Source code for ax.plot.helper

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# pyre-strict

import math
from collections import Counter

from logging import Logger
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from ax.core.generator_run import GeneratorRun
from ax.core.observation import Observation, ObservationFeatures
from ax.core.parameter import ChoiceParameter, FixedParameter, Parameter, RangeParameter
from ax.core.types import TParameterization
from ax.modelbridge.base import ModelBridge
from ax.modelbridge.prediction_utils import (
from ax.modelbridge.transforms.ivw import IVW
from ax.plot.base import DECIMALS, PlotData, PlotInSampleArm, PlotOutOfSampleArm, Z
from ax.utils.common.logger import get_logger
from ax.utils.common.typeutils import not_none

logger: Logger = get_logger(__name__)

# Typing alias
RawData = List[Dict[str, Union[str, float]]]

TNullableGeneratorRunsDict = Optional[Dict[str, GeneratorRun]]

[docs]def extend_range( lower: float, upper: float, percent: int = 10, log_scale: bool = False ) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Given a range of minimum and maximum values taken by values on a given axis, extend it in both directions by a given percentage to have some margin within the plot around its meaningful part. """ if upper <= lower: raise ValueError( f"`upper` should be greater than `lower`, got: {upper} (<= {lower})." ) if log_scale: raise NotImplementedError("Log scale not yet supported.") margin = (upper - lower) * percent / 100 return lower - margin, upper + margin
def _format_dict(param_dict: TParameterization, name: str = "Parameterization") -> str: """Format a dictionary for labels. Args: param_dict: Dictionary to be formatted name: String name of the thing being formatted. Returns: stringified blob. """ if len(param_dict) >= 10: blob = "{} has too many items to render on hover ({}).".format( name, len(param_dict) ) else: blob = "<br><em>{}:</em><br>{}".format( name, "<br>".join("{}: {}".format(n, v) for n, v in param_dict.items()) ) return blob def _wrap_metric(metric_name: str) -> str: """Put a newline on "::" for metric names. Args: metric_name: metric name. Returns: wrapped metric name. """ if "::" in metric_name: return "<br>".join(metric_name.split("::")) else: return metric_name def _format_CI(estimate: float, sd: float, relative: bool, zval: float = Z) -> str: """Format confidence intervals given estimate and standard deviation. Args: estimate: point estimate. sd: standard deviation of point estimate. relative: if True, '%' is appended. zval: z-value associated with desired CI (e.g. 1.96 for 95% CIs) Returns: formatted confidence interval. """ return "[{lb:.{digits}f}{perc}, {ub:.{digits}f}{perc}]".format( lb=estimate - zval * sd, ub=estimate + zval * sd, digits=DECIMALS, perc="%" if relative else "", )
[docs]def arm_name_to_tuple(arm_name: str) -> Union[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int]]: tup = arm_name.split("_") if len(tup) == 2: try: return (int(tup[0]), int(tup[1])) except ValueError: return (0,) return (0,)
[docs]def arm_name_to_sort_key(arm_name: str) -> Tuple[str, int, int]: """Parses arm name into tuple suitable for reverse sorting by key Example: arm_names = ["0_0", "1_10", "1_2", "10_0", "control"] sorted(arm_names, key=arm_name_to_sort_key, reverse=True) ["control", "0_0", "1_2", "1_10", "10_0"] """ try: trial_index, arm_index = arm_name.split("_") return ("", -int(trial_index), -int(arm_index)) except (ValueError, IndexError): return (arm_name, 0, 0)
[docs]def resize_subtitles(figure: Dict[str, Any], size: int) -> Dict[str, Any]: for ant in figure["layout"]["annotations"]: ant["font"].update(size=size) return figure
def _filter_dict( param_dict: TParameterization, subset_keys: List[str] ) -> TParameterization: """Filter a dictionary to keys present in a given list.""" return {k: v for k, v in param_dict.items() if k in subset_keys} def _get_in_sample_arms( model: ModelBridge, metric_names: Set[str], fixed_features: Optional[ObservationFeatures] = None, data_selector: Optional[Callable[[Observation], bool]] = None, scalarized_metric_config: Optional[List[Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]]] = None, ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, PlotInSampleArm], RawData, Dict[str, TParameterization]]: """Get in-sample arms from a model with observed and predicted values for specified metrics. Returns a PlotInSampleArm object in which repeated observations are merged with IVW, and a RawData object in which every observation is listed. Fixed features input can be used to override fields of the insample arms when making model predictions. Args: model: An instance of the model bridge. metric_names: Restrict predictions to these metrics. If None, uses all metrics in the model. fixed_features: Features that should be fixed in the arms this function will obtain predictions for. data_selector: Function for selecting observations for plotting. Returns: A tuple containing - Map from arm name to PlotInSampleArm. - List of the data for each observation like:: {'metric_name': 'likes', 'arm_name': '0_0', 'mean': 1., 'sem': 0.1} - Map from arm name to parameters """ observations = model.get_training_data() training_in_design = model.training_in_design if data_selector is not None: observations = [obs for obs in observations if data_selector(obs)] training_in_design = [ model.training_in_design[i] for i, obs in enumerate(observations) if data_selector(obs) ] trial_selector = None if fixed_features is not None: trial_selector = fixed_features.trial_index # Calculate raw data raw_data = [] arm_name_to_parameters = {} for obs in observations: arm_name_to_parameters[obs.arm_name] = obs.features.parameters for j, metric_name in enumerate( if metric_name in metric_names: raw_data.append( { "metric_name": metric_name, "arm_name": obs.arm_name, "mean":[j], "sem": np.sqrt([j, j]), } ) # Check that we have one ObservationFeatures per arm name since we # key by arm name and the model is not Multi-task. # If "TrialAsTask" is present, one of the arms is chosen based on the selected # trial index in the fixed_features. if ("TrialAsTask" not in model.transforms.keys() or trial_selector is None) and ( len(arm_name_to_parameters) != len(observations) ): logger.error( "Have observations of arms with different features but same" " name. Arbitrary one will be plotted." ) # Merge multiple measurements within each Observation with IVW to get # un-modeled prediction t = IVW(None, []) observations = t.transform_observations(observations) # Start filling in plot data in_sample_plot: Dict[str, PlotInSampleArm] = {} for i, obs in enumerate(observations): if obs.arm_name is None: raise ValueError("Observation must have arm name for plotting.") # Extract raw measurement obs_y = {} # Observed metric means. obs_se = {} # Observed metric standard errors. for j, metric_name in enumerate( if metric_name in metric_names: obs_y[metric_name] =[j] obs_se[metric_name] = np.sqrt([j, j]) # Obtain aggregated outcomes if scalarized_metric_config is provided if scalarized_metric_config is not None: for agg_metric in scalarized_metric_config: agg_metric_name = agg_metric["name"] if agg_metric_name in metric_names: agg_mean, agg_var = _compute_scalarized_outcome(,, agg_metric_weight_dict=agg_metric["weight"], ) obs_y[agg_metric_name] = agg_mean obs_se[agg_metric_name] = np.sqrt(agg_var) if training_in_design[i]: # Update with the input fixed features features = obs.features if fixed_features is not None: features.update_features(fixed_features) # Make a prediction. pred_y, pred_se = predict_at_point( model, features, metric_names, scalarized_metric_config ) elif (trial_selector is not None) and ( obs.features.trial_index != trial_selector ): # check whether the observation is from the right trial # need to use raw data in the selected trial for out-of-design points continue else: pred_y = obs_y pred_se = obs_se in_sample_plot[not_none(obs.arm_name)] = PlotInSampleArm( name=not_none(obs.arm_name), y=obs_y, se=obs_se, parameters=obs.features.parameters, y_hat=pred_y, se_hat=pred_se, context_stratum=None, ) return in_sample_plot, raw_data, arm_name_to_parameters def _get_out_of_sample_arms( model: ModelBridge, generator_runs_dict: Dict[str, GeneratorRun], metric_names: Set[str], fixed_features: Optional[ObservationFeatures] = None, scalarized_metric_config: Optional[List[Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]]] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, PlotOutOfSampleArm]]: """Get out-of-sample predictions from a model given a dict of generator runs. Fixed features input can be used to override fields of the candidate arms when making model predictions. Args: model: The model. generator_runs_dict: a mapping from generator run name to generator run. metric_names: metrics to include in the plot. Returns: A mapping from name to a mapping from arm name to plot. """ out_of_sample_plot: Dict[str, Dict[str, PlotOutOfSampleArm]] = {} for generator_run_name, generator_run in generator_runs_dict.items(): out_of_sample_plot[generator_run_name] = {} for arm in generator_run.arms: # This assumes context is None obsf = ObservationFeatures.from_arm(arm) if fixed_features is not None: obsf.update_features(fixed_features) # Make a prediction try: pred_y, pred_se = predict_at_point( model, obsf, metric_names, scalarized_metric_config ) except Exception: # Check if it is an out-of-design arm. if not model.model_space.check_membership(obsf.parameters): # Skip this point continue else: # It should have worked raise arm_name = arm.name_or_short_signature out_of_sample_plot[generator_run_name][arm_name] = PlotOutOfSampleArm( name=arm_name, parameters=obsf.parameters, y_hat=pred_y, se_hat=pred_se, context_stratum=None, ) return out_of_sample_plot
[docs]def get_plot_data( model: ModelBridge, generator_runs_dict: Dict[str, GeneratorRun], metric_names: Optional[Set[str]] = None, fixed_features: Optional[ObservationFeatures] = None, data_selector: Optional[Callable[[Observation], bool]] = None, scalarized_metric_config: Optional[List[Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]]] = None, ) -> Tuple[PlotData, RawData, Dict[str, TParameterization]]: """Format data object with metrics for in-sample and out-of-sample arms. Calculate both observed and predicted metrics for in-sample arms. Calculate predicted metrics for out-of-sample arms passed via the `generator_runs_dict` argument. In PlotData, in-sample observations are merged with IVW. In RawData, they are left un-merged and given as a list of dictionaries, one for each observation and having keys 'arm_name', 'mean', and 'sem'. Args: model: The model. generator_runs_dict: a mapping from generator run name to generator run. metric_names: Restrict predictions to this set. If None, all metrics in the model will be returned. fixed_features: Fixed features to use when making model predictions. data_selector: Function for selecting observations for plotting. scalarized_metric_config: An optional list of dicts specifying how to aggregate multiple metrics into a single scalarized metric. For each dict, the key is the name of the new scalarized metric, and the value is a dictionary mapping each metric to its weight. e.g. {"name": "metric1:agg", "weight": {"metric1_c1": 0.5, "metric1_c2": 0.5}}. Returns: A tuple containing - PlotData object with in-sample and out-of-sample predictions. - List of observations like:: {'metric_name': 'likes', 'arm_name': '0_1', 'mean': 1., 'sem': 0.1}. - Mapping from arm name to parameters. """ metrics_plot = model.metric_names if metric_names is None else metric_names in_sample_plot, raw_data, cond_name_to_parameters = _get_in_sample_arms( model=model, metric_names=metrics_plot, fixed_features=fixed_features, data_selector=data_selector, scalarized_metric_config=scalarized_metric_config, ) out_of_sample_plot = _get_out_of_sample_arms( model=model, generator_runs_dict=generator_runs_dict, metric_names=metrics_plot, fixed_features=fixed_features, scalarized_metric_config=scalarized_metric_config, ) status_quo_name = None if model.status_quo is None else model.status_quo.arm_name plot_data = PlotData( metrics=list(metrics_plot), in_sample=in_sample_plot, out_of_sample=out_of_sample_plot, status_quo_name=status_quo_name, ) return plot_data, raw_data, cond_name_to_parameters
[docs]def get_range_parameter(model: ModelBridge, param_name: str) -> RangeParameter: """ Get the range parameter with the given name from the model. Throws if parameter doesn't exist or is not a range parameter. Args: model: The model. param_name: The name of the RangeParameter to be found. Returns: The RangeParameter named `param_name`. """ range_param = model.model_space.parameters.get(param_name) if range_param is None: raise ValueError(f"Parameter `{param_name}` does not exist.") if not isinstance(range_param, RangeParameter): raise ValueError(f"{param_name} is not a RangeParameter") return range_param
[docs]def get_range_parameters_from_list( parameters: List[Parameter], min_num_values: int = 0 ) -> List[RangeParameter]: """ Get a list of range parameters from a model. Args: parameters: List of parameters min_num_values: Minimum number of values Returns: List of RangeParameters. """ return [ parameter for parameter in parameters if isinstance(parameter, RangeParameter) and parameter.cardinality() >= min_num_values # float has inf cardinality ]
[docs]def get_range_parameters( model: ModelBridge, min_num_values: int = 0 ) -> List[RangeParameter]: """ Get a list of range parameters from a model. Args: model: The model. min_num_values: Minimum number of values Returns: List of RangeParameters. """ return get_range_parameters_from_list( parameters=list(model.model_space.parameters.values()), min_num_values=min_num_values, )
[docs]def get_grid_for_parameter(parameter: RangeParameter, density: int) -> np.ndarray: """Get a grid of points along the range of the parameter. Will be a log-scale grid if parameter is log scale. Args: parameter: Parameter for which to generate grid. density: Number of points in the grid. """ is_log = parameter.log_scale if is_log: grid = np.linspace( np.log10(parameter.lower), np.log10(parameter.upper), density ) grid = 10**grid else: grid = np.linspace(parameter.lower, parameter.upper, density) return grid
[docs]def get_fixed_values( model: ModelBridge, slice_values: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, trial_index: Optional[int] = None, ) -> TParameterization: """Get fixed values for parameters in a slice plot. If there is an in-design status quo, those values will be used. Otherwise, the mean of RangeParameters or the mode of ChoiceParameters is used. Any value in slice_values will override the above. Args: model: ModelBridge being used for plotting slice_values: Map from parameter name to value at which is should be fixed. Returns: Map from parameter name to fixed value. """ if trial_index is not None: if slice_values is None: slice_values = {} slice_values["TRIAL_PARAM"] = str(trial_index) # Check if status_quo is in design if model.status_quo is not None and model.model_space.check_membership( model.status_quo.features.parameters ): setx = model.status_quo.features.parameters else: observations = model.get_training_data() setx = {} for p_name, parameter in model.model_space.parameters.items(): # Exclude out of design status quo (no parameters) vals = [ obs.features.parameters[p_name] for obs in observations if ( len(obs.features.parameters) > 0 and parameter.validate(obs.features.parameters[p_name]) ) ] if isinstance(parameter, FixedParameter): setx[p_name] = parameter.value elif isinstance(parameter, ChoiceParameter): setx[p_name] = Counter(vals).most_common(1)[0][0] elif isinstance(parameter, RangeParameter): setx[p_name] = parameter.cast(np.mean(vals)) if slice_values is not None: # slice_values has type Dictionary[str, Any] setx.update(slice_values) return setx
# Utility methods ported from JS # pyre-fixme[2]: Parameter must be annotated.
[docs]def contour_config_to_trace(config) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: # Load from config arm_data = config["arm_data"] density = config["density"] grid_x = config["grid_x"] grid_y = config["grid_y"] f = config["f"] lower_is_better = config["lower_is_better"] metric = config["metric"] rel = config["rel"] sd = config["sd"] xvar = config["xvar"] yvar = config["yvar"] green_scale = config["green_scale"] green_pink_scale = config["green_pink_scale"] blue_scale = config["blue_scale"] # format data res = relativize_data(f, sd, rel, arm_data, metric) f_final = res[0] sd_final = res[1] # calculate max of abs(outcome), used for colorscale f_absmax = max(abs(min(f_final)), max(f_final)) # transform to nested array f_plt = [] for ind in range(0, len(f_final), density): f_plt.append(f_final[ind : ind + density]) sd_plt = [] for ind in range(0, len(sd_final), density): sd_plt.append(sd_final[ind : ind + density]) CONTOUR_CONFIG = { "autocolorscale": False, "autocontour": True, "contours": {"coloring": "heatmap"}, "hoverinfo": "x+y+z", "ncontours": int(density / 2), "type": "contour", "x": grid_x, "y": grid_y, } if rel: f_scale = reversed(green_pink_scale) if lower_is_better else green_pink_scale else: f_scale = green_scale f_trace = { "colorbar": { "x": 0.45, "y": 0.5, "ticksuffix": "%" if rel else "", "tickfont": {"size": 8}, }, "colorscale": [(i / (len(f_scale) - 1), rgb(v)) for i, v in enumerate(f_scale)], "xaxis": "x", "yaxis": "y", "z": f_plt, # zmax and zmin are ignored if zauto is true "zauto": not rel, "zmax": f_absmax, "zmin": -f_absmax, } sd_trace = { "colorbar": { "x": 1, "y": 0.5, "ticksuffix": "%" if rel else "", "tickfont": {"size": 8}, }, "colorscale": [ (i / (len(blue_scale) - 1), rgb(v)) for i, v in enumerate(blue_scale) ], "xaxis": "x2", "yaxis": "y2", "z": sd_plt, } f_trace.update(CONTOUR_CONFIG) sd_trace.update(CONTOUR_CONFIG) # get in-sample arms arm_names = list(arm_data["in_sample"].keys()) arm_x = [ arm_data["in_sample"][arm_name]["parameters"][xvar] for arm_name in arm_names ] arm_y = [ arm_data["in_sample"][arm_name]["parameters"][yvar] for arm_name in arm_names ] arm_text = [] for arm_name in arm_names: atext = f"Arm {arm_name}" params = arm_data["in_sample"][arm_name]["parameters"] ys = arm_data["in_sample"][arm_name]["y"] ses = arm_data["in_sample"][arm_name]["se"] for yname in ys.keys(): sem_str = f"{ses[yname]}" if ses[yname] is None else f"{ses[yname]:.6g}" y_str = f"{ys[yname]}" if ys[yname] is None else f"{ys[yname]:.6g}" atext += f"<br>{yname}: {y_str} (SEM: {sem_str})" for pname in params.keys(): pval = params[pname] pstr = f"{pval:.6g}" if isinstance(pval, float) else f"{pval}" atext += f"<br>{pname}: {pstr}" arm_text.append(atext) # configs for in-sample arms base_in_sample_arm_config = { "hoverinfo": "text", "legendgroup": "In-sample", "marker": {"color": "black", "symbol": 1, "opacity": 0.5}, "mode": "markers", "name": "In-sample", "text": arm_text, "type": "scatter", "x": arm_x, "y": arm_y, } f_in_sample_arm_trace = {"xaxis": "x", "yaxis": "y"} sd_in_sample_arm_trace = {"showlegend": False, "xaxis": "x2", "yaxis": "y2"} # pyre-fixme[6]: For 1st param expected `SupportsKeysAndGetItem[str, str]` but # got `Dict[str, Union[Dict[str, Union[float, str]], List[typing.Any], str]]`. f_in_sample_arm_trace.update(base_in_sample_arm_config) # pyre-fixme[6]: For 1st param expected `SupportsKeysAndGetItem[str, Union[bool, # str]]` but got `Dict[str, Union[Dict[str, Union[float, str]], List[typing.Any], # str]]`. sd_in_sample_arm_trace.update(base_in_sample_arm_config) traces = [f_trace, sd_trace, f_in_sample_arm_trace, sd_in_sample_arm_trace] # iterate over out-of-sample arms for i, generator_run_name in enumerate(arm_data["out_of_sample"].keys()): symbol = i + 2 # symbols starts from 2 for candidate markers ax = [] ay = [] atext = [] for arm_name in arm_data["out_of_sample"][generator_run_name].keys(): ax.append( arm_data["out_of_sample"][generator_run_name][arm_name]["parameters"][ xvar ] ) ay.append( arm_data["out_of_sample"][generator_run_name][arm_name]["parameters"][ yvar ] ) atext.append("<em>Candidate " + arm_name + "</em>") traces.append( { "hoverinfo": "text", "legendgroup": generator_run_name, "marker": {"color": "black", "symbol": symbol, "opacity": 0.5}, "mode": "markers", "name": generator_run_name, "text": atext, "type": "scatter", "xaxis": "x", "x": ax, "yaxis": "y", "y": ay, } ) traces.append( { "hoverinfo": "text", "legendgroup": generator_run_name, "marker": {"color": "black", "symbol": symbol, "opacity": 0.5}, "mode": "markers", "name": "In-sample", "showlegend": False, "text": atext, "type": "scatter", "x": ax, "xaxis": "x2", "y": ay, "yaxis": "y2", } ) return traces
[docs]def axis_range(grid: List[float], is_log: bool) -> List[float]: if is_log: return [math.log10(min(grid)), math.log10(max(grid))] else: return [min(grid), max(grid)]
[docs]def relativize(m_t: float, sem_t: float, m_c: float, sem_c: float) -> List[float]: r_hat = (m_t - m_c) / abs(m_c) - sem_c**2 * m_t / abs(m_c) ** 3 variance = (sem_t**2 + (m_t / m_c * sem_c) ** 2) / m_c**2 return [r_hat, math.sqrt(variance)]
[docs]def relativize_data( f: List[float], sd: List[float], rel: bool, # pyre-fixme[2]: Parameter annotation cannot contain `Any`. arm_data: Dict[Any, Any], metric: str, ) -> List[List[float]]: # if relative, extract status quo & compute ratio f_final = [] if rel else f sd_final = [] if rel else sd if rel: f_sq = arm_data["in_sample"][arm_data["status_quo_name"]]["y"][metric] sd_sq = arm_data["in_sample"][arm_data["status_quo_name"]]["se"][metric] for i in range(len(f)): res = relativize(f[i], sd[i], f_sq, sd_sq) f_final.append(100 * res[0]) sd_final.append(100 * res[1]) return [f_final, sd_final]
[docs]def rgb(arr: List[int]) -> str: return "rgb({},{},{})".format(*arr)
[docs]def infer_is_relative( model: ModelBridge, metrics: List[str], non_constraint_rel: bool ) -> Dict[str, bool]: """Determine whether or not to relativize a metric. Metrics that are constraints will get this decision from their `relative` flag. Other metrics will use the `default_rel`. Args: model: model fit on metrics. metrics: list of metric names. non_constraint_rel: whether or not to relativize non-constraint metrics Returns: Dict[str, bool] containing whether or not to relativize each input metric. """ relative = {} constraint_relativity = {} if model._optimization_config: constraints = not_none(model._optimization_config).outcome_constraints constraint_relativity = { constraint.relative for constraint in constraints } for metric in metrics: if metric not in constraint_relativity: relative[metric] = non_constraint_rel else: relative[metric] = constraint_relativity[metric] return relative
[docs]def slice_config_to_trace( # pyre-fixme[2]: Parameter must be annotated. arm_data, # pyre-fixme[2]: Parameter must be annotated. arm_name_to_parameters, f: List[float], # pyre-fixme[2]: Parameter must be annotated. fit_data, # pyre-fixme[2]: Parameter must be annotated. grid, metric: str, # pyre-fixme[2]: Parameter must be annotated. param, rel: bool, # pyre-fixme[2]: Parameter must be annotated. setx, sd: List[float], # pyre-fixme[2]: Parameter must be annotated. is_log, # pyre-fixme[2]: Parameter must be annotated. visible, ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: # format data res = relativize_data(f, sd, rel, arm_data, metric) f_final = res[0] sd_final = res[1] # get data for standard deviation fill plot sd_upper = [] sd_lower = [] for i in range(len(sd)): sd_upper.append(f_final[i] + 2 * sd_final[i]) sd_lower.append(f_final[i] - 2 * sd_final[i]) grid_rev = list(reversed(grid)) sd_lower_rev = list(reversed(sd_lower)) sd_x = grid + grid_rev sd_y = sd_upper + sd_lower_rev # get data for observed arms and error bars arm_x = [] arm_y = [] arm_sem = [] for row in fit_data: parameters = arm_name_to_parameters[row["arm_name"]] plot = True for p in setx.keys(): if p != param and parameters[p] != setx[p]: plot = False if plot: arm_x.append(parameters[param]) arm_y.append(row["mean"]) arm_sem.append(row["sem"]) arm_res = relativize_data(arm_y, arm_sem, rel, arm_data, metric) arm_y_final = arm_res[0] arm_sem_final = [x * 2 if x is not None else None for x in arm_res[1]] # create traces f_trace = { "x": grid, "y": f_final, "showlegend": False, "hoverinfo": "x+y", "line": {"color": "rgba(128, 177, 211, 1)"}, "visible": visible, } arms_trace = { "x": arm_x, "y": arm_y_final, "mode": "markers", "error_y": { "type": "data", "array": arm_sem_final, "visible": True, "color": "black", }, "line": {"color": "black"}, "showlegend": False, "hoverinfo": "x+y", "visible": visible, } sd_trace = { "x": sd_x, "y": sd_y, "fill": "toself", "fillcolor": "rgba(128, 177, 211, 0.2)", "line": {"color": "rgba(128, 177, 211, 0.0)"}, "showlegend": False, "hoverinfo": "none", "visible": visible, } traces = [sd_trace, f_trace, arms_trace] # iterate over out-of-sample arms for i, generator_run_name in enumerate(arm_data["out_of_sample"].keys()): ax = [] ay = [] asem = [] atext = [] for arm_name in arm_data["out_of_sample"][generator_run_name].keys(): parameters = arm_data["out_of_sample"][generator_run_name][arm_name][ "parameters" ] plot = True for p in setx.keys(): if p != param and parameters[p] != setx[p]: plot = False if plot: ax.append(parameters[param]) ay.append( arm_data["out_of_sample"][generator_run_name][arm_name]["y_hat"][ metric ] ) asem.append( arm_data["out_of_sample"][generator_run_name][arm_name]["se_hat"][ metric ] ) atext.append("<em>Candidate " + arm_name + "</em>") out_of_sample_arm_res = relativize_data(ay, asem, rel, arm_data, metric) ay_final = out_of_sample_arm_res[0] asem_final = [x * 2 for x in out_of_sample_arm_res[1]] traces.append( { "hoverinfo": "text", "legendgroup": generator_run_name, "marker": {"color": "black", "symbol": i + 1, "opacity": 0.5}, "mode": "markers", "error_y": { "type": "data", "array": asem_final, "visible": True, "color": "black", }, "name": generator_run_name, "text": atext, "type": "scatter", "xaxis": "x", "x": ax, "yaxis": "y", "y": ay_final, "visible": visible, } ) return traces
[docs]def build_filter_trial(keep_trial_indices: List[int]) -> Callable[[Observation], bool]: """Creates a callable that filters observations based on trial_index""" def trial_filter(obs: Observation) -> bool: return obs.features.trial_index in keep_trial_indices return trial_filter
[docs]def compose_annotation( caption: str, x: float = 0.0, y: float = -0.15 ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: if not caption: return [] return [ { "showarrow": False, "text": caption, "x": x, "xanchor": "left", "xref": "paper", "y": y, "yanchor": "top", "yref": "paper", "align": "left", }, ]