Source code for ax.models.discrete.thompson

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# pyre-strict

import hashlib
import json
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np
from ax.core.types import TGenMetadata, TParamValue, TParamValueList
from ax.exceptions.constants import TS_MIN_WEIGHT_ERROR, TS_NO_FEASIBLE_ARMS_ERROR
from ax.exceptions.model import ModelError
from ax.models.discrete_base import DiscreteModel
from ax.models.types import TConfig
from ax.utils.common.docutils import copy_doc

[docs]class ThompsonSampler(DiscreteModel): """Generator for Thompson sampling. The generator performs Thompson sampling on the data passed in via `fit`. Arms are given weight proportional to the probability that they are winners, according to Monte Carlo simulations. """ def __init__( self, num_samples: int = 10000, min_weight: Optional[float] = None, uniform_weights: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Args: num_samples: The number of samples to draw from the posterior. min_weight: The minimum weight a arm must be given in order for it to be returned from the gernerator. If not specified, will be set to 2 / (number of arms). uniform_weights: If True, the arms returned from the generator will each be given a weight of 1 / (number of arms). """ self.num_samples = num_samples self.min_weight = min_weight self.uniform_weights = uniform_weights # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self.X = None # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self.Ys = None # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self.Yvars = None # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self.X_to_Ys_and_Yvars = None
[docs] @copy_doc( def fit( self, Xs: List[List[TParamValueList]], Ys: List[List[float]], Yvars: List[List[float]], parameter_values: List[TParamValueList], outcome_names: List[str], ) -> None: self.X = self._fit_X(Xs=Xs) self.Ys, self.Yvars = self._fit_Ys_and_Yvars( Ys=Ys, Yvars=Yvars, outcome_names=outcome_names ) self.X_to_Ys_and_Yvars = self._fit_X_to_Ys_and_Yvars( X=self.X, Ys=self.Ys, Yvars=self.Yvars )
[docs] @copy_doc(DiscreteModel.gen) def gen( self, n: int, parameter_values: List[TParamValueList], objective_weights: Optional[np.ndarray], outcome_constraints: Optional[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]] = None, fixed_features: Optional[Dict[int, TParamValue]] = None, pending_observations: Optional[List[List[TParamValueList]]] = None, model_gen_options: Optional[TConfig] = None, ) -> Tuple[List[TParamValueList], List[float], TGenMetadata]: if objective_weights is None: raise ValueError("ThompsonSampler requires objective weights.") arms = self.X k = len(arms) weights = self._generate_weights( objective_weights=objective_weights, outcome_constraints=outcome_constraints ) min_weight = self.min_weight if self.min_weight is not None else 2.0 / k # Second entry is used for tie-breaking weighted_arms = [ (weights[i], np.random.random(), arms[i]) for i in range(k) if weights[i] > min_weight ] if len(weighted_arms) == 0: raise ModelError( TS_MIN_WEIGHT_ERROR.format( min_weight=min_weight, max_weight=max(weights) ) ) weighted_arms.sort(reverse=True) top_weighted_arms = weighted_arms[:n] if n > 0 else weighted_arms top_arms = [arm for _, _, arm in top_weighted_arms] top_weights = [weight for weight, _, _ in top_weighted_arms] # N TS arms should have total weight N if self.uniform_weights: top_weights = [1.0 for _ in top_weights] else: top_weights = [ (x * len(top_weights)) / sum(top_weights) for x in top_weights ] return top_arms, top_weights, {"arms_to_weights": list(zip(arms, weights))}
[docs] @copy_doc(DiscreteModel.predict) def predict(self, X: List[TParamValueList]) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: n = len(X) # number of parameterizations at which to make predictions m = len(self.Ys) # number of outcomes f = np.zeros((n, m)) # array of outcome predictions cov = np.zeros((n, m, m)) # array of predictive covariances predictX = [self._hash_TParamValueList(x) for x in X] for i, X_to_Y_and_Yvar in enumerate(self.X_to_Ys_and_Yvars): # iterate through outcomes for j, x in enumerate(predictX): # iterate through parameterizations at which to make predictions if x not in X_to_Y_and_Yvar: raise ValueError( "ThompsonSampler does not support out-of-sample prediction." ) f[j, i], cov[j, i, i] = X_to_Y_and_Yvar[x] return f, cov
def _generate_weights( self, objective_weights: np.ndarray, outcome_constraints: Optional[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]] = None, ) -> List[float]: samples, fraction_all_infeasible = self._produce_samples( num_samples=self.num_samples, objective_weights=objective_weights, outcome_constraints=outcome_constraints, ) if fraction_all_infeasible > 0.99: raise ModelError(TS_NO_FEASIBLE_ARMS_ERROR) num_valid_samples = samples.shape[1] while num_valid_samples < self.num_samples: num_additional_samples = (self.num_samples - num_valid_samples) / ( 1 - fraction_all_infeasible ) num_additional_samples = int(np.maximum(num_additional_samples, 100)) new_samples, _ = self._produce_samples( num_samples=num_additional_samples, objective_weights=objective_weights, outcome_constraints=outcome_constraints, ) samples = np.concatenate([samples, new_samples], axis=1) num_valid_samples = samples.shape[1] winner_indices = np.argmax(samples, axis=0) # (num_samples,) winner_counts = np.zeros(len(self.X)) # (k,) for index in winner_indices: winner_counts[index] += 1 weights = winner_counts / winner_counts.sum() return weights.tolist() def _generate_samples_per_metric(self, num_samples: int) -> np.ndarray: k = len(self.X) samples_per_metric = np.zeros( (k, num_samples, len(self.Ys)) ) # k x num_samples x m for i, Y in enumerate(self.Ys): # (k x 1) Yvar = self.Yvars[i] # (k x 1) cov = np.diag(Yvar) # (k x k) samples = np.random.multivariate_normal( Y, cov, num_samples ).T # (k x num_samples) samples_per_metric[:, :, i] = samples return samples_per_metric def _produce_samples( self, num_samples: int, objective_weights: np.ndarray, outcome_constraints: Optional[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]], ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, float]: k = len(self.X) samples_per_metric = self._generate_samples_per_metric(num_samples=num_samples) any_violation = np.zeros((k, num_samples), dtype=bool) # (k x num_samples) if outcome_constraints: # A is (num_constraints x m) # b is (num_constraints x 1) A, b = outcome_constraints # (k x num_samples x m) dot (num_constraints x m)^T # = (k x num_samples x m) dot (m x num_constraints) # ==> (k x num_samples x num_constraints) constraint_values =, A.T) violations = constraint_values > b.T any_violation = np.max(violations, axis=2) # (k x num_samples) objective_values = samples_per_metric, objective_weights ) # (k x num_samples) objective_values[any_violation] = -np.inf best_arm = objective_values.max(axis=0) # (num_samples,) all_arms_infeasible = best_arm == -np.inf # (num_samples,) fraction_all_infeasible = all_arms_infeasible.mean() filtered_objective = objective_values[:, ~all_arms_infeasible] # (k x ?) return filtered_objective, fraction_all_infeasible def _validate_Xs(self, Xs: List[List[TParamValueList]]) -> None: """ 1. Require that all Xs have the same arms, i.e. we have observed all arms for all metrics. If so, we can safely use Xs[0] exclusively. 2. Require that all rows of X are unique, i.e. only one observation per parameterization. """ if not all(x == Xs[0] for x in Xs[1:]): raise ValueError( "ThompsonSampler requires that all elements of Xs are identical; " "i.e. that we have observed all arms for all metrics." ) X = Xs[0] uniqueX = {self._hash_TParamValueList(x) for x in X} if len(uniqueX) != len(X): raise ValueError( "ThompsonSampler requires all rows of X to be unique; " "i.e. that there is only one observation per parameterization." ) def _fit_X(self, Xs: List[List[TParamValueList]]) -> List[TParamValueList]: """After validation has been performed, it's safe to use Xs[0].""" self._validate_Xs(Xs=Xs) return Xs[0] def _fit_Ys_and_Yvars( self, Ys: List[List[float]], Yvars: List[List[float]], outcome_names: List[str] ) -> Tuple[List[List[float]], List[List[float]]]: """For plain Thompson Sampling, there's nothing to be done here. EmpiricalBayesThompsonSampler will overwrite this method to perform shrinkage. """ return Ys, Yvars def _fit_X_to_Ys_and_Yvars( self, X: List[TParamValueList], Ys: List[List[float]], Yvars: List[List[float]] ) -> List[Dict[TParamValueList, Tuple[float, float]]]: """Construct lists of mappings, one per outcome, of parameterizations to the a tuple of their mean and variance. """ X_to_Ys_and_Yvars = [] hashableX = [self._hash_TParamValueList(x) for x in X] for Y, Yvar in zip(Ys, Yvars): X_to_Ys_and_Yvars.append(dict(zip(hashableX, zip(Y, Yvar)))) return X_to_Ys_and_Yvars def _hash_TParamValueList(self, x: TParamValueList) -> str: """Hash a list of parameter values. This is safer than converting the list to a tuple because of int/floats. """ param_values_str = json.dumps(x) return hashlib.md5(param_values_str.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()