Source code for ax.modelbridge.external_generation_node

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# pyre-strict

import time
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from logging import Logger
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence

from ax.core.arm import Arm
from import Data
from ax.core.experiment import Experiment
from ax.core.generator_run import GeneratorRun
from ax.core.observation import ObservationFeatures
from ax.core.optimization_config import OptimizationConfig
from ax.core.search_space import SearchSpace
from ax.core.types import TParameterization
from ax.exceptions.core import UnsupportedError
from ax.modelbridge.generation_node import GenerationNode
from ax.modelbridge.transition_criterion import TransitionCriterion
from ax.utils.common.logger import get_logger

logger: Logger = get_logger(__name__)

# TODO[drfreund]: Introduce a `GenerationNodeInterface` to
# make inheritance/overriding of `GenNode` methods cleaner.
[docs]class ExternalGenerationNode(GenerationNode, ABC): """A generation node intended to be used with non-Ax methods for candidate generation. To leverage external methods for candidate generation, the user must create a subclass that implements ``update_generator_state`` and ``get_next_candidate`` methods. This can then be provided as a node into a ``GenerationStrategy``, either as standalone or as part of a larger generation strategy with other generation nodes, e.g., with a Sobol node for initialization. Example: >>> class MyExternalGenerationNode(ExternalGenerationNode): >>> ... >>> generation_strategy = GenerationStrategy( >>> nodes = [MyExternalGenerationNode(...)] >>> ) >>> ax_client = AxClient(generation_strategy=generation_strategy) >>> ax_client.create_experiment(...) >>> ax_client.get_next_trial() # Generates trials using the new generation node. """ def __init__( self, node_name: str, should_deduplicate: bool = True, transition_criteria: Optional[Sequence[TransitionCriterion]] = None, ) -> None: """Initialize an external generation node. NOTE: The runtime accounting in this method should be replicated by the subclasses. This will ensure accurate comparison of runtimes between methods, in case a non-significant compute is spent in the constructor. Args: node_name: Name of the generation node. should_deduplicate: Whether to deduplicate the generated points against the existing trials on the experiment. If True, the duplicate points will be discarded and re-generated up to 5 times, after which a `GenerationStrategyRepeatedPoints` exception will be raised. NOTE: For this to work, the generator must be able to produce a different parameterization when called again with the same state. transition_criteria: Criteria for determining whether to move to the next node in the generation strategy. This is an advanced option that is only relevant if the generation strategy consists of multiple nodes. """ t_init_start = time.monotonic() super().__init__( node_name=node_name, model_specs=[], best_model_selector=None, should_deduplicate=should_deduplicate, transition_criteria=transition_criteria, ) self.fit_time_since_gen: float = time.monotonic() - t_init_start
[docs] @abstractmethod def update_generator_state(self, experiment: Experiment, data: Data) -> None: """A method used to update the state of the generator. This includes any models, predictors or any other custom state used by the generation node. This method will be called with the up-to-date experiment and data before ``get_next_candidate`` is called to generate the next trial(s). Note that ``get_next_candidate`` may be called multiple times (to generate multiple candidates) after a call to ``update_generator_state``. Args: experiment: The ``Experiment`` object representing the current state of the experiment. The key properties includes ``trials``, ``search_space``, and ``optimization_config``. The data is provided as a separate arg. data: The data / metrics collected on the experiment so far. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_next_candidate( self, pending_parameters: List[TParameterization] ) -> TParameterization: """Get the parameters for the next candidate configuration to evaluate. Args: pending_parameters: A list of parameters of the candidates pending evaluation. This is often used to avoid generating duplicate candidates. Returns: A dictionary mapping parameter names to parameter values for the next candidate suggested by the method. """
@property def _fitted_model(self) -> None: return None @property def model_spec_to_gen_from(self) -> None: return None
[docs] def fit( self, experiment: Experiment, data: Data, search_space: Optional[SearchSpace] = None, optimization_config: Optional[OptimizationConfig] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """A method used to initialize or update the experiment state / data on any surrogate models or predictors used during candidate generation. This method records the time spent during the update and defers to `update_generator_state` for the actual work. Args: experiment: The experiment to fit the surrogate model / predictor to. data: The experiment data used to fit the model. search_space: UNSUPPORTED. An optional override for the experiment search space. optimization_config: UNSUPPORTED. An optional override for the experiment optimization config. kwargs: UNSUPPORTED. Additional keyword arguments for model fitting. """ if search_space is not None or optimization_config is not None or kwargs: raise UnsupportedError( "Unexpected arguments encountered. `` only " "supports `experiment` and `data` arguments. " "Each of the following arguments should be None / empty. " f"{search_space=}, {optimization_config=}, {kwargs=}." ) t_fit_start = time.monotonic() self.update_generator_state( experiment=experiment, data=data, ) self.fit_time_since_gen += time.monotonic() - t_fit_start
def _gen( self, n: Optional[int] = None, pending_observations: Optional[Dict[str, List[ObservationFeatures]]] = None, **model_gen_kwargs: Any, ) -> GeneratorRun: """Generate new candidates for evaluation. This method calls `get_next_trial_parameterizations` to get the parameters for the next trial(s), and packages it as needed for higher level Ax APIs. If `should_deduplicate=True`, this also checks for duplicates and re-generates the parameters as needed. Args: n: Optional integer representing how many arms should be in the generator run produced by this method. Defaults to 1. pending_observations: A map from metric name to pending observations for that metric, used by some methods to avoid re-suggesting candidates that are currently being evaluated. model_gen_kwargs: Keyword arguments, passed through to ``ModelSpec.gen``; these override any pre-specified in ``ModelSpec.model_gen_kwargs``. Returns: A ``GeneratorRun`` containing the newly generated candidates. """ t_gen_start = time.monotonic() n = 1 if n is None else n pending_parameters: List[TParameterization] = [] if pending_observations: for obs in pending_observations.values(): for o in obs: if o not in pending_parameters: pending_parameters.append(o.parameters) generated_params: List[TParameterization] = [] for _ in range(n): params = self.get_next_candidate(pending_parameters=pending_parameters) generated_params.append(params) pending_parameters.append(params) # Return the parameterizations as a generator run. generator_run = GeneratorRun( arms=[Arm(parameters=params) for params in generated_params], fit_time=self.fit_time_since_gen, gen_time=time.monotonic() - t_gen_start, model_key=self.node_name, ) # TODO: This shares the same bug as ModelBridge.gen. In both cases, after # deduplication, the generator run will record fit_time as 0. self.fit_time_since_gen = 0 return generator_run