Source code for ax.models.torch.botorch_modular.sebo

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import functools
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type

import torch
from ax.core.search_space import SearchSpaceDigest
from ax.models.torch.botorch_modular.acquisition import Acquisition
from ax.models.torch.botorch_modular.optimizer_argparse import optimizer_argparse
from ax.models.torch.botorch_modular.surrogate import Surrogate
from ax.models.torch_base import TorchOptConfig
from ax.utils.common.constants import Keys
from ax.utils.common.typeutils import not_none
from botorch.acquisition.acquisition import AcquisitionFunction
from botorch.acquisition.multi_objective.monte_carlo import (
from botorch.acquisition.penalized import L0Approximation
from botorch.models.deterministic import GenericDeterministicModel
from botorch.models.model import ModelList
from botorch.optim import (
from botorch.utils.datasets import SupervisedDataset
from botorch.utils.multi_objective.pareto import is_non_dominated
from torch import Tensor
from torch.quasirandom import SobolEngine

CLAMP_TOL = 0.01

[docs]class SEBOAcquisition(Acquisition): """ Implement the acquisition function of Sparsity Exploring Bayesian Optimization (SEBO). The SEBO is a hyperparameter-free method to simultaneously maximize a target objective and sparsity. When L0 norm is used, SEBO uses a novel differentiable relaxation based on homotopy continuation to efficiently optimize for sparsity. """ def __init__( self, surrogates: Dict[str, Surrogate], search_space_digest: SearchSpaceDigest, torch_opt_config: TorchOptConfig, botorch_acqf_class: Type[AcquisitionFunction], options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: if len(surrogates) > 1: raise ValueError("SEBO does not support support multiple surrogates.") surrogate = surrogates[Keys.ONLY_SURROGATE] tkwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {"dtype": surrogate.dtype, "device": surrogate.device} options = options or {} self.penalty_name: str = options.pop("penalty", "L0_norm") self.target_point: Tensor = options.pop("target_point", None) if self.target_point is None: raise ValueError("please provide target point.")**tkwargs) self.sparsity_threshold: int = options.pop( "sparsity_threshold", surrogate.Xs[0].shape[-1] ) # construct determinsitic model for penalty term # pyre-fixme[4]: Attribute must be annotated. self.deterministic_model = self._construct_penalty() surrogate_f = deepcopy(surrogate) # update the training data in new surrogate not_none(surrogate_f._training_data).append( SupervisedDataset( surrogate_f.Xs[0], self.deterministic_model(surrogate_f.Xs[0]), # append Yvar as zero for penalty term Yvar=torch.zeros(surrogate_f.Xs[0].shape[0], 1, **tkwargs), feature_names=surrogate_f.training_data[0].feature_names, outcome_names=[self.penalty_name], ) ) # update the model in new surrogate surrogate_f._model = ModelList(surrogate.model, self.deterministic_model) self.det_metric_indx = -1 # update objective weights and thresholds in the torch config torch_opt_config_sebo = self._transform_torch_config( torch_opt_config, **tkwargs ) # instantiate botorch_acqf_class if not issubclass(botorch_acqf_class, qExpectedHypervolumeImprovement): raise ValueError("botorch_acqf_class must be qEHVI to use SEBO") super().__init__( surrogates={"sebo": surrogate_f}, search_space_digest=search_space_digest, torch_opt_config=torch_opt_config_sebo, botorch_acqf_class=botorch_acqf_class, options=options, ) if not isinstance(self.acqf, qExpectedHypervolumeImprovement): raise ValueError("botorch_acqf_class must be qEHVI to use SEBO") # update objective threshold for deterministic model (penalty term) self.acqf.ref_point[-1] = self.sparsity_threshold * -1 # pyre-ignore self._objective_thresholds[-1] = self.sparsity_threshold Y_pareto = [d.Y for d in self.surrogates["sebo"].training_data], dim=-1, ) ind_pareto = is_non_dominated(Y_pareto * self._full_objective_weights) # pyre-ignore self.X_pareto = self.surrogates["sebo"].Xs[0][ind_pareto].clone() def _construct_penalty(self) -> GenericDeterministicModel: """Construct a penalty term as deterministic model to be included in SEBO acqusition function. Currently only L0 and L1 penalty are supported. """ if self.penalty_name == "L0_norm": L0 = L0Approximation(target_point=self.target_point) return GenericDeterministicModel(f=L0) elif self.penalty_name == "L1_norm": L1 = functools.partial( L1_norm_func, init_point=self.target_point, ) return GenericDeterministicModel(f=L1) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"{self.penalty_name} is not currently implemented." ) def _transform_torch_config( self, torch_opt_config: TorchOptConfig, **tkwargs: Any, ) -> TorchOptConfig: """Transform torch config to include penalty term (deterministic model) as an additional outcomes in BoTorch model. """ # update objective weights by appending the weight (-1) of penalty term # at the end ow_sebo = [torch_opt_config.objective_weights, torch.tensor([-1], **tkwargs)] ) if torch_opt_config.outcome_constraints is not None: # update the shape of A matrix in outcome_constraints oc_sebo = ( [ torch_opt_config.outcome_constraints[0], torch.zeros( # pyre-ignore torch_opt_config.outcome_constraints[0].shape[0], 1, **tkwargs, ), ], dim=1, ), torch_opt_config.outcome_constraints[1], ) else: oc_sebo = None if torch_opt_config.objective_thresholds is not None: # append the sparsity threshold at the end if objective_thresholds # is not None ot_sebo = [ torch_opt_config.objective_thresholds, torch.tensor([self.sparsity_threshold], **tkwargs), ] ) else: ot_sebo = None # update pending observations (if not none) by appending an obs for # the new penalty outcome pending_observations = torch_opt_config.pending_observations if torch_opt_config.pending_observations is not None: pending_observations = torch_opt_config.pending_observations + [ torch_opt_config.pending_observations[0] ] return TorchOptConfig( objective_weights=ow_sebo, outcome_constraints=oc_sebo, objective_thresholds=ot_sebo, linear_constraints=torch_opt_config.linear_constraints, fixed_features=torch_opt_config.fixed_features, pending_observations=pending_observations, model_gen_options=torch_opt_config.model_gen_options, rounding_func=torch_opt_config.rounding_func, opt_config_metrics=torch_opt_config.opt_config_metrics, is_moo=torch_opt_config.is_moo, )
[docs] def optimize( self, n: int, search_space_digest: SearchSpaceDigest, inequality_constraints: Optional[List[Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, float]]] = None, fixed_features: Optional[Dict[int, float]] = None, rounding_func: Optional[Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]] = None, optimizer_options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Generate a set of candidates via multi-start optimization. Obtains candidates and their associated acquisition function values. Args: n: The number of candidates to generate. search_space_digest: A ``SearchSpaceDigest`` object containing search space properties, e.g. ``bounds`` for optimization. inequality_constraints: A list of tuples (indices, coefficients, rhs), with each tuple encoding an inequality constraint of the form ``sum_i (X[indices[i]] * coefficients[i]) >= rhs``. fixed_features: A map `{feature_index: value}` for features that should be fixed to a particular value during generation. rounding_func: A function that post-processes an optimization result appropriately (i.e., according to `round-trip` transformations). optimizer_options: Options for the optimizer function, e.g. ``sequential`` or ``raw_samples``. """ if self.penalty_name == "L0_norm": if inequality_constraints is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "Homotopy does not support optimization with inequality " + "constraints. Use L1 penalty norm instead." ) candidates, expected_acquisition_value = self._optimize_with_homotopy( n=n, search_space_digest=search_space_digest, fixed_features=fixed_features, rounding_func=rounding_func, optimizer_options=optimizer_options, ) else: # if L1 norm use standard moo-opt candidates, expected_acquisition_value = super().optimize( n=n, search_space_digest=search_space_digest, inequality_constraints=inequality_constraints, fixed_features=fixed_features, rounding_func=rounding_func, optimizer_options=optimizer_options, ) # similar, make sure if applies to sparse dimensions only candidates = clamp_candidates( X=candidates, target_point=self.target_point, clamp_tol=CLAMP_TOL, device=self.device, dtype=self.dtype, ) return candidates, expected_acquisition_value
def _optimize_with_homotopy( self, n: int, search_space_digest: SearchSpaceDigest, fixed_features: Optional[Dict[int, float]] = None, rounding_func: Optional[Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]] = None, optimizer_options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Optimize SEBO ACQF with L0 norm using homotopy.""" # extend to fixed a no homotopy_schedule schedule _tensorize = partial(torch.tensor, dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device) ssd = search_space_digest bounds = _tensorize(ssd.bounds).t() homotopy_schedule = LogLinearHomotopySchedule(start=0.1, end=1e-3, num_steps=30) # Prepare arguments for optimizer optimizer_options_with_defaults = optimizer_argparse( self.acqf, bounds=bounds, q=n, optimizer_options=optimizer_options, ) def callback(): # pyre-ignore if ( self.acqf.cache_pending ): # If true, pending points are concatenated with X_baseline if self.acqf._max_iep != 0: raise ValueError( "The maximum number of pending points (max_iep) must be 0" ) X_baseline = self.acqf._X_baseline_and_pending.clone() self.acqf.__init__( # pyre-ignore X_baseline=X_baseline, model=self.surrogates["sebo"].model, ref_point=self.acqf.ref_point, objective=self.acqf.objective, ) else: # We can directly get the pending points here X_pending = self.acqf.X_pending self.acqf.__init__( # pyre-ignore X_baseline=self.X_observed, model=self.surrogates["sebo"].model, ref_point=self.acqf.ref_point, objective=self.acqf.objective, ) self.acqf.set_X_pending(X_pending) homotopy = Homotopy( homotopy_parameters=[ HomotopyParameter( parameter=self.deterministic_model._f.a, schedule=homotopy_schedule, ) ], callbacks=[callback], ) # need to know sparse dimensions batch_initial_conditions = get_batch_initial_conditions( acq_function=self.acqf, raw_samples=optimizer_options_with_defaults["raw_samples"], X_pareto=self.X_pareto, target_point=self.target_point, num_restarts=optimizer_options_with_defaults["num_restarts"], **{"device": self.device, "dtype": self.dtype}, ) candidates, expected_acquisition_value = optimize_acqf_homotopy( q=n, acq_function=self.acqf, bounds=bounds, homotopy=homotopy, num_restarts=optimizer_options_with_defaults["num_restarts"], raw_samples=optimizer_options_with_defaults["raw_samples"], post_processing_func=rounding_func, fixed_features=fixed_features, batch_initial_conditions=batch_initial_conditions, ) return candidates, expected_acquisition_value
[docs]def L1_norm_func(X: Tensor, init_point: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""L1_norm takes in a a `batch_shape x n x d`-dim input tensor `X` to a `batch_shape x n x 1`-dimensional L1 norm tensor. To be used for constructing a GenericDeterministicModel. """ return torch.linalg.norm((X - init_point), ord=1, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
[docs]def clamp_candidates( X: Tensor, target_point: Tensor, clamp_tol: float, **tkwargs: Any ) -> Tensor: """Clamp generated candidates within the given ranges to the target point.""" clamp_mask = (X - target_point).abs() < clamp_tol clamp_mask = clamp_mask X[clamp_mask] = ( target_point.clone().repeat(*X.shape[:-1], 1).to(**tkwargs)[clamp_mask] ) return X
[docs]def get_batch_initial_conditions( acq_function: AcquisitionFunction, raw_samples: int, X_pareto: Tensor, target_point: Tensor, num_restarts: int = 20, **tkwargs: Any, ) -> Tensor: """Generate starting points for the SEBO acquisition function optimization.""" dim = X_pareto.shape[-1] # dimension # (1) Global Sobol points X_cand1 = SobolEngine(dimension=dim, scramble=True).draw(raw_samples).to(**tkwargs) X_cand1 = X_cand1[ acq_function(X_cand1.unsqueeze(1)).topk(num_restarts // 5).indices ] # (2) Global Sobol points with a Bernoulli mask X_cand2 = SobolEngine(dimension=dim, scramble=True).draw(raw_samples).to(**tkwargs) mask = torch.rand(X_cand2.shape, **tkwargs) < 0.5 X_cand2[mask] = target_point.repeat(len(X_cand2), 1).to(**tkwargs)[mask] X_cand2 = X_cand2[ acq_function(X_cand2.unsqueeze(1)).topk(num_restarts // 5).indices ] # (3) Perturbations of points on the Pareto frontier (done by TuRBO and Spearmint) X_cand3 = X_pareto.clone()[torch.randint(high=len(X_pareto), size=(raw_samples,))] mask = X_cand3 != target_point X_cand3[mask] += 0.2 * torch.randn(*X_cand3.shape, **tkwargs)[mask] X_cand3 = torch.clamp(X_cand3, min=0.0, max=1.0) X_cand3 = X_cand3[ acq_function(X_cand3.unsqueeze(1)).topk(num_restarts // 5).indices ] # (4) Apply a Bernoulli mask to points on the Pareto frontier X_cand4 = X_pareto.clone()[torch.randint(high=len(X_pareto), size=(raw_samples,))] mask = torch.rand(X_cand4.shape, **tkwargs) < 0.5 X_cand4[mask] = target_point.repeat(len(X_cand4), 1).to(**tkwargs)[mask].clone() X_cand4 = X_cand4[ acq_function(X_cand4.unsqueeze(1)).topk(num_restarts // 5).indices ] return, X_cand2, X_cand3, X_cand4), dim=0).unsqueeze(1)