: Limit the number of points used per metric in each curve plot. Passed to `_get_curve_plot_dropdown`. - global_sensitivity_analysis: If True, plot total Variance-based sensitivity analysis for the model parameters. If False, plot sensitivities based on GP kernel lengthscales. Defaults to True. Returns: - a plot of objective value vs. trial index, to show experiment progression - a plot of objective value vs. range parameter values, only included if the model associated with generation_strategy can create predictions. This consists of: - a plot_slice plot if the search space contains one range parameter - an interact_contour plot if the search space contains multiple range parameters """ if ( true_objective_metric_name is not None and true_objective_metric_name not in experiment.metrics.keys() ): raise ValueError( f"true_objective_metric_name='{true_objective_metric_name}' is not present " f"in experiment.metrics={experiment.metrics}. Please add a valid " "true_objective_metric_name or remove the optional parameter to get " "standard plots." ) objective = not_none(experiment.optimization_config).objective if isinstance(objective, ScalarizedObjective): logger.warning( "get_standard_plots does not currently support ScalarizedObjective " "optimization experiments. Returning an empty list." ) return [] if data is None: data = experiment.fetch_data() if data.df.empty:"Experiment {experiment} does not yet have data, nothing to plot.") return [] output_plot_list = [] try: output_plot_list.extend( _get_objective_trace_plot( experiment=experiment, data=data, true_objective_metric_name=true_objective_metric_name, ) ) except Exception as e: # Allow model-based plotting to proceed if objective_trace plotting fails. logger.exception(f"Plotting `objective_trace` failed with error {e}") # Objective vs. parameter plot requires a `Model`, so add it only if model # is alrady available. In cases where initially custom trials are attached, # model might not yet be set on the generation strategy. Additionally, if # the model is a RandomModelBridge, skip plots that require predictions. if model is not None and not isinstance(model, RandomModelBridge): try: if true_objective_metric_name is not None: logger.debug("Starting objective vs. true objective scatter plot.") output_plot_list.append( _objective_vs_true_objective_scatter( model=model, objective_metric_name=objective.metric_names[0], true_objective_metric_name=true_objective_metric_name, ) ) logger.debug("Finished with objective vs. true objective scatter plot.") except Exception as e: logger.exception(f"Scatter plot failed with error: {e}") # Compute feature importance ("sensitivity") to select most important # features to plot. sens = None importance_measure = "" if global_sensitivity_analysis and isinstance(model, TorchModelBridge): try: logger.debug("Starting global sensitivity analysis.") sens = ax_parameter_sens(model, order="total") importance_measure = ( '<a href="' 'sensitivity_analysis">Variance-based sensitivity analysis</a>' ) logger.debug("Finished global sensitivity analysis.") except Exception as e: f"Failed to compute signed global feature sensitivities: {e}" "Trying to get unsigned feature sensitivities." ) try: sens = ax_parameter_sens(model, order="total", signed=False) except Exception as e: logger.exception( f"Failed to compute unsigned feature sensitivities: {e}" ) if sens is None: try: sens = { metric_name: model.feature_importances(metric_name) for i, metric_name in enumerate(sorted(model.metric_names)) } except Exception as e:"Failed to compute feature importances: {e}") try: logger.debug("Starting objective vs. param plots.") # importance is the absolute value of sensitivity. importance = None if sens is not None: importance = { k: {j: np.absolute(sens[k][j]) for j in sens[k].keys()} for k in sens.keys() } output_plot_list.extend( _get_objective_v_param_plots( experiment=experiment, model=model, importance=importance, ) ) logger.debug("Finished objective vs. param plots.") except Exception as e: logger.exception(f"Slice plot failed with error: {e}") try: logger.debug("Starting cross validation plot.") output_plot_list.extend(_get_cross_validation_plots(model=model)) logger.debug("Finished cross validation plot.") except Exception as e: logger.exception(f"Cross-validation plot failed with error: {e}") # sensitivity plot try: logger.debug("Starting feature importance plot.") feature_importance_plot = plot_feature_importance_by_feature_plotly( model=model, # pyre-ignore [6]: # In call for argument `sensitivity_values`, expected # `Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[float, ndarray]]]]` # but got `Dict[str, Dict[str, ndarray]]`. sensitivity_values=sens, relative=False, caption=FEATURE_IMPORTANCE_CAPTION if importance_measure == "" else "", importance_measure=importance_measure, ) logger.debug("Finished feature importance plot.") feature_importance_plot.layout.title = "[ADVANCED] " + str( # pyre-fixme[16]: go.Figure has no attribute `layout` feature_importance_plot.layout.title.text ) output_plot_list.append(feature_importance_plot) output_plot_list.append(interact_fitted_plotly(model=model, rel=False)) except Exception as e: logger.exception(f"Feature importance plot failed with error: {e}") # Get plots for MapMetrics try: logger.debug("Starting MapMetric plots.") map_metrics = [ m for m in experiment.metrics.values() if isinstance(m, MapMetric) ] if map_metrics: # Sort so that objective metrics appear first map_metrics.sort( key=lambda e: in [ for m in objective.metrics], reverse=True, ) for by_walltime in [False, True]: logger.debug(f"Starting MapMetric plot {by_walltime=}.") output_plot_list.append( _get_curve_plot_dropdown( experiment=experiment, map_metrics=map_metrics, data=data, # pyre-ignore early_stopping_strategy=early_stopping_strategy, by_walltime=by_walltime, limit_points_per_plot=limit_points_per_plot, ) ) logger.debug(f"Finished MapMetric plot {by_walltime=}.") logger.debug("Finished MapMetric plots.") except Exception as e: logger.exception(f"Curve plot failed with error: {e}") logger.debug("Returning plots.") return [plot for plot in output_plot_list if plot is not None]
def _transform_progression_to_walltime( progressions: np.ndarray, exp_df: pd.DataFrame, trial_idx: int ) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: try: trial_df = exp_df[exp_df["trial_index"] == trial_idx] time_run_started = trial_df["time_run_started"].iloc[0] time_completed = trial_df["time_completed"].iloc[0] runtime_seconds = (time_completed - time_run_started).total_seconds() intermediate_times = runtime_seconds * progressions / progressions.max() transformed_times = np.array( [time_run_started + timedelta(seconds=t) for t in intermediate_times] ) return transformed_times except Exception as e:"Failed to transform progression to walltime: {e}") return None def _get_curve_plot_dropdown( experiment: Experiment, map_metrics: Iterable[MapMetric], data: MapData, early_stopping_strategy: Optional[BaseEarlyStoppingStrategy], by_walltime: bool = False, limit_points_per_plot: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Optional[go.Figure]: """Plot curve metrics by either progression or walltime. Args: experiment: The experiment to generate plots for. map_metrics: The list of metrics to generate plots for. Each metric will be one entry in the dropdown. data: The map data used to generate the plots. early_stopping_strategy: An instance of ``BaseEarlyStoppingStrategy``. This is used to check which metrics are being used for early stopping. by_walltime: If true, the x-axis will be walltime. If false, the x-axis is the progression of the trials (trials are 'stacked'). limit_points_per_plot: Limit the total number of data points used per plot (i.e., per metric). This is passed down to `MapData.subsample(...)` to subsample the data. Useful for keeping the plots of manageable size. """ early_stopping_metrics = get_early_stopping_metrics( experiment=experiment, early_stopping_strategy=early_stopping_strategy ) xs_by_metric = {} ys_by_metric = {} legend_labels_by_metric = {} stopping_markers_by_metric = {} exp_df = pd.DataFrame() if by_walltime: exp_df = exp_to_df( exp=experiment, trial_attribute_fields=["time_run_started", "time_completed"], always_include_field_columns=True, ) for m in map_metrics: map_key = m.map_key_info.key subsampled_data = ( data if limit_points_per_plot is None else data.subsample( limit_rows_per_metric=limit_points_per_plot, map_key=map_key ) ) map_df = subsampled_data.map_df metric_df = map_df[map_df["metric_name"] ==] xs, ys, legend_labels, plot_stopping_markers = [], [], [], [] is_early_stopping_metric = in early_stopping_metrics for trial_idx, df_g in metric_df.groupby("trial_index"): if experiment.trials[trial_idx].status not in ( TrialStatus.COMPLETED, TrialStatus.EARLY_STOPPED, ): continue if by_walltime: x = _transform_progression_to_walltime( progressions=df_g[map_key].to_numpy(), exp_df=exp_df, trial_idx=trial_idx, ) if x is None: continue else: x = df_g[map_key].to_numpy() xs.append(x) ys.append(df_g["mean"].to_numpy()) legend_labels.append(f"Trial {trial_idx}") plot_stopping_markers.append( is_early_stopping_metric and experiment.trials[trial_idx].status == TrialStatus.EARLY_STOPPED ) if len(xs) > 0: xs_by_metric[] = xs ys_by_metric[] = ys legend_labels_by_metric[] = legend_labels stopping_markers_by_metric[] = plot_stopping_markers if len(xs_by_metric.keys()) == 0: return None title = ( "Curve metrics (i.e., learning curves) by walltime" if by_walltime else "Curve metrics (i.e., learning curves) by progression" ) return map_data_multiple_metrics_dropdown_plotly( metric_names=[ for m in map_metrics], xs_by_metric=xs_by_metric, ys_by_metric=ys_by_metric, legend_labels_by_metric=legend_labels_by_metric, stopping_markers_by_metric=stopping_markers_by_metric, title=title, xlabels_by_metric={ "wall time" if by_walltime else m.map_key_info.key for m in map_metrics }, lower_is_better_by_metric={ m.lower_is_better for m in map_metrics}, ) def _merge_trials_dict_with_df( df: pd.DataFrame, # pyre-fixme[2]: Parameter annotation cannot contain `Any`. trials_dict: Dict[int, Any], column_name: str, always_include_field_column: bool = False, ) -> None: """Add a column ``column_name`` to a DataFrame ``df`` containing a column ``trial_index``. Each value of the new column is given by the element of ``trials_dict`` indexed by ``trial_index``. Args: df: Pandas DataFrame with column ``trial_index``, to be appended with a new column. trials_dict: Dict mapping each ``trial_index`` to a value. The new column of df will be populated with the value corresponding with the ``trial_index`` of each row. column_name: Name of the column to be appended to ``df``. always_include_field_column: Even if all trials have missing values, include the column. """ if "trial_index" not in df.columns: raise ValueError("df must have trial_index column") # field present for some trial if always_include_field_column or any(trials_dict.values()): if not all( v is not None for v in trials_dict.values() ): # not present for all trials logger.warning( f"Column {column_name} missing for some trials. " "Filling with None when missing." ) df[column_name] = [trials_dict[trial_index] for trial_index in df.trial_index] else: logger.warning( f"Column {column_name} missing for all trials. " "Not appending column." ) def _get_generation_method_str(trial: BaseTrial) -> str: trial_generation_property = trial._properties.get("generation_model_key") if trial_generation_property is not None: return trial_generation_property generation_methods = { not_none(generator_run._model_key) for generator_run in trial.generator_runs if generator_run._model_key is not None } # add "Manual" if any generator_runs are manual if any( generator_run.generator_run_type == for generator_run in trial.generator_runs ): generation_methods.add("Manual") return ", ".join(generation_methods) if generation_methods else "Unknown" def _merge_results_if_no_duplicates( arms_df: pd.DataFrame, results: pd.DataFrame, key_components: List[str], metrics: List[Metric], ) -> DataFrame: """Formats ``data.df`` and merges it with ``arms_df`` if all of the following are True: - ``data.df`` is not empty - ``data.df`` contains columns corresponding to ``key_components`` - after any formatting, ``data.df`` contains no duplicates of the column ``results_key_col`` """ if len(results.index) == 0: f"No results present for the specified metrics `{metrics}`. " "Returning arm parameters and metadata only." ) return arms_df if not all(col in results.columns for col in key_components): logger.warning( f"At least one of key columns `{key_components}` not present in results df " f"`{results}`. Returning arm parameters and metadata only." ) return arms_df # prepare results for merge by concattenating the trial index with the arm name # sparated by a comma key_vals = pd.Series( results[key_components].values.astype("str").tolist() ).str.join(",") results_key_col = "-".join(key_components) # Reindex so new column isn't set to NaN. key_vals.index = results.index results[results_key_col] = key_vals # Don't return results if duplicates remain if any(results.duplicated(subset=[results_key_col, "metric_name"])): logger.warning( "Experimental results dataframe contains multiple rows with the same " f"keys {results_key_col}. Returning dataframe without results." ) return arms_df metric_vals = results.pivot( index=results_key_col, columns="metric_name", values="mean" ).reset_index() # dedupe results by key_components metadata_cols = key_components + [results_key_col] if FEASIBLE_COL_NAME in results.columns: metadata_cols.append(FEASIBLE_COL_NAME) metadata = results[metadata_cols].drop_duplicates() metrics_df = pd.merge(metric_vals, metadata, on=results_key_col) # drop synthetic key column metrics_df = metrics_df.drop(results_key_col, axis=1) # merge and return return pd.merge(metrics_df, arms_df, on=key_components, how="outer")
[docs]def exp_to_df( exp: Experiment, metrics: Optional[List[Metric]] = None, run_metadata_fields: Optional[List[str]] = None, trial_properties_fields: Optional[List[str]] = None, trial_attribute_fields: Optional[List[str]] = None, additional_fields_callables: Optional[ Dict[str, Callable[[Experiment], Dict[int, Union[str, float]]]] ] = None, always_include_field_columns: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Transforms an experiment to a DataFrame with rows keyed by trial_index and arm_name, metrics pivoted into one row. If the pivot results in more than one row per arm (or one row per ``arm * map_keys`` combination if ``map_keys`` are present), results are omitted and warning is produced. Only supports ``Experiment``. Transforms an ``Experiment`` into a ``pd.DataFrame``. Args: exp: An ``Experiment`` that may have pending trials. metrics: Override list of metrics to return. Return all metrics if ``None``. run_metadata_fields: Fields to extract from ``trial.run_metadata`` for trial in ``experiment.trials``. If there are multiple arms per trial, these fields will be replicated across the arms of a trial. trial_properties_fields: Fields to extract from ``trial._properties`` for trial in ``experiment.trials``. If there are multiple arms per trial, these fields will be replicated across the arms of a trial. Output columns names will be prepended with ``"trial_properties_"``. trial_attribute_fields: Fields to extract from trial attributes for each trial in ``experiment.trials``. If there are multiple arms per trial, these fields will be replicated across the arms of a trial. additional_fields_callables: A dictionary of field names to callables, with each being a function from `experiment` to a `trials_dict` of the form {trial_index: value}. An example of a custom callable like this is the function `compute_maximum_map_values`. always_include_field_columns: If `True`, even if all trials have missing values, include field columns anyway. Such columns are by default omitted (False). Returns: DataFrame: A dataframe of inputs, metadata and metrics by trial and arm (and ``map_keys``, if present). If no trials are available, returns an empty dataframe. If no metric ouputs are available, returns a dataframe of inputs and metadata. Columns include: * trial_index * arm_name * trial_status * generation_method * any elements of exp.runner.run_metadata_report_keys that are present in the trial.run_metadata of each trial * one column per metric (named after the * one column per parameter (named after the """ if len(kwargs) > 0: logger.warning( "`kwargs` in exp_to_df is deprecated. Please remove extra arguments." ) # Accept Experiment and SimpleExperiment if isinstance(exp, MultiTypeExperiment): raise ValueError("Cannot transform MultiTypeExperiments to DataFrames.") key_components = ["trial_index", "arm_name"] # Get each trial-arm with parameters arms_df = pd.DataFrame( [ { "arm_name":, "trial_index": trial_index, **arm.parameters, } for trial_index, trial in exp.trials.items() for arm in trial.arms ] ) # Fetch results. data = exp.lookup_data() results = data.df # Filter metrics. if metrics is not None: metric_names = [ for m in metrics] results = results[results["metric_name"].isin(metric_names)] # Add `FEASIBLE_COL_NAME` column according to constraints if any. if ( exp.optimization_config is not None and len(not_none(exp.optimization_config).all_constraints) > 0 ): optimization_config = not_none(exp.optimization_config) try: if any(oc.relative for oc in optimization_config.all_constraints): optimization_config = _derel_opt_config_wrapper( optimization_config=optimization_config, experiment=exp, ) results[FEASIBLE_COL_NAME] = _is_row_feasible( df=results, optimization_config=optimization_config, ) except (KeyError, ValueError, DataRequiredError) as e: logger.warning(f"Feasibility calculation failed with error: {e}") # If arms_df is empty, return empty results (legacy behavior) if len(arms_df.index) == 0: if len(results.index) != 0: raise ValueError( "exp.lookup_data().df returned more rows than there are experimental " "arms. This is an inconsistent experimental state. Please report to " "Ax support." ) return results # Create key column from key_components arms_df["trial_index"] = arms_df["trial_index"].astype(int) # Add trial status trials = exp.trials.items() trial_to_status = {index: for index, trial in trials} _merge_trials_dict_with_df( df=arms_df, trials_dict=trial_to_status, column_name="trial_status" ) # Add trial reason for failed or abandoned trials trial_to_reason = { index: ( f"{trial.failed_reason[:15]}..." if trial.status.is_failed and trial.failed_reason is not None else ( f"{trial.abandoned_reason[:15]}..." if trial.status.is_abandoned and trial.abandoned_reason is not None else None ) ) for index, trial in trials } _merge_trials_dict_with_df( df=arms_df, trials_dict=trial_to_reason, column_name="reason", ) # Add generation_method, accounting for the generic case that generator_runs is of # arbitrary length. Repeated methods within a trial are condensed via `set` and an # empty set will yield "Unknown" as the method. trial_to_generation_method = { trial_index: _get_generation_method_str(trial) for trial_index, trial in trials } _merge_trials_dict_with_df( df=arms_df, trials_dict=trial_to_generation_method, column_name="generation_method", ) # Add any trial properties fields to arms_df if trial_properties_fields is not None: # add trial._properties fields for field in trial_properties_fields: trial_to_properties_field = { trial_index: ( trial._properties[field] if field in trial._properties else None ) for trial_index, trial in trials } _merge_trials_dict_with_df( df=arms_df, trials_dict=trial_to_properties_field, column_name="trial_properties_" + field, always_include_field_column=always_include_field_columns, ) # Add any run_metadata fields to arms_df if run_metadata_fields is not None: # add run_metadata fields for field in run_metadata_fields: trial_to_metadata_field = { trial_index: ( trial.run_metadata[field] if field in trial.run_metadata else None ) for trial_index, trial in trials } _merge_trials_dict_with_df( df=arms_df, trials_dict=trial_to_metadata_field, column_name=field, always_include_field_column=always_include_field_columns, ) # Add any trial attributes fields to arms_df if trial_attribute_fields is not None: # add trial attribute fields for field in trial_attribute_fields: trial_to_attribute_field = { trial_index: (getattr(trial, field) if hasattr(trial, field) else None) for trial_index, trial in trials } _merge_trials_dict_with_df( df=arms_df, trials_dict=trial_to_attribute_field, column_name=field, always_include_field_column=always_include_field_columns, ) # Add additional fields to arms_df if additional_fields_callables is not None: for field, func in additional_fields_callables.items(): trial_to_additional_field = func(exp) _merge_trials_dict_with_df( df=arms_df, trials_dict=trial_to_additional_field, column_name=field, always_include_field_column=always_include_field_columns, ) exp_df = _merge_results_if_no_duplicates( arms_df=arms_df, results=results, key_components=key_components, metrics=metrics or list(exp.metrics.values()), ) exp_df = not_none(not_none(exp_df).sort_values(["trial_index"])) initial_column_order = ( ["trial_index", "arm_name", "trial_status", "reason", "generation_method"] + (run_metadata_fields or []) + (trial_properties_fields or []) + ([FEASIBLE_COL_NAME] if FEASIBLE_COL_NAME in exp_df.columns else []) ) for column_name in reversed(initial_column_order): if column_name in exp_df.columns: exp_df.insert(0, column_name, exp_df.pop(column_name)) return exp_df.reset_index(drop=True)
[docs]def compute_maximum_map_values( experiment: Experiment, map_key: Optional[str] = None ) -> Dict[int, float]: """A function that returns a map from trial_index to the maximum map value reached. If map_key is not specified, it uses the first map_key.""" data = experiment.lookup_data() if not isinstance(data, MapData): raise ValueError("`compute_maximum_map_values` requires `MapData`.") if map_key is None: map_key = data.map_keys[0] map_df = data.map_df maximum_map_value_df = ( map_df[["trial_index"] + data.map_keys] .groupby("trial_index") .max() .reset_index() ) trials_dict = {} for trial_index in experiment.trials: value = None if trial_index in maximum_map_value_df["trial_index"].values: value = maximum_map_value_df[ maximum_map_value_df["trial_index"] == trial_index ][map_key].iloc[0] trials_dict[trial_index] = value return trials_dict
def _pairwise_pareto_plotly_scatter( experiment: Experiment, metric_names: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None, reference_point: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, minimize: Optional[Union[bool, Tuple[bool, bool]]] = None, ) -> Iterable[go.Figure]: metric_name_pairs = _get_metric_name_pairs(experiment=experiment) return [ _pareto_frontier_scatter_2d_plotly( experiment=experiment, metric_names=metric_name_pair, ) for metric_name_pair in metric_name_pairs ] def _get_metric_name_pairs( experiment: Experiment, use_first_n_metrics: int = 4 ) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]: optimization_config = _validate_experiment_and_get_optimization_config( experiment=experiment ) if not_none(optimization_config).is_moo_problem: multi_objective = checked_cast( MultiObjective, not_none(optimization_config).objective ) metric_names = [ for obj in multi_objective.objectives] if len(metric_names) > use_first_n_metrics: logger.warning( f"Got `metric_names = {metric_names}` of length {len(metric_names)}. " f"Creating pairwise Pareto plots for the first `use_n_metrics = " f"{use_first_n_metrics}` of these and disregarding the remainder." ) metric_names = metric_names[:use_first_n_metrics] metric_name_pairs = itertools.combinations(metric_names, 2) return metric_name_pairs raise UserInputError( "Inference of `metric_names` failed. Expected `MultiObjective` but " f"got {not_none(optimization_config).objective}. Please provide an experiment " "with a MultiObjective `optimization_config`." ) def _pareto_frontier_scatter_2d_plotly( experiment: Experiment, metric_names: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None, reference_point: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, minimize: Optional[Union[bool, Tuple[bool, bool]]] = None, ) -> go.Figure: # Determine defaults for unspecified inputs using `optimization_config` metric_names, reference_point, minimize = _pareto_frontier_plot_input_processing( experiment=experiment, metric_names=metric_names, reference_point=reference_point, minimize=minimize, ) return pareto_frontier_scatter_2d_plotly( experiment, metric_names, reference_point, minimize )
[docs]def pareto_frontier_scatter_2d_plotly( experiment: Experiment, metric_names: Tuple[str, str], reference_point: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, minimize: Optional[Union[bool, Tuple[bool, bool]]] = None, ) -> go.Figure: df = exp_to_df(experiment) Y = df[list(metric_names)].to_numpy() Y_pareto = ( _extract_observed_pareto_2d( Y=Y, reference_point=reference_point, minimize=minimize ) if minimize is not None else None ) hovertext = [f"Arm name: {arm_name}" for arm_name in df["arm_name"]] return scatter_plot_with_pareto_frontier_plotly( Y=Y, Y_pareto=Y_pareto, metric_x=metric_names[0], metric_y=metric_names[1], reference_point=reference_point, minimize=minimize, hovertext=hovertext, )
def _objective_vs_true_objective_scatter( model: ModelBridge, objective_metric_name: str, true_objective_metric_name: str, ) -> go.Figure: plot = plot_multiple_metrics( model=model, metric_x=objective_metric_name, metric_y=true_objective_metric_name, rel_x=False, rel_y=False, ) fig = go.Figure( fig.layout.title.text = ( f"Objective {objective_metric_name} vs. True Objective " f"Metric {true_objective_metric_name}" ) return fig # TODO: may want to have a way to do this with a plot_fn # that returns a list of plots, such as get_standard_plots
[docs]def get_figure_and_callback( plot_fn: Callable[["Scheduler"], go.Figure] ) -> Tuple[go.Figure, Callable[["Scheduler"], None]]: """ Produce a figure and a callback for updating the figure in place. A likely use case is that `plot_fn` takes a Scheduler instance and returns a plotly Figure. Then `get_figure_and_callback` will produce a figure and callback that updates that figure according to `plot_fn` when the callback is passed to `Scheduler.run_n_trials` or `Scheduler.run_all_trials`. Args: plot_fn: A function for producing a Plotly figure from a scheduler. If `plot_fn` raises a `RuntimeError`, the update wil be skipped and optimization will proceed. Example: >>> def _plot(scheduler: Scheduler): >>> standard_plots = get_standard_plots(scheduler.experiment) >>> return standard_plots[0] >>> >>> fig, callback = get_figure_and_callback(_plot) """ fig = go.FigureWidget(layout=go.Layout()) # pyre-fixme[53]: Captured variable `fig` is not annotated. def _update_fig_in_place(scheduler: "Scheduler") -> None: try: new_fig = plot_fn(scheduler) except RuntimeError as e: logging.warning( f"Plotting function called via callback failed with error {e}." "Skipping plot update." ) return fig.update( data=new_fig._data, # pyre-ignore[16] layout=new_fig._layout, # pyre-ignore[16] overwrite=True, ) return fig, _update_fig_in_place
def _warn_and_create_warning_plot(warning_msg: str) -> go.Figure: logger.warning(warning_msg) return ( go.Figure() # pyre-ignore[16] .add_annotation(text=warning_msg, showarrow=False, font={"size": 20}) .update_xaxes(showgrid=False, showticklabels=False, zeroline=False) .update_yaxes(showgrid=False, showticklabels=False, zeroline=False) ) def _format_comparison_string( comparison_arm_name: str, baseline_arm_name: str, objective_name: str, percent_change: float, baseline_value: float, comparison_value: float, digits: int, ) -> str: return ( "**Metric " f"`{objective_name}` improved {percent_change:.{digits}f}%** " f"from `{baseline_value:.{digits}f}` in arm `'{baseline_arm_name}'` " f"to `{comparison_value:.{digits}f}` in arm `'{comparison_arm_name}'`.\n " ) def _construct_comparison_message( objective_name: str, objective_minimize: bool, baseline_arm_name: str, baseline_value: float, comparison_arm_name: str, comparison_value: float, digits: int = 2, ) -> Optional[str]: # TODO: allow for user configured digits value if baseline_value == 0: "compare_to_baseline: baseline has value of 0" + ", can't compute percent change." ) return None if (objective_minimize and (baseline_value <= comparison_value)) or ( not objective_minimize and (baseline_value >= comparison_value) ): logger.debug( f"compare_to_baseline: comparison arm {comparison_arm_name}" + f" did not beat baseline arm {baseline_arm_name}. " ) return None percent_change = ((abs(comparison_value - baseline_value)) / baseline_value) * 100 return _format_comparison_string( comparison_arm_name=comparison_arm_name, baseline_arm_name=baseline_arm_name, objective_name=objective_name, percent_change=percent_change, baseline_value=baseline_value, comparison_value=comparison_value, digits=digits, ) def _build_result_tuple( objective_name: str, objective_minimize: bool, baseline_arm_name: str, baseline_value: float, comparison_row: pd.DataFrame, ) -> Tuple[str, bool, str, float, str, float]: """Formats inputs into a tuple for use in creating the comparison message. Returns: (metric_name, minimize, baseline_arm_name, baseline_value, comparison_arm_name, comparison_arm_value,) """ comparison_arm_name = checked_cast(str, comparison_row["arm_name"]) comparison_value = checked_cast(float, comparison_row[objective_name]) result = ( objective_name, objective_minimize, baseline_arm_name, baseline_value, comparison_arm_name, comparison_value, ) return result
[docs]def select_baseline_arm( experiment: Experiment, arms_df: pd.DataFrame, baseline_arm_name: Optional[str] ) -> Tuple[str, bool]: """ Choose a baseline arm that is found in arms_df Returns: Tuple: baseline_arm_name if valid baseline exists true when baseline selected from first arm of sweep raise ValueError if no valid baseline found """ if baseline_arm_name: if arms_df[arms_df["arm_name"] == baseline_arm_name].empty: raise ValueError( f"compare_to_baseline: baseline row: {baseline_arm_name=}" " not found in arms" ) return baseline_arm_name, False else: if ( experiment.status_quo and not arms_df[ arms_df["arm_name"] == not_none(experiment.status_quo).name ].empty ): baseline_arm_name = not_none(experiment.status_quo).name return baseline_arm_name, False if ( experiment.trials and experiment.trials[0].arms and not arms_df[ arms_df["arm_name"] == experiment.trials[0].arms[0].name ].empty ): baseline_arm_name = experiment.trials[0].arms[0].name return baseline_arm_name, True else: raise ValueError("compare_to_baseline: could not find valid baseline arm")
[docs]def maybe_extract_baseline_comparison_values( experiment: Experiment, optimization_config: Optional[OptimizationConfig], comparison_arm_names: Optional[List[str]], baseline_arm_name: Optional[str], ) -> Optional[List[Tuple[str, bool, str, float, str, float]]]: """ Extracts the baseline values from the experiment, for use in comparing the baseline arm to the optimal results. Requires the user specifies the names of the arms to compare to. Returns: List of tuples containing: (metric_name, minimize, baseline_arm_name, baseline_value, comparison_arm_name, comparison_arm_value, ) """ # TODO: incorporate model uncertainty when available # TODO: extract and use best arms if comparison_arm_names is not provided. # Can do this automatically using optimization_config. if not comparison_arm_names: "compare_to_baseline: comparison_arm_names not provided. Returning None." ) return None if not optimization_config: if experiment.optimization_config is None: "compare_to_baseline: optimization_config neither" + " provided in inputs nor present on experiment." ) return None optimization_config = experiment.optimization_config arms_df = exp_to_df(experiment) if arms_df is None:"compare_to_baseline: arms_df is None.") return None comparison_arm_df = arms_df[arms_df["arm_name"].isin(comparison_arm_names)] if comparison_arm_df is None or len(comparison_arm_df) == 0:"compare_to_baseline: comparison_arm_df has no rows.") return None try: baseline_arm_name, _ = select_baseline_arm( experiment=experiment, arms_df=arms_df, baseline_arm_name=baseline_arm_name ) except Exception as e:"compare_to_baseline: could not select baseline arm. Reason: {e}") return None baseline_rows = arms_df[arms_df["arm_name"] == baseline_arm_name] if experiment.is_moo_problem: multi_objective = checked_cast(MultiObjective, optimization_config.objective) result_list = [] for objective in multi_objective.objectives: name = minimize = objective.minimize opt_index = ( comparison_arm_df[name].idxmin() if minimize else comparison_arm_df[name].idxmax() ) comparison_row = arms_df.iloc[opt_index] baseline_value = baseline_rows.iloc[0][name] result_tuple = _build_result_tuple( objective_name=name, objective_minimize=minimize, baseline_arm_name=baseline_arm_name, baseline_value=baseline_value, comparison_row=comparison_row, ) result_list.append(result_tuple) return result_list if result_list else None objective_name = baseline_value = baseline_rows.iloc[0][objective_name] comparison_row = comparison_arm_df.iloc[0] return [ _build_result_tuple( objective_name=objective_name, objective_minimize=optimization_config.objective.minimize, baseline_arm_name=baseline_arm_name, baseline_value=baseline_value, comparison_row=comparison_row, ) ]
[docs]def compare_to_baseline_impl( comparison_list: List[Tuple[str, bool, str, float, str, float]] ) -> Optional[str]: """Implementation of compare_to_baseline, taking in a list of arm comparisons. Can be used directly with the output of 'maybe_extract_baseline_comparison_values'""" result_message = "" if len(comparison_list) > 1: result_message = ( "Below is the greatest improvement, if any," " achieved for each objective metric \n" ) for _, result_tuple in enumerate(comparison_list): comparison_message = _construct_comparison_message(*result_tuple) if comparison_message: result_message = ( result_message + (" \n* " if len(comparison_list) > 1 else "") + not_none(comparison_message) ) return result_message if result_message else None
[docs]def compare_to_baseline( experiment: Experiment, optimization_config: Optional[OptimizationConfig], comparison_arm_names: Optional[List[str]], baseline_arm_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Optional[str]: """Calculate metric improvement of the experiment against baseline. Returns the message(s) added to markdown_messages.""" comparison_list = maybe_extract_baseline_comparison_values( experiment=experiment, optimization_config=optimization_config, comparison_arm_names=comparison_arm_names, baseline_arm_name=baseline_arm_name, ) if not comparison_list: return None comparison_list = not_none(comparison_list) return compare_to_baseline_impl(comparison_list)
[docs]def warn_if_unpredictable_metrics( experiment: Experiment, generation_strategy: GenerationStrategy, model_fit_threshold: float, metric_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, model_fit_metric_name: str = "coefficient_of_determination", ) -> Optional[str]: """Warn if any optimization config metrics are considered unpredictable, i.e., their coefficient of determination is less than model_fit_threshold. Args: experiment: The experiment containing the data and optimization_config. If there is no optimization config, this function checks all metrics attached to the experiment. generation_strategy: The generation strategy containing the model. model_fit_threshold: If a model's coefficient of determination is below this threshold, that metric is considered unpredictable. metric_names: If specified, only check these metrics. model_fit_metric_name: Name of the metric to apply the model fit threshold to. Returns: A string warning the user about unpredictable metrics, if applicable. """ # Get fit quality dict. model_bridge = generation_strategy.model # Optional[ModelBridge] if model_bridge is None: # Need to re-fit the model. generation_strategy._fit_current_model(data=None) model_bridge = cast(ModelBridge, generation_strategy.model) if isinstance(model_bridge, RandomModelBridge): logger.debug( "Current modelbridge on GenerationStrategy is RandomModelBridge. " "Not checking metric predictability." ) return None model_fit_dict = compute_model_fit_metrics_from_modelbridge( model_bridge=model_bridge, generalization=True, # use generalization metrics for user warning untransform=False, ) fit_quality_dict = model_fit_dict[model_fit_metric_name] # Extract salient metrics from experiment. if metric_names is None: if experiment.optimization_config is None: metric_names = list(experiment.metrics.keys()) else: metric_names = list(not_none(experiment.optimization_config).metrics.keys()) else: # Raise a ValueError if any metric names are invalid. bad_metric_names = set(metric_names) - set(experiment.metrics.keys()) if len(bad_metric_names) > 0: raise ValueError( f"Invalid metric names: {bad_metric_names}. Please only use " "metric_names that are available on the present experiment, " f"which are: {list(experiment.metrics.keys())}." ) # Flag metrics whose coefficient of determination is below the threshold. unpredictable_metrics = { k: v for k, v in fit_quality_dict.items() if k in metric_names and v < model_fit_threshold } if len(unpredictable_metrics) > 0: return UNPREDICTABLE_METRICS_MESSAGE.format(list(unpredictable_metrics.keys()))