Source code for ax.utils.sensitivity.sobol_measures

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from copy import deepcopy

from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union

import numpy as np

import torch

from ax.modelbridge.torch import TorchModelBridge
from ax.models.torch.botorch import BotorchModel
from ax.models.torch.botorch_modular.model import BoTorchModel as ModularBoTorchModel
from ax.utils.common.typeutils import checked_cast
from botorch.models.model import Model, ModelList
from botorch.posteriors.gpytorch import GPyTorchPosterior
from botorch.sampling.normal import SobolQMCNormalSampler
from botorch.utils.sampling import draw_sobol_samples
from botorch.utils.transforms import unnormalize
from torch import Tensor

[docs]class SobolSensitivity(object): def __init__( self, bounds: torch.Tensor, input_function: Optional[Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]] = None, num_mc_samples: int = 10**4, input_qmc: bool = False, second_order: bool = False, num_bootstrap_samples: int = 1, bootstrap_array: bool = False, ) -> None: r"""Computes three types of Sobol indices: first order indices, total indices and second order indices (if specified ). Args: bounds: Parameter bounds over which to evaluate model sensitivity. input_function: The objective function. num_mc_samples: The number of montecarlo grid samples input_qmc: If True, a qmc Sobol grid is use instead of uniformly random. second_order: If True, the second order indices are computed. bootstrap: If true, the MC error is returned. num_bootstrap_samples: If bootstrap is true, the number of bootstraps has to be specified. bootstrap_array: If true, all the num_bootstrap_samples extimated indices are returned instead of their mean and Var. """ self.input_function = input_function self.dim: int = bounds.shape[-1] self.num_mc_samples = num_mc_samples self.second_order = second_order self.bootstrap: bool = num_bootstrap_samples > 1 self.num_bootstrap_samples: int = ( num_bootstrap_samples - 1 ) # deduct 1 because the first is meant to be the full grid self.bootstrap_array = bootstrap_array if input_qmc: sobol_kwargs = {"bounds": bounds, "n": num_mc_samples, "q": 1} seed_A, seed_B = 1234, 5678 # to make it reproducible # pyre-ignore self.A = draw_sobol_samples(**sobol_kwargs, seed=seed_A).squeeze(1) # pyre-ignore self.B = draw_sobol_samples(**sobol_kwargs, seed=seed_B).squeeze(1) else: self.A = unnormalize(torch.rand(num_mc_samples, self.dim), bounds=bounds) self.B = unnormalize(torch.rand(num_mc_samples, self.dim), bounds=bounds) # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self.A_B_ABi = self.generate_all_input_matrix().to(torch.double) if self.bootstrap: subset_size = 4 # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self.bootstrap_indices = torch.randint( 0, num_mc_samples, (self.num_bootstrap_samples, subset_size) ) self.f_A: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None self.f_B: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None # pyre-fixme[24]: Generic type `list` expects 1 type parameter, use # `typing.List` to avoid runtime subscripting errors. self.f_ABis: Optional[List] = None self.f_total_var: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None # pyre-fixme[24]: Generic type `list` expects 1 type parameter, use # `typing.List` to avoid runtime subscripting errors. self.f_A_btsp: Optional[List] = None # pyre-fixme[24]: Generic type `list` expects 1 type parameter, use # `typing.List` to avoid runtime subscripting errors. self.f_B_btsp: Optional[List] = None # pyre-fixme[24]: Generic type `list` expects 1 type parameter, use # `typing.List` to avoid runtime subscripting errors. self.f_ABis_btsp: Optional[List] = None # pyre-fixme[24]: Generic type `list` expects 1 type parameter, use # `typing.List` to avoid runtime subscripting errors. self.f_total_var_btsp: Optional[List] = None # pyre-fixme[24]: Generic type `list` expects 1 type parameter, use # `typing.List` to avoid runtime subscripting errors. self.f_BAis: Optional[List] = None # pyre-fixme[24]: Generic type `list` expects 1 type parameter, use # `typing.List` to avoid runtime subscripting errors. self.f_BAis_btsp: Optional[List] = None self.first_order_idxs: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None self.first_order_idxs_btsp: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
[docs] def generate_all_input_matrix(self) -> torch.Tensor: A_B_ABi_list = [self.A, self.B] for i in range(self.dim): AB_i = deepcopy(self.A) AB_i[:, i] = self.B[:, i] A_B_ABi_list.append(AB_i) if self.second_order: for i in range(self.dim): BA_i = deepcopy(self.B) BA_i[:, i] = self.A[:, i] A_B_ABi_list.append(BA_i) A_B_ABi =, dim=0) return A_B_ABi
[docs] def evalute_function(self, f_A_B_ABi: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None) -> None: r"""evaluates the objective function and devides the evaluation into torch.Tensors needed for the indices computation. Args: f_A_B_ABi: Function evaluations on the entire grid of size M(d+2). """ if f_A_B_ABi is None: f_A_B_ABi = self.input_function(self.A_B_ABi) # pyre-ignore # for multiple output models, average the outcomes if len(f_A_B_ABi.shape) == 3: f_A_B_ABi = f_A_B_ABi.mean(dim=0) self.f_A = f_A_B_ABi[: self.num_mc_samples] self.f_B = f_A_B_ABi[self.num_mc_samples : self.num_mc_samples * 2] self.f_ABis = [ f_A_B_ABi[self.num_mc_samples * (i + 2) : self.num_mc_samples * (i + 3)] for i in range(self.dim) ] self.f_total_var = torch.var(f_A_B_ABi[: self.num_mc_samples * 2]) if self.bootstrap: self.f_A_btsp = [ torch.index_select(self.f_A, 0, indices) # pyre-ignore for indices in self.bootstrap_indices ] self.f_B_btsp = [ torch.index_select(self.f_B, 0, indices) # pyre-ignore for indices in self.bootstrap_indices ] self.f_ABis_btsp = [ [ torch.index_select(f_ABi, 0, indices) for f_ABi in self.f_ABis # pyre-ignore ] for indices in self.bootstrap_indices ] self.f_total_var_btsp = [ torch.var( (self.f_A_btsp[i], self.f_B_btsp[i]), dim=0 # pyre-ignore ) ) for i in range(self.num_bootstrap_samples) ] if self.second_order: self.f_BAis = [ f_A_B_ABi[ self.num_mc_samples * (i + 2 + self.dim) : self.num_mc_samples * (i + 3 + self.dim) ] for i in range(self.dim) ] if self.bootstrap: self.f_BAis_btsp = [ [torch.index_select(f_BAi, 0, indices) for f_BAi in self.f_BAis] for indices in self.bootstrap_indices ]
[docs] def first_order_indices(self) -> Tensor: r"""Computes the first order Sobol indices: Returns: if num_bootstrap_samples>1 Tensor: (values,var_mc,stderr_mc)x dim else Tensor: (values)x dim """ first_order_idxs = [] for i in range(self.dim): vi = ( torch.mean(self.f_B * (self.f_ABis[i] - self.f_A)) # pyre-ignore / self.f_total_var ) first_order_idxs.append(vi.unsqueeze(0)) self.first_order_idxs =, dim=0).detach() if not (self.bootstrap): return self.first_order_idxs else: first_order_idxs_btsp = [, dim=0).unsqueeze(0)] for b in range(self.num_bootstrap_samples): first_order_idxs = [] for i in range(self.dim): vi = ( torch.mean( self.f_B_btsp[b] * (self.f_ABis_btsp[b][i] - self.f_A_btsp[b]) ) / self.f_total_var_btsp[b] ) first_order_idxs.append(vi.unsqueeze(0)) first_order_idxs_btsp.append(, dim=0).unsqueeze(0) ) self.first_order_idxs_btsp =, dim=0) if self.bootstrap_array: return self.first_order_idxs_btsp.detach() else: return ( [ self.first_order_idxs_btsp.mean(dim=0).unsqueeze(0), self.first_order_idxs_btsp.var( # pyre-ignore dim=0 ).unsqueeze(0), torch.sqrt( self.first_order_idxs_btsp.var(dim=0) / (self.num_bootstrap_samples + 1) ).unsqueeze(0), ], dim=0, ) .t() .detach() )
[docs] def total_order_indices(self) -> Tensor: r"""Computes the total Sobol indices: Returns: if num_bootstrap_samples>1 Tensor: (values,var_mc,stderr_mc)x dim else Tensor: (values)x dim """ total_order_idxs = [] for i in range(self.dim): vti = ( 0.5 # pyre-fixme[58]: `-` is not supported for operand types # `Optional[torch._tensor.Tensor]` and `Any`. # pyre-fixme[16]: `Optional` has no attribute `__getitem__`. * torch.mean(torch.pow(self.f_A - self.f_ABis[i], 2)) / self.f_total_var ) total_order_idxs.append(vti.unsqueeze(0)) if not (self.bootstrap): total_order_idxs =, dim=0).detach() return total_order_idxs else: total_order_idxs_btsp = [, dim=0).unsqueeze(0)] for b in range(self.num_bootstrap_samples): total_order_idxs = [] for i in range(self.dim): vti = ( 0.5 * torch.mean( torch.pow(self.f_A_btsp[b] - self.f_ABis_btsp[b][i], 2) ) / self.f_total_var_btsp[b] ) total_order_idxs.append(vti.unsqueeze(0)) total_order_idxs_btsp.append(, dim=0).unsqueeze(0) ) total_order_idxs_btsp =, dim=0) if self.bootstrap_array: return total_order_idxs_btsp.detach() else: return ( [ total_order_idxs_btsp.mean(dim=0).unsqueeze(0), total_order_idxs_btsp.var(dim=0).unsqueeze(0), torch.sqrt( total_order_idxs_btsp.var(dim=0) / (self.num_bootstrap_samples + 1) ).unsqueeze(0), ], dim=0, ) .t() .detach() )
[docs] def second_order_indices( self, first_order_idxs: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, first_order_idxs_btsp: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> Tensor: r"""Computes the Second order Sobol indices: Args: first_order_idxs: Tensor of first order indices. first_order_idxs_btsp: Tensor of all first order indices given by bootstrap. Returns: if num_bootstrap_samples>1 Tensor: (values,var_mc,stderr_mc)x dim else Tensor: (values)x dim """ if not self.second_order: raise ValueError( "Second order indices has to be specified in the sensitivity definition" ) if first_order_idxs is None: first_order_idxs = self.first_order_idxs second_order_idxs = [] for i in range(self.dim): for j in range(i + 1, self.dim): vij = torch.mean( self.f_BAis[i] * self.f_ABis[j] - self.f_A * self.f_B # pyre-ignore ) vij = ( (vij / self.f_total_var) - first_order_idxs[i] # pyre-ignore - first_order_idxs[j] ) second_order_idxs.append(vij.unsqueeze(0)) if not (self.bootstrap): second_order_idxs =, dim=0).detach() return second_order_idxs else: second_order_idxs_btsp = [, dim=0).unsqueeze(0)] if first_order_idxs_btsp is None: first_order_idxs_btsp = self.first_order_idxs_btsp for b in range(self.num_bootstrap_samples): second_order_idxs = [] for i in range(self.dim): for j in range(i + 1, self.dim): vij = torch.mean( self.f_BAis_btsp[b][i] * self.f_ABis_btsp[b][j] - self.f_A_btsp[b] * self.f_B_btsp[b] ) vij = ( (vij / self.f_total_var_btsp[b]) - first_order_idxs_btsp[b][i] - first_order_idxs_btsp[b][j] ) second_order_idxs.append(vij.unsqueeze(0)) second_order_idxs_btsp.append(, dim=0).unsqueeze(0) ) second_order_idxs_btsp =, dim=0) if self.bootstrap_array: return second_order_idxs_btsp.detach() else: return ( [ second_order_idxs_btsp.mean(dim=0).unsqueeze(0), second_order_idxs_btsp.var(dim=0).unsqueeze(0), torch.sqrt( second_order_idxs_btsp.var(dim=0) / (self.num_bootstrap_samples + 1) ).unsqueeze(0), ], dim=0, ) .t() .detach() )
[docs]def GaussianLinkMean(mean: torch.Tensor, var: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return mean
[docs]def ProbitLinkMean(mean: torch.Tensor, var: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: a = mean / torch.sqrt(1 + var) return torch.distributions.Normal(0, 1).cdf(a)
[docs]class SobolSensitivityGPMean(object): def __init__( self, model: Model, # TODO: narrow type down. E.g. ModelListGP does not work. bounds: torch.Tensor, num_mc_samples: int = 10**4, second_order: bool = False, input_qmc: bool = False, num_bootstrap_samples: int = 1, link_function: Callable[ [torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor ] = GaussianLinkMean, mini_batch_size: int = 128, ) -> None: r"""Computes three types of Sobol indices: first order indices, total indices and second order indices (if specified ). Args: model: Botorch model bounds: `2 x d` parameter bounds over which to evaluate model sensitivity. method: if "predictive mean", the predictive mean is used for indices computation. If "GP samples", posterior sampling is used instead. num_mc_samples: The number of montecarlo grid samples second_order: If True, the second order indices are computed. input_qmc: If True, a qmc Sobol grid is use instead of uniformly random. num_bootstrap_samples: If bootstrap is true, the number of bootstraps has to be specified. mini_batch_size: The size of the mini-batches used while evaluating the model posterior. Increasing this will increase the memory usage. """ self.model = model self.second_order = second_order self.input_qmc = input_qmc # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self.bootstrap = num_bootstrap_samples > 1 self.num_bootstrap_samples = num_bootstrap_samples self.num_mc_samples = num_mc_samples def input_function(x: Tensor) -> Tensor: with torch.no_grad(): means, variances = [], [] # Since we're only looking at mean & variance, we can freely # use mini-batches. for x_split in x.split(split_size=mini_batch_size): p = checked_cast(GPyTorchPosterior, self.model.posterior(x_split)) means.append(p.mean) variances.append(p.variance) return link_function(, self.sensitivity = SobolSensitivity( bounds=bounds, num_mc_samples=self.num_mc_samples, input_function=input_function, second_order=self.second_order, input_qmc=self.input_qmc, num_bootstrap_samples=self.num_bootstrap_samples, ) self.sensitivity.evalute_function()
[docs] def first_order_indices(self) -> Tensor: r"""Computes the first order Sobol indices: Returns: if num_bootstrap_samples>1 Tensor: (values,var_mc,stderr_mc)x dim else Tensor: (values)x dim """ return self.sensitivity.first_order_indices()
[docs] def total_order_indices(self) -> Tensor: r"""Computes the total Sobol indices: Returns: if num_bootstrap_samples>1 Tensor: (values,var_mc,stderr_mc)x dim else Tensor: (values)x dim """ return self.sensitivity.total_order_indices()
[docs] def second_order_indices(self) -> Tensor: r"""Computes the Second order Sobol indices: Returns: if num_bootstrap_samples>1 Tensor: (values,var_mc,stderr_mc)x dim(dim-1)/2 else Tensor: (values)x dim(dim-1)/2 """ return self.sensitivity.second_order_indices()
[docs]class SobolSensitivityGPSampling(object): def __init__( self, model: Model, bounds: torch.Tensor, num_gp_samples: int = 10**3, num_mc_samples: int = 10**4, second_order: bool = False, input_qmc: bool = False, gp_sample_qmc: bool = False, num_bootstrap_samples: int = 1, ) -> None: r"""Computes three types of Sobol indices: first order indices, total indices and second order indices (if specified ). Args: model: Botorch model. bounds: `2 x d` parameter bounds over which to evaluate model sensitivity. num_gp_samples: If method is "GP samples", the number of GP samples has to be set. num_mc_samples: The number of montecarlo grid samples second_order: If True, the second order indices are computed. input_qmc: If True, a qmc Sobol grid is use instead of uniformly random. gp_sample_qmc: If True, the posterior sampling is done using SobolQMCNormalSampler. num_bootstrap_samples: If bootstrap is true, the number of bootstraps has to be specified. """ self.model = model self.second_order = second_order self.input_qmc = input_qmc self.gp_sample_qmc = gp_sample_qmc # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self.bootstrap = num_bootstrap_samples > 1 self.num_bootstrap_samples = num_bootstrap_samples self.num_mc_samples = num_mc_samples self.num_gp_samples = num_gp_samples self.sensitivity = SobolSensitivity( bounds=bounds, num_mc_samples=self.num_mc_samples, second_order=self.second_order, input_qmc=self.input_qmc, num_bootstrap_samples=self.num_bootstrap_samples, bootstrap_array=True, ) # TODO: Ideally, we would reduce the memory consumption here as well # but this is a tricky since it uses joint posterior sampling. posterior = self.model.posterior(self.sensitivity.A_B_ABi) if self.gp_sample_qmc: sampler = SobolQMCNormalSampler( sample_shape=torch.Size([self.num_gp_samples]), seed=0 ) # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self.samples = sampler(posterior) else: with torch.no_grad(): self.samples = posterior.rsample(torch.Size([self.num_gp_samples])) @property def dim(self) -> int: """Returns the input dimensionality of `self.model`.""" return self.sensitivity.dim
[docs] def first_order_indices(self) -> Tensor: r"""Computes the first order Sobol indices: Returns: if num_bootstrap_samples>1 Tensor: (values, var_gp, stderr_gp, var_mc, stderr_mc) x dim else Tensor: (values, var, stderr) x dim """ first_order_idxs_list = [] for j in range(self.num_gp_samples): self.sensitivity.evalute_function(self.samples[j]) first_order_idxs = self.sensitivity.first_order_indices() first_order_idxs_list.append(first_order_idxs.unsqueeze(0)) # pyre-fixme[16]: `SobolSensitivityGPSampling` has no attribute # `first_order_idxs_list`. self.first_order_idxs_list =, dim=0) if not (self.bootstrap): first_order_idxs_mean_var_se = [] for i in range(self.dim): first_order_idxs_mean_var_se.append( torch.tensor( [ torch.mean(self.first_order_idxs_list[:, i]), torch.var(self.first_order_idxs_list[:, i]), torch.sqrt( torch.var(self.first_order_idxs_list[:, i]) / self.num_gp_samples ), ] ).unsqueeze(0) ) first_order_idxs_mean_var_se = first_order_idxs_mean_var_se, dim=0 ) return first_order_idxs_mean_var_se else: var_per_bootstrap = torch.var(self.first_order_idxs_list, dim=0) gp_var = torch.mean(var_per_bootstrap, dim=0) gp_se = torch.sqrt(gp_var / self.num_gp_samples) var_per_gp_sample = torch.var(self.first_order_idxs_list, dim=1) mc_var = torch.mean(var_per_gp_sample, dim=0) mc_se = torch.sqrt(mc_var / (self.num_bootstrap_samples + 1)) total_mean = self.first_order_idxs_list.reshape(-1, self.dim).mean(dim=0) first_order_idxs_mean_vargp_segp_varmc_segp = [ torch.tensor( [total_mean[i], gp_var[i], gp_se[i], mc_var[i], mc_se[i]] ).unsqueeze(0) for i in range(self.dim) ], dim=0, ) return first_order_idxs_mean_vargp_segp_varmc_segp
[docs] def total_order_indices(self) -> Tensor: r"""Computes the total Sobol indices: Returns: if num_bootstrap_samples>1 Tensor: (values, var_gp, stderr_gp, var_mc, stderr_mc) x dim else Tensor: (values, var, stderr) x dim """ total_order_idxs_list = [] for j in range(self.num_gp_samples): self.sensitivity.evalute_function(self.samples[j]) total_order_idxs = self.sensitivity.total_order_indices() total_order_idxs_list.append(total_order_idxs.unsqueeze(0)) total_order_idxs_list =, dim=0) if not (self.bootstrap): total_order_idxs_mean_var = [] for i in range(self.dim): total_order_idxs_mean_var.append( torch.tensor( [ torch.mean(total_order_idxs_list[:, i]), torch.var(total_order_idxs_list[:, i]), torch.sqrt( torch.var(total_order_idxs_list[:, i]) / self.num_gp_samples ), ] ).unsqueeze(0) ) total_order_idxs_mean_var =, dim=0) return total_order_idxs_mean_var else: var_per_bootstrap = torch.var(total_order_idxs_list, dim=0) gp_var = torch.mean(var_per_bootstrap, dim=0) gp_se = torch.sqrt(gp_var / self.num_gp_samples) var_per_gp_sample = torch.var(total_order_idxs_list, dim=1) mc_var = torch.mean(var_per_gp_sample, dim=0) mc_se = torch.sqrt(mc_var / (self.num_bootstrap_samples + 1)) total_mean = total_order_idxs_list.reshape(-1, self.dim).mean(dim=0) total_order_idxs_mean_vargp_segp_varmc_segp = [ torch.tensor( [total_mean[i], gp_var[i], gp_se[i], mc_var[i], mc_se[i]] ).unsqueeze(0) for i in range(self.dim) ], dim=0, ) return total_order_idxs_mean_vargp_segp_varmc_segp
[docs] def second_order_indices(self) -> Tensor: r"""Computes the Second order Sobol indices: Returns: if num_bootstrap_samples>1 Tensor: (values, var_gp, stderr_gp, var_mc, stderr_mc) x dim(dim-1) / 2 else Tensor: (values, var, stderr) x dim(dim-1) / 2 """ if not (self.bootstrap): second_order_idxs_list = [] for j in range(self.num_gp_samples): self.sensitivity.evalute_function(self.samples[j]) second_order_idxs = self.sensitivity.second_order_indices( # pyre-fixme[16]: `SobolSensitivityGPSampling` has no attribute # `first_order_idxs_list`. self.first_order_idxs_list[j] ) second_order_idxs_list.append(second_order_idxs.unsqueeze(0)) second_order_idxs_list =, dim=0) second_order_idxs_mean_var = [] for i in range(len(second_order_idxs)): second_order_idxs_mean_var.append( torch.tensor( [ torch.mean(second_order_idxs_list[:, i]), torch.var(second_order_idxs_list[:, i]), torch.sqrt( torch.var(second_order_idxs_list[:, i]) / self.num_gp_samples ), ] ).unsqueeze(0) ) second_order_idxs_mean_var =, dim=0) return second_order_idxs_mean_var else: second_order_idxs_list = [] for j in range(self.num_gp_samples): self.sensitivity.evalute_function(self.samples[j]) second_order_idxs = self.sensitivity.second_order_indices( self.first_order_idxs_list[j][0], self.first_order_idxs_list[j][1:], ) second_order_idxs_list.append(second_order_idxs.unsqueeze(0)) second_order_idxs_list =, dim=0) var_per_bootstrap = torch.var(second_order_idxs_list, dim=0) gp_var = torch.mean(var_per_bootstrap, dim=0) gp_se = torch.sqrt(gp_var / self.num_gp_samples) var_per_gp_sample = torch.var(second_order_idxs_list, dim=1) mc_var = torch.mean(var_per_gp_sample, dim=0) mc_se = torch.sqrt(mc_var / (self.num_bootstrap_samples + 1)) num_second_order = second_order_idxs_list.shape[-1] total_mean = second_order_idxs_list.reshape(-1, num_second_order).mean( dim=0 ) second_order_idxs_mean_vargp_segp_varmc_segp = [ torch.tensor( [total_mean[i], gp_var[i], gp_se[i], mc_var[i], mc_se[i]] ).unsqueeze(0) for i in range(num_second_order) ], dim=0, ) return second_order_idxs_mean_vargp_segp_varmc_segp
[docs]def compute_sobol_indices_from_model_list( model_list: List[Model], bounds: Tensor, order: str = "first", **sobol_kwargs: Any, ) -> Tensor: """ Computes Sobol indices of a list of models on a bounded domain. Args: model_list: A list of botorch.models.model.Model types for which to compute the Sobol indices. bounds: A 2 x d Tensor of lower and upper bounds of the domain of the models. order: A string specifying the order of the Sobol indices to be computed. Supports "first" and "total" and defaults to "first". sobol_kwargs: keyword arguments passed on to SobolSensitivityGPMean. Returns: With m GPs, returns a (m x d) tensor of `order`-order Sobol indices. """ indices = [] method = getattr(SobolSensitivityGPMean, f"{order}_order_indices") for model in model_list: sens_class = SobolSensitivityGPMean( model=model, bounds=bounds, **sobol_kwargs, ) indices.append(method(sens_class)) return torch.stack(indices)
[docs]def ax_parameter_sens( model_bridge: TorchModelBridge, metrics: Optional[List[str]] = None, order: str = "first", **sobol_kwargs: Any, ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, np.ndarray]]: """ Compute sensitivity for all metrics on an TorchModelBridge. Args: model_bridge: A ModelBridge object with models that were fit. metrics: The names of the metrics and outcomes for which to compute sensitivities. This should preferably be metrics with a good model fit. Defaults to model_bridge.outcomes. order: A string specifying the order of the Sobol indices to be computed. Supports "first" and "total" and defaults to "first". sobol_kwargs: keyword arguments passed on to SobolSensitivityGPMean. Returns: Dictionary {'metric_name': {'parameter_name': sensitivity_value}}, where the `sensitivity` value is cast to a Numpy array in order to be compatible with `plot_feature_importance_by_feature`. """ if metrics is None: metrics = model_bridge.outcomes # can safely access _search_space_digest after type check torch_model = _get_torch_model(model_bridge) digest = torch_model.search_space_digest ind = compute_sobol_indices_from_model_list( model_list=_get_model_per_metric(torch_model, metrics), bounds=torch.tensor(digest.bounds).T, # transposing to make it 2 x d order=order, **sobol_kwargs, ) return _array_with_string_indices_to_dict( rows=metrics, cols=digest.feature_names, A=ind.numpy() )
def _get_torch_model( model_bridge: TorchModelBridge, ) -> Union[BotorchModel, ModularBoTorchModel]: """Returns the TorchModel of the model_bridge, if it is a type that stores SearchSpaceDigest during model fitting. At this point, this is BotorchModel, and ModularBoTorchModel. """ if not isinstance(model_bridge, TorchModelBridge): raise NotImplementedError( f"{type(model_bridge) = }, but only TorchModelBridge is supported." ) model = model_bridge.model # should be of type TorchModel if not (isinstance(model, BotorchModel) or isinstance(model, ModularBoTorchModel)): raise NotImplementedError( f"{type(model_bridge.model) = }, but only " "Union[BotorchModel, ModularBoTorchModel] is supported." ) return model def _get_model_per_metric( model: Union[BotorchModel, ModularBoTorchModel], metrics: List[str] ) -> List[Model]: """For a given TorchModel model, returns a list of botorch.models.model.Model objects corresponding to - and in the same order as - the given metrics. """ if isinstance(model, BotorchModel): # guaranteed not to be None after accessing search_space_digest gp_model = model.model model_idx = [model.metric_names.index(m) for m in metrics] if not isinstance(gp_model, ModelList): if gp_model.num_outputs == 1: # can accept single output models return [gp_model for _ in model_idx] raise NotImplementedError( f"type(model_bridge.model.model) = {type(gp_model)}, " "but only ModelList is supported." ) return [gp_model.models[i] for i in model_idx] else: # isinstance(model, ModularBoTorchModel): model_list = [] for m in metrics: # for each metric, find a corresponding surrogate for label, outcomes in model.outcomes_by_surrogate_label.items(): if m in outcomes: i = outcomes.index(m) metric_model = model.surrogates[label].model # since model is a ModularBoTorchModel, metric_model will be a # `botorch.models.model.Model` object, which have the `num_outputs` # property and `subset_outputs` method. if metric_model.num_outputs > 1: # subset to relevant output metric_model = metric_model.subset_output([i]) model_list.append(metric_model) continue # found surrogate for `m`, so we can move on to next `m`. return model_list def _array_with_string_indices_to_dict( rows: List[str], cols: List[str], A: np.ndarray ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, np.ndarray]]: """ Args: - rows: A list of strings with which to index rows of A. - cols: A list of strings with which to index columns of A. - A: A matrix, with `len(rows)` rows and `len(cols)` columns. Returns: A dictionary dict that satisfies dict[rows[i]][cols[j]] = A[i, j]. """ return {r: dict(zip(cols, a)) for r, a in zip(rows, A)}