Source code for ax.models.torch.botorch_modular.sebo

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# pyre-strict

import functools
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type

import torch
from ax.core.search_space import SearchSpaceDigest
from ax.models.torch.botorch_modular.acquisition import Acquisition
from ax.models.torch.botorch_modular.optimizer_argparse import optimizer_argparse
from ax.models.torch.botorch_modular.surrogate import Surrogate
from ax.models.torch_base import TorchOptConfig
from ax.utils.common.constants import Keys
from ax.utils.common.typeutils import not_none
from botorch.acquisition.acquisition import AcquisitionFunction
from botorch.acquisition.multi_objective.monte_carlo import (
from botorch.acquisition.penalized import L0Approximation
from botorch.models.deterministic import GenericDeterministicModel
from botorch.models.model import ModelList
from botorch.optim import (
from botorch.utils.datasets import SupervisedDataset
from botorch.utils.multi_objective.pareto import is_non_dominated
from torch import Tensor
from torch.quasirandom import SobolEngine

CLAMP_TOL = 0.01

[docs]class SEBOAcquisition(Acquisition): """ Implement the acquisition function of Sparsity Exploring Bayesian Optimization (SEBO). The SEBO is a hyperparameter-free method to simultaneously maximize a target objective and sparsity. When L0 norm is used, SEBO uses a novel differentiable relaxation based on homotopy continuation to efficiently optimize for sparsity. """ def __init__( self, surrogates: Dict[str, Surrogate], search_space_digest: SearchSpaceDigest, torch_opt_config: TorchOptConfig, botorch_acqf_class: Type[AcquisitionFunction], options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: if len(surrogates) > 1: raise ValueError("SEBO does not support support multiple surrogates.") surrogate = surrogates[Keys.ONLY_SURROGATE] tkwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {"dtype": surrogate.dtype, "device": surrogate.device} options = {} if options is None else options self.penalty_name: str = options.pop("penalty", "L0_norm") self.target_point: Tensor = options.pop("target_point", None) if self.target_point is None: raise ValueError("please provide target point.")**tkwargs) self.sparsity_threshold: int = options.pop( "sparsity_threshold", surrogate.Xs[0].shape[-1] ) # construct determinsitic model for penalty term # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self.deterministic_model = self._construct_penalty() surrogate_f = deepcopy(surrogate) # update the training data in new surrogate not_none(surrogate_f._training_data).append( SupervisedDataset( surrogate_f.Xs[0], self.deterministic_model(surrogate_f.Xs[0]), # append Yvar as zero for penalty term Yvar=torch.zeros(surrogate_f.Xs[0].shape[0], 1, **tkwargs), feature_names=surrogate_f.training_data[0].feature_names, outcome_names=[self.penalty_name], ) ) # update the model in new surrogate surrogate_f._model = ModelList(surrogate.model, self.deterministic_model) self.det_metric_indx = -1 # update objective weights and thresholds in the torch config torch_opt_config_sebo = self._transform_torch_config( torch_opt_config, **tkwargs ) # instantiate botorch_acqf_class if not issubclass(botorch_acqf_class, qExpectedHypervolumeImprovement): raise ValueError("botorch_acqf_class must be qEHVI to use SEBO") super().__init__( surrogates={"sebo": surrogate_f}, search_space_digest=search_space_digest, torch_opt_config=torch_opt_config_sebo, botorch_acqf_class=botorch_acqf_class, options=options, ) if not isinstance(self.acqf, qExpectedHypervolumeImprovement): raise ValueError("botorch_acqf_class must be qEHVI to use SEBO") # update objective threshold for deterministic model (penalty term) self.acqf.ref_point[-1] = self.sparsity_threshold * -1 # pyre-ignore self._objective_thresholds[-1] = self.sparsity_threshold Y_pareto = [d.Y for d in self.surrogates["sebo"].training_data], dim=-1, ) ind_pareto = is_non_dominated(Y_pareto * self._full_objective_weights) # pyre-ignore self.X_pareto = self.surrogates["sebo"].Xs[0][ind_pareto].clone() def _construct_penalty(self) -> GenericDeterministicModel: """Construct a penalty term as deterministic model to be included in SEBO acqusition function. Currently only L0 and L1 penalty are supported. """ if self.penalty_name == "L0_norm": L0 = L0Approximation(target_point=self.target_point) return GenericDeterministicModel(f=L0) elif self.penalty_name == "L1_norm": L1 = functools.partial( L1_norm_func, init_point=self.target_point, ) return GenericDeterministicModel(f=L1) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"{self.penalty_name} is not currently implemented." ) def _transform_torch_config( self, torch_opt_config: TorchOptConfig, **tkwargs: Any, ) -> TorchOptConfig: """Transform torch config to include penalty term (deterministic model) as an additional outcomes in BoTorch model. """ # update objective weights by appending the weight (-1) of penalty term # at the end ow_sebo = [torch_opt_config.objective_weights, torch.tensor([-1], **tkwargs)] ) if torch_opt_config.outcome_constraints is not None: # update the shape of A matrix in outcome_constraints oc_sebo = ( [ torch_opt_config.outcome_constraints[0], torch.zeros( # pyre-ignore torch_opt_config.outcome_constraints[0].shape[0], 1, **tkwargs, ), ], dim=1, ), torch_opt_config.outcome_constraints[1], ) else: oc_sebo = None if torch_opt_config.objective_thresholds is not None: # append the sparsity threshold at the end if objective_thresholds # is not None ot_sebo = [ torch_opt_config.objective_thresholds, torch.tensor([self.sparsity_threshold], **tkwargs), ] ) else: ot_sebo = None # update pending observations (if not none) by appending an obs for # the new penalty outcome pending_observations = torch_opt_config.pending_observations if torch_opt_config.pending_observations is not None: pending_observations = torch_opt_config.pending_observations + [ torch_opt_config.pending_observations[0] ] return TorchOptConfig( objective_weights=ow_sebo, outcome_constraints=oc_sebo, objective_thresholds=ot_sebo, linear_constraints=torch_opt_config.linear_constraints, fixed_features=torch_opt_config.fixed_features, pending_observations=pending_observations, model_gen_options=torch_opt_config.model_gen_options, rounding_func=torch_opt_config.rounding_func, opt_config_metrics=torch_opt_config.opt_config_metrics, is_moo=torch_opt_config.is_moo, )
[docs] def optimize( self, n: int, search_space_digest: SearchSpaceDigest, inequality_constraints: Optional[List[Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, float]]] = None, fixed_features: Optional[Dict[int, float]] = None, rounding_func: Optional[Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]] = None, optimizer_options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: """Generate a set of candidates via multi-start optimization. Obtains candidates and their associated acquisition function values. Args: n: The number of candidates to generate. search_space_digest: A ``SearchSpaceDigest`` object containing search space properties, e.g. ``bounds`` for optimization. inequality_constraints: A list of tuples (indices, coefficients, rhs), with each tuple encoding an inequality constraint of the form ``sum_i (X[indices[i]] * coefficients[i]) >= rhs``. fixed_features: A map `{feature_index: value}` for features that should be fixed to a particular value during generation. rounding_func: A function that post-processes an optimization result appropriately (i.e., according to `round-trip` transformations). optimizer_options: Options for the optimizer function, e.g. ``sequential`` or ``raw_samples``. Returns: A three-element tuple containing an `n x d`-dim tensor of generated candidates, a tensor with the associated acquisition values, and a tensor with the weight for each candidate. """ if self.penalty_name == "L0_norm": if inequality_constraints is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "Homotopy does not support optimization with inequality " + "constraints. Use L1 penalty norm instead." ) candidates, expected_acquisition_value, weights = ( self._optimize_with_homotopy( n=n, search_space_digest=search_space_digest, fixed_features=fixed_features, rounding_func=rounding_func, optimizer_options=optimizer_options, ) ) else: # if L1 norm use standard moo-opt candidates, expected_acquisition_value, weights = super().optimize( n=n, search_space_digest=search_space_digest, inequality_constraints=inequality_constraints, fixed_features=fixed_features, rounding_func=rounding_func, optimizer_options=optimizer_options, ) # similar, make sure if applies to sparse dimensions only candidates = clamp_candidates( X=candidates, target_point=self.target_point, clamp_tol=CLAMP_TOL, device=self.device, dtype=self.dtype, ) return candidates, expected_acquisition_value, weights
def _optimize_with_homotopy( self, n: int, search_space_digest: SearchSpaceDigest, fixed_features: Optional[Dict[int, float]] = None, rounding_func: Optional[Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]] = None, optimizer_options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: """Optimize SEBO ACQF with L0 norm using homotopy.""" # extend to fixed a no homotopy_schedule schedule _tensorize = partial(torch.tensor, dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device) ssd = search_space_digest bounds = _tensorize(ssd.bounds).t() homotopy_schedule = LogLinearHomotopySchedule(start=0.1, end=1e-3, num_steps=30) # Prepare arguments for optimizer optimizer_options_with_defaults = optimizer_argparse( self.acqf, bounds=bounds, q=n, optimizer_options=optimizer_options, optimizer="optimize_acqf_homotopy", ) def callback() -> None: if ( self.acqf.cache_pending ): # If true, pending points are concatenated with X_baseline if self.acqf._max_iep != 0: raise ValueError( "The maximum number of pending points (max_iep) must be 0" ) X_baseline = self.acqf._X_baseline_and_pending.clone() self.acqf.__init__( # pyre-ignore X_baseline=X_baseline, model=self.surrogates["sebo"].model, ref_point=self.acqf.ref_point, objective=self.acqf.objective, ) else: # We can directly get the pending points here X_pending = self.acqf.X_pending self.acqf.__init__( # pyre-ignore X_baseline=self.X_observed, model=self.surrogates["sebo"].model, ref_point=self.acqf.ref_point, objective=self.acqf.objective, ) self.acqf.set_X_pending(X_pending) homotopy = Homotopy( homotopy_parameters=[ HomotopyParameter( parameter=self.deterministic_model._f.a, schedule=homotopy_schedule, ) ], callbacks=[callback], ) # need to know sparse dimensions batch_initial_conditions = get_batch_initial_conditions( acq_function=self.acqf, raw_samples=optimizer_options_with_defaults["raw_samples"], X_pareto=self.X_pareto, target_point=self.target_point, num_restarts=optimizer_options_with_defaults["num_restarts"], **{"device": self.device, "dtype": self.dtype}, ) candidates, expected_acquisition_value = optimize_acqf_homotopy( q=n, acq_function=self.acqf, bounds=bounds, homotopy=homotopy, num_restarts=optimizer_options_with_defaults["num_restarts"], raw_samples=optimizer_options_with_defaults["raw_samples"], post_processing_func=rounding_func, fixed_features=fixed_features, batch_initial_conditions=batch_initial_conditions, ) return ( candidates, expected_acquisition_value, torch.ones(n, dtype=candidates.dtype), )
[docs]def L1_norm_func(X: Tensor, init_point: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""L1_norm takes in a a `batch_shape x n x d`-dim input tensor `X` to a `batch_shape x n x 1`-dimensional L1 norm tensor. To be used for constructing a GenericDeterministicModel. """ return torch.linalg.norm((X - init_point), ord=1, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
[docs]def clamp_candidates( X: Tensor, target_point: Tensor, clamp_tol: float, **tkwargs: Any ) -> Tensor: """Clamp generated candidates within the given ranges to the target point.""" clamp_mask = (X - target_point).abs() < clamp_tol clamp_mask = clamp_mask X[clamp_mask] = ( target_point.clone().repeat(*X.shape[:-1], 1).to(**tkwargs)[clamp_mask] ) return X
[docs]def get_batch_initial_conditions( acq_function: AcquisitionFunction, raw_samples: int, X_pareto: Tensor, target_point: Tensor, num_restarts: int = 20, **tkwargs: Any, ) -> Tensor: """Generate starting points for the SEBO acquisition function optimization.""" dim = X_pareto.shape[-1] # dimension # (1) Global Sobol points X_cand1 = SobolEngine(dimension=dim, scramble=True).draw(raw_samples).to(**tkwargs) X_cand1 = X_cand1[ acq_function(X_cand1.unsqueeze(1)).topk(num_restarts // 5).indices ] # (2) Global Sobol points with a Bernoulli mask X_cand2 = SobolEngine(dimension=dim, scramble=True).draw(raw_samples).to(**tkwargs) mask = torch.rand(X_cand2.shape, **tkwargs) < 0.5 X_cand2[mask] = target_point.repeat(len(X_cand2), 1).to(**tkwargs)[mask] X_cand2 = X_cand2[ acq_function(X_cand2.unsqueeze(1)).topk(num_restarts // 5).indices ] # (3) Perturbations of points on the Pareto frontier (done by TuRBO and Spearmint) X_cand3 = X_pareto.clone()[torch.randint(high=len(X_pareto), size=(raw_samples,))] mask = X_cand3 != target_point X_cand3[mask] += 0.2 * torch.randn(*X_cand3.shape, **tkwargs)[mask] X_cand3 = torch.clamp(X_cand3, min=0.0, max=1.0) X_cand3 = X_cand3[ acq_function(X_cand3.unsqueeze(1)).topk(num_restarts // 5).indices ] # (4) Apply a Bernoulli mask to points on the Pareto frontier X_cand4 = X_pareto.clone()[torch.randint(high=len(X_pareto), size=(raw_samples,))] mask = torch.rand(X_cand4.shape, **tkwargs) < 0.5 X_cand4[mask] = target_point.repeat(len(X_cand4), 1).to(**tkwargs)[mask].clone() X_cand4 = X_cand4[ acq_function(X_cand4.unsqueeze(1)).topk(num_restarts // 5).indices ] return, X_cand2, X_cand3, X_cand4), dim=0).unsqueeze(1)