Source code for ax.plot.pareto_frontier

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import warnings
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from ax.core.experiment import Experiment
from ax.core.objective import MultiObjective
from ax.core.optimization_config import (
from ax.core.outcome_constraint import ObjectiveThreshold
from ax.exceptions.core import UserInputError
from ax.plot.base import AxPlotConfig, AxPlotTypes, CI_OPACITY, DECIMALS
from ax.plot.color import COLORS, DISCRETE_COLOR_SCALE, rgba
from ax.plot.helper import _format_CI, _format_dict, extend_range
from ax.plot.pareto_utils import ParetoFrontierResults
from ax.utils.common.typeutils import checked_cast, not_none
from scipy.stats import norm

DEFAULT_CI_LEVEL: float = 0.9

def _make_label(
    mean: float, sem: float, name: str, is_relative: bool, Z: Optional[float]
) -> str:
    estimate = str(round(mean, DECIMALS))
    perc = "%" if is_relative else ""
    ci = (
        if (Z is None or np.isnan(sem))
        else _format_CI(estimate=mean, sd=sem, relative=is_relative, zval=Z)
    return f"{name}: {estimate}{perc} {ci}<br>"

def _filter_outliers(Y: np.ndarray, m: float = 2.0) -> np.ndarray:
    std_filter = abs(Y - np.median(Y, axis=0)) < m * np.std(Y, axis=0)
    return Y[np.all(abs(std_filter), axis=1)]

[docs]def scatter_plot_with_pareto_frontier_plotly( Y: np.ndarray, Y_pareto: Optional[np.ndarray], metric_x: Optional[str], metric_y: Optional[str], reference_point: Optional[Tuple[float, float]], minimize: Optional[Union[bool, Tuple[bool, bool]]] = True, hovertext: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, ) -> go.Figure: """Plots a scatter of all points in ``Y`` for ``metric_x`` and ``metric_y`` with a reference point and Pareto frontier from ``Y_pareto``. Points in the scatter are colored in a gradient representing their trial index, with metric_x on x-axis and metric_y on y-axis. Reference point is represented as a star and Pareto frontier –– as a line. The frontier connects to the reference point via projection lines. NOTE: Both metrics should have the same minimization setting, passed as `minimize`. Args: Y: Array of outcomes, of which the first two will be plotted. Y_pareto: Array of Pareto-optimal points, first two outcomes in which will be plotted. metric_x: Name of first outcome in ``Y``. metric_Y: Name of second outcome in ``Y``. reference_point: Reference point for ``metric_x`` and ``metric_y``. minimize: Whether the two metrics in the plot are being minimized or maximized. """ title = "Observed metric values" if isinstance(minimize, bool): minimize = (minimize, minimize) Xs = Y[:, 0] Ys = Y[:, 1] experimental_points_scatter = [ go.Scatter( x=Xs, y=Ys, mode="markers", marker={ "color": np.linspace(0, 100, int(len(Xs) * 1.05)), "colorscale": "magma", "colorbar": { "tickvals": [0, 50, 100], "ticktext": [ 1, "iteration", len(Xs), ], }, }, name="Experimental points", hovertemplate="%{text}", text=hovertext, ) ] # No Pareto frontier is drawn if none is provided, or if the frontier consists of # a single point and no reference points are provided. if ( Y_pareto is None or len(Y_pareto) == 0 or (len(Y_pareto) == 1 and reference_point is None) ): # `Y_pareto` input was not specified range_x = extend_range(lower=min(Y[:, 0]), upper=max(Y[:, 0])) range_y = extend_range(lower=min(Y[:, 1]), upper=max(Y[:, 1])) pareto_step = reference_point_lines = reference_point_star = [] else: title += " with Pareto frontier" if reference_point: if minimize is None: minimize = tuple( reference_point[i] >= max(Y_pareto[:, i]) for i in range(2) ) reference_point_star = [ go.Scatter( x=[reference_point[0]], y=[reference_point[1]], mode="markers", marker={ "color": rgba(COLORS.STEELBLUE.value), "size": 25, "symbol": "star", }, ) ] extra_point_x = min(Y_pareto[:, 0]) if minimize[0] else max(Y_pareto[:, 0]) reference_point_line_1 = go.Scatter( x=[extra_point_x, reference_point[0]], y=[reference_point[1], reference_point[1]], mode="lines", marker={"color": rgba(COLORS.STEELBLUE.value)}, ) extra_point_y = min(Y_pareto[:, 1]) if minimize[1] else max(Y_pareto[:, 1]) reference_point_line_2 = go.Scatter( x=[reference_point[0], reference_point[0]], y=[extra_point_y, reference_point[1]], mode="lines", marker={"color": rgba(COLORS.STEELBLUE.value)}, ) reference_point_lines = [reference_point_line_1, reference_point_line_2] Y_pareto_with_extra = np.concatenate( ( [[extra_point_x, reference_point[1]]], Y_pareto, [[reference_point[0], extra_point_y]], ), axis=0, ) pareto_step = [ go.Scatter( x=Y_pareto_with_extra[:, 0], y=Y_pareto_with_extra[:, 1], mode="lines", line_shape="hv", marker={"color": rgba(COLORS.STEELBLUE.value)}, ) ] range_x = ( extend_range(lower=min(Y_pareto[:, 0]), upper=reference_point[0]) if minimize[0] else extend_range(lower=reference_point[0], upper=max(Y_pareto[:, 0])) ) range_y = ( extend_range(lower=min(Y_pareto[:, 1]), upper=reference_point[1]) if minimize[1] else extend_range(lower=reference_point[1], upper=max(Y_pareto[:, 1])) ) else: # Reference point was not specified pareto_step = [ go.Scatter( x=Y_pareto[:, 0], y=Y_pareto[:, 1], mode="lines", line_shape="hv", marker={"color": rgba(COLORS.STEELBLUE.value)}, ) ] reference_point_lines = reference_point_star = [] range_x = extend_range(lower=min(Y_pareto[:, 0]), upper=max(Y_pareto[:, 0])) range_y = extend_range(lower=min(Y_pareto[:, 1]), upper=max(Y_pareto[:, 1])) layout = go.Layout( title=title, showlegend=False, xaxis={"title": metric_x or "", "range": range_x}, yaxis={"title": metric_y or "", "range": range_y}, ) return go.Figure( layout=layout, data=pareto_step + reference_point_lines + experimental_points_scatter + reference_point_star, )
[docs]def scatter_plot_with_pareto_frontier( Y: np.ndarray, Y_pareto: np.ndarray, metric_x: str, metric_y: str, reference_point: Tuple[float, float], minimize: bool = True, ) -> AxPlotConfig: return AxPlotConfig( data=scatter_plot_with_pareto_frontier_plotly( Y=Y, Y_pareto=Y_pareto, metric_x=metric_x, metric_y=metric_y, reference_point=reference_point, ), plot_type=AxPlotTypes.GENERIC, )
def _get_single_pareto_trace( frontier: ParetoFrontierResults, CI_level: float, legend_label: str = "mean", trace_color: Tuple[int] = COLORS.STEELBLUE.value, show_parameterization_on_hover: bool = True, ) -> go.Scatter: primary_means = frontier.means[frontier.primary_metric] primary_sems = frontier.sems[frontier.primary_metric] secondary_means = frontier.means[frontier.secondary_metric] secondary_sems = frontier.sems[frontier.secondary_metric] absolute_metrics = frontier.absolute_metrics all_metrics = frontier.means.keys() if frontier.arm_names is None: arm_names = [f"Parameterization {i}" for i in range(len(frontier.param_dicts))] else: arm_names = [f"Arm {name}" for name in frontier.arm_names] if CI_level is not None: Z = 0.5 * norm.ppf(1 - (1 - CI_level) / 2) else: Z = None labels = [] for i, param_dict in enumerate(frontier.param_dicts): label = f"<b>{arm_names[i]}</b><br>" for metric in all_metrics: metric_lab = _make_label( mean=frontier.means[metric][i], sem=frontier.sems[metric][i], name=metric, is_relative=metric not in absolute_metrics, Z=Z, ) label += metric_lab parameterization = ( _format_dict(param_dict, "Parameterization") if show_parameterization_on_hover else "" ) label += parameterization labels.append(label) return go.Scatter( name=legend_label, legendgroup=legend_label, x=secondary_means, y=primary_means, error_x={ "type": "data", "array": Z * np.array(secondary_sems), "thickness": 2, "color": rgba(trace_color, CI_OPACITY), }, error_y={ "type": "data", "array": Z * np.array(primary_sems), "thickness": 2, "color": rgba(trace_color, CI_OPACITY), }, mode="markers", text=labels, hoverinfo="text", marker={"color": rgba(trace_color)}, )
[docs]def plot_pareto_frontier( frontier: ParetoFrontierResults, CI_level: float = DEFAULT_CI_LEVEL, show_parameterization_on_hover: bool = True, ) -> AxPlotConfig: """Plot a Pareto frontier from a ParetoFrontierResults object. Args: frontier (ParetoFrontierResults): The results of the Pareto frontier computation. CI_level (float, optional): The confidence level, i.e. 0.95 (95%) show_parameterization_on_hover (bool, optional): If True, show the parameterization of the points on the frontier on hover. Returns: AEPlotConfig: The resulting Plotly plot definition. """ trace = _get_single_pareto_trace( frontier=frontier, CI_level=CI_level, show_parameterization_on_hover=show_parameterization_on_hover, ) shapes = [] primary_threshold = None secondary_threshold = None if frontier.objective_thresholds is not None: primary_threshold = frontier.objective_thresholds.get( frontier.primary_metric, None ) secondary_threshold = frontier.objective_thresholds.get( frontier.secondary_metric, None ) absolute_metrics = frontier.absolute_metrics rel_x = frontier.secondary_metric not in absolute_metrics rel_y = frontier.primary_metric not in absolute_metrics if primary_threshold is not None: shapes.append( { "type": "line", "xref": "paper", "x0": 0.0, "x1": 1.0, "yref": "y", "y0": primary_threshold, "y1": primary_threshold, "line": {"color": rgba(COLORS.CORAL.value), "width": 3}, } ) if secondary_threshold is not None: shapes.append( { "type": "line", "yref": "paper", "y0": 0.0, "y1": 1.0, "xref": "x", "x0": secondary_threshold, "x1": secondary_threshold, "line": {"color": rgba(COLORS.CORAL.value), "width": 3}, } ) layout = go.Layout( title="Pareto Frontier", xaxis={ "title": frontier.secondary_metric, "ticksuffix": "%" if rel_x else "", "zeroline": True, }, yaxis={ "title": frontier.primary_metric, "ticksuffix": "%" if rel_y else "", "zeroline": True, }, hovermode="closest", legend={"orientation": "h"}, width=750, height=500, margin=go.layout.Margin(pad=4, l=225, b=75, t=75), # noqa E741 shapes=shapes, ) fig = go.Figure(data=[trace], layout=layout) return AxPlotConfig(data=fig, plot_type=AxPlotTypes.GENERIC)
[docs]def plot_multiple_pareto_frontiers( frontiers: Dict[str, ParetoFrontierResults], CI_level: float = DEFAULT_CI_LEVEL, show_parameterization_on_hover: bool = True, ) -> AxPlotConfig: """Plot a Pareto frontier from a ParetoFrontierResults object. Args: frontiers (Dict[str, ParetoFrontierResults]): The results of the Pareto frontier computation. CI_level (float, optional): The confidence level, i.e. 0.95 (95%) show_parameterization_on_hover (bool, optional): If True, show the parameterization of the points on the frontier on hover. Returns: AEPlotConfig: The resulting Plotly plot definition. """ first_frontier = list(frontiers.values())[0] traces = [] for i, (method, frontier) in enumerate(frontiers.items()): # Check the two metrics are the same as the first frontier if ( frontier.primary_metric != first_frontier.primary_metric or frontier.secondary_metric != first_frontier.secondary_metric ): raise ValueError("All frontiers should have the same pairs of metrics.") trace = _get_single_pareto_trace( frontier=frontier, legend_label=method, trace_color=DISCRETE_COLOR_SCALE[i % len(DISCRETE_COLOR_SCALE)], CI_level=CI_level, show_parameterization_on_hover=show_parameterization_on_hover, ) traces.append(trace) shapes = [] primary_threshold = None secondary_threshold = None if frontier.objective_thresholds is not None: primary_threshold = frontier.objective_thresholds.get( frontier.primary_metric, None ) secondary_threshold = frontier.objective_thresholds.get( frontier.secondary_metric, None ) absolute_metrics = frontier.absolute_metrics rel_x = frontier.secondary_metric not in absolute_metrics rel_y = frontier.primary_metric not in absolute_metrics if primary_threshold is not None: shapes.append( { "type": "line", "xref": "paper", "x0": 0.0, "x1": 1.0, "yref": "y", "y0": primary_threshold, "y1": primary_threshold, "line": {"color": rgba(COLORS.CORAL.value), "width": 3}, } ) if secondary_threshold is not None: shapes.append( { "type": "line", "yref": "paper", "y0": 0.0, "y1": 1.0, "xref": "x", "x0": secondary_threshold, "x1": secondary_threshold, "line": {"color": rgba(COLORS.CORAL.value), "width": 3}, } ) layout = go.Layout( title="Pareto Frontier", xaxis={ "title": frontier.secondary_metric, "ticksuffix": "%" if rel_x else "", "zeroline": True, }, yaxis={ "title": frontier.primary_metric, "ticksuffix": "%" if rel_y else "", "zeroline": True, }, hovermode="closest", legend={ "orientation": "h", "yanchor": "top", "y": -0.20, "xanchor": "auto", "x": 0.075, }, width=750, height=550, margin=go.layout.Margin(pad=4, l=225, b=125, t=75), # noqa E741 shapes=shapes, ) fig = go.Figure(data=traces, layout=layout) return AxPlotConfig(data=fig, plot_type=AxPlotTypes.GENERIC)
[docs]def interact_pareto_frontier( frontier_list: List[ParetoFrontierResults], CI_level: float = DEFAULT_CI_LEVEL, show_parameterization_on_hover: bool = True, ) -> AxPlotConfig: """Plot a pareto frontier from a list of objects""" if not frontier_list: raise ValueError("Must receive a non-empty list of pareto frontiers to plot.") traces = [] shapes = [] for frontier in frontier_list: config = plot_pareto_frontier( frontier=frontier, CI_level=CI_level, show_parameterization_on_hover=show_parameterization_on_hover, ) traces.append(["data"][0]) shapes.append(["layout"].get("shapes", [])) for i, trace in enumerate(traces): if i == 0: # Only the first trace is initially set to visible trace["visible"] = True else: # All other plot traces are not visible initially trace["visible"] = False # TODO (jej): replace dropdown with two dropdowns, one for x one for y. dropdown = [] for i, frontier in enumerate(frontier_list): trace_cnt = 1 # Only one plot trace is visible at a given time. visible = [False] * (len(frontier_list) * trace_cnt) for j in range(i * trace_cnt, (i + 1) * trace_cnt): visible[j] = True rel_y = frontier.primary_metric not in frontier.absolute_metrics rel_x = frontier.secondary_metric not in frontier.absolute_metrics primary_metric = frontier.primary_metric secondary_metric = frontier.secondary_metric dropdown.append( { "method": "update", "args": [ {"visible": visible, "method": "restyle"}, { "yaxis.title": primary_metric, "xaxis.title": secondary_metric, "yaxis.ticksuffix": "%" if rel_y else "", "xaxis.ticksuffix": "%" if rel_x else "", "shapes": shapes[i], }, ], "label": f"{primary_metric} vs {secondary_metric}", } ) # Set initial layout arguments. initial_frontier = frontier_list[0] rel_x = initial_frontier.secondary_metric not in initial_frontier.absolute_metrics rel_y = initial_frontier.primary_metric not in initial_frontier.absolute_metrics secondary_metric = initial_frontier.secondary_metric primary_metric = initial_frontier.primary_metric layout = go.Layout( title="Pareto Frontier", xaxis={ "title": secondary_metric, "ticksuffix": "%" if rel_x else "", "zeroline": True, }, yaxis={ "title": primary_metric, "ticksuffix": "%" if rel_y else "", "zeroline": True, }, updatemenus=[ { "buttons": dropdown, "x": 0.075, "xanchor": "left", "y": 1.1, "yanchor": "middle", } ], hovermode="closest", legend={"orientation": "h"}, width=750, height=500, margin=go.layout.Margin(pad=4, l=225, b=75, t=75), # noqa E741 shapes=shapes[0], ) fig = go.Figure(data=traces, layout=layout) return AxPlotConfig(data=fig, plot_type=AxPlotTypes.GENERIC)
[docs]def interact_multiple_pareto_frontier( frontier_lists: Dict[str, List[ParetoFrontierResults]], CI_level: float = DEFAULT_CI_LEVEL, show_parameterization_on_hover: bool = True, ) -> AxPlotConfig: """Plot a Pareto frontiers from a list of lists of NamedParetoFrontierResults objects that we want to compare. Args: frontier_lists (Dict[List[ParetoFrontierResults]]): A dictionary of multiple lists of Pareto frontier computation results to plot for comparison. Each list of ParetoFrontierResults contains a list of the results of the same pareto frontier but under different pairs of metrics. Different List[ParetoFrontierResults] must contain the the same pairs of metrics for this function to work. CI_level (float, optional): The confidence level, i.e. 0.95 (95%) show_parameterization_on_hover (bool, optional): If True, show the parameterization of the points on the frontier on hover. Returns: AEPlotConfig: The resulting Plotly plot definition. """ if not frontier_lists: raise ValueError("Must receive a non-empty list of pareto frontiers to plot.") # Check all the lists have the same length vals = frontier_lists.values() length = len(frontier_lists[next(iter(frontier_lists))]) if not all(len(item) == length for item in vals): raise ValueError("Not all lists in frontier_lists have the same length.") # Transform the frontier_lists to lists of frontiers where each list # corresponds to one pair of metrics with multiple frontiers list_of_frontiers = [ dict(zip(frontier_lists.keys(), t)) for t in zip(*frontier_lists.values()) ] # Get the traces and shapes for plotting traces = [] shapes = [] for frontiers in list_of_frontiers: config = plot_multiple_pareto_frontiers( frontiers=frontiers, CI_level=CI_level, show_parameterization_on_hover=show_parameterization_on_hover, ) for i in range(len(["data"])): traces.append(["data"][i]) shapes.append(["layout"].get("shapes", [])) num_frontiers = len(frontier_lists) num_metric_pairs = len(list_of_frontiers) for i, trace in enumerate(traces): if ( i < num_frontiers ): # Only the traces for metric 1 v.s. metric 2 are initially set to visible trace["visible"] = True else: # All other plot traces are not visible initially trace["visible"] = False dropdown = [] for i, frontiers in enumerate(list_of_frontiers): # Only plot traces for the current pair of metrics are visible at a given time. visible = [False] * (num_metric_pairs * num_frontiers) for j in range(i * num_frontiers, (i + 1) * num_frontiers): visible[j] = True # Get the first frontier for reference of metric names first_frontier = list(frontiers.values())[0] rel_y = first_frontier.primary_metric not in first_frontier.absolute_metrics rel_x = first_frontier.secondary_metric not in first_frontier.absolute_metrics primary_metric = first_frontier.primary_metric secondary_metric = first_frontier.secondary_metric dropdown.append( { "method": "update", "args": [ {"visible": visible, "method": "restyle"}, { "yaxis.title": primary_metric, "xaxis.title": secondary_metric, "yaxis.ticksuffix": "%" if rel_y else "", "xaxis.ticksuffix": "%" if rel_x else "", "shapes": shapes[i], }, ], "label": f"{primary_metric} vs {secondary_metric}", } ) # Set initial layout arguments. initial_first_frontier = list(list_of_frontiers[0].values())[0] rel_x = ( initial_first_frontier.secondary_metric not in initial_first_frontier.absolute_metrics ) rel_y = ( initial_first_frontier.primary_metric not in initial_first_frontier.absolute_metrics ) secondary_metric = initial_first_frontier.secondary_metric primary_metric = initial_first_frontier.primary_metric layout = go.Layout( title="Pareto Frontier", xaxis={ "title": secondary_metric, "ticksuffix": "%" if rel_x else "", "zeroline": True, }, yaxis={ "title": primary_metric, "ticksuffix": "%" if rel_y else "", "zeroline": True, }, updatemenus=[ { "buttons": dropdown, "x": 0.075, "xanchor": "left", "y": 1.1, "yanchor": "middle", } ], hovermode="closest", legend={ "orientation": "h", "yanchor": "top", "y": -0.20, "xanchor": "auto", "x": 0.075, }, showlegend=True, width=750, height=550, margin=go.layout.Margin(pad=4, l=225, b=125, t=75), # noqa E741 shapes=shapes[0], ) fig = go.Figure(data=traces, layout=layout) return AxPlotConfig(data=fig, plot_type=AxPlotTypes.GENERIC)
def _pareto_frontier_plot_input_processing( experiment: Experiment, metric_names: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None, reference_point: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, minimize: Optional[Union[bool, Tuple[bool, bool]]] = None, ) -> Tuple[Tuple[str, str], Optional[Tuple[float, float]], Optional[Tuple[bool, bool]]]: """Processes inputs for Pareto frontier + scatterplot. Args: experiment: An Ax experiment. metric_names: The names of two metrics to be plotted. Defaults to the metrics in the optimization_config. reference_point: The 2-dimensional reference point to use when plotting the Pareto frontier. Defaults to the value of the objective thresholds of each variable. minimize: Whether each metric is being minimized. Defaults to the direction specified for each variable in the optimization config. Returns: metric_names: The names of two metrics to be plotted. reference_point: The 2-dimensional reference point to use when plotting the Pareto frontier. minimize: Whether each metric is being minimized. """ optimization_config = _validate_experiment_and_get_optimization_config( experiment=experiment, metric_names=metric_names, reference_point=reference_point, ) metric_names = _validate_and_maybe_get_default_metric_names( metric_names=metric_names, optimization_config=optimization_config ) objective_thresholds = _validate_experiment_and_maybe_get_objective_thresholds( optimization_config=optimization_config, metric_names=metric_names, reference_point=reference_point, ) reference_point = _validate_and_maybe_get_default_reference_point( reference_point=reference_point, objective_thresholds=objective_thresholds, metric_names=metric_names, ) minimize_output = _validate_and_maybe_get_default_minimize( minimize=minimize, objective_thresholds=objective_thresholds, metric_names=metric_names, optimization_config=optimization_config, ) return metric_names, reference_point, minimize_output def _validate_experiment_and_get_optimization_config( experiment: Experiment, metric_names: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None, reference_point: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, minimize: Optional[Union[bool, Tuple[bool, bool]]] = None, ) -> Optional[OptimizationConfig]: # If `optimization_config` is unspecified, check what inputs are missing and # error/warn accordingly if experiment.optimization_config is None: if metric_names is None: raise UserInputError( "Inference of defaults failed. Please either specify `metric_names` " "(and optionally `minimize` and `reference_point`) or provide an " "experiment with an `optimization_config`." ) if reference_point is None or minimize is None: warnings.warn( "Inference of defaults failed. Please specify `minimize` and " "`reference_point` if available, or provide an experiment with an " "`optimization_config` that contains an `objective` and " "`objective_threshold` corresponding to each of `metric_names`: " f"{metric_names}." ) return None return not_none(experiment.optimization_config) def _validate_and_maybe_get_default_metric_names( metric_names: Optional[Tuple[str, str]], optimization_config: Optional[OptimizationConfig], ) -> Tuple[str, str]: # Default metric_names is all metrics, producing an error if more than 2 if metric_names is None: if not_none(optimization_config).is_moo_problem: multi_objective = checked_cast( MultiObjective, not_none(optimization_config).objective ) metric_names = tuple( for obj in multi_objective.objectives) else: raise UserInputError( "Inference of `metric_names` failed. Expected `MultiObjective` but " f"got {not_none(optimization_config).objective}. Please specify " "`metric_names` of length 2 or provide an experiment whose " "`optimization_config` has 2 objective metrics." ) if metric_names is not None and len(metric_names) == 2: return metric_names raise UserInputError( f"Expected 2 metrics but got {len(metric_names or [])}: {metric_names}. " "Please specify `metric_names` of length 2 or provide an experiment whose " "`optimization_config` has 2 objective metrics." ) def _validate_experiment_and_maybe_get_objective_thresholds( optimization_config: Optional[OptimizationConfig], metric_names: Tuple[str, str], reference_point: Optional[Tuple[float, float]], ) -> List[ObjectiveThreshold]: objective_thresholds = [] # Validate `objective_thresholds` if `reference_point` is unspecified. if reference_point is None: objective_thresholds = checked_cast( MultiObjectiveOptimizationConfig, optimization_config ).objective_thresholds constraint_metric_names = { for objective_threshold in objective_thresholds } missing_metric_names = set(metric_names) - set(constraint_metric_names) if len(objective_thresholds) != len(metric_names) or missing_metric_names: warnings.warn( "For automatic inference of reference point, expected one " "`objective_threshold` for each metric in `metric_names`: " f"{metric_names}. Got {len(objective_thresholds)}: " f"{objective_thresholds}. Please specify `reference_point` or provide " "an experiment whose `optimization_config` contains one " "objective threshold for each metric. Returning an empty list." ) return objective_thresholds def _validate_and_maybe_get_default_reference_point( reference_point: Optional[Tuple[float, float]], objective_thresholds: List[ObjectiveThreshold], metric_names: Tuple[str, str], ) -> Optional[Tuple[float, float]]: if reference_point is None: reference_point = { objective_threshold.bound for objective_threshold in objective_thresholds } missing_metric_names = set(metric_names) - set(reference_point) if missing_metric_names: warnings.warn( "Automated determination of `reference_point` failed: missing metrics " f"{missing_metric_names}. Please specify `reference_point` or provide " "an experiment whose `optimization_config` has one " "`objective_threshold` for each of two metrics. Returning `None`." ) return None reference_point = tuple( reference_point[metric_name] for metric_name in metric_names ) if len(reference_point) != 2: warnings.warn( f"Expected 2-dimensional `reference_point` but got {len(reference_point)} " f"dimensions: {reference_point}. Please specify `reference_point` of " "length 2 or provide an experiment whose optimization config has one " "`objective_threshold` for each of two metrics. Returning `None`." ) return None return reference_point def _validate_and_maybe_get_default_minimize( minimize: Optional[Union[bool, Tuple[bool, bool]]], objective_thresholds: List[ObjectiveThreshold], metric_names: Tuple[str, str], optimization_config: Optional[OptimizationConfig] = None, ) -> Optional[Tuple[bool, bool]]: if minimize is None: # Determine `minimize` defaults minimize = tuple( _maybe_get_default_minimize_single_metric( metric_name=metric_name, optimization_config=optimization_config, objective_thresholds=objective_thresholds, ) for metric_name in metric_names ) # If either value of minimize is missing, return `None` if any(i_min is None for i_min in minimize): warnings.warn( "Extraction of default `minimize` failed. Please specify `minimize` " "of length 2 or provide an experiment whose `optimization_config` " "includes 2 objectives. Returning None." ) return None minimize = tuple(not_none(i_min) for i_min in minimize) # If only one bool provided, use for both dimensions elif isinstance(minimize, bool): minimize = (minimize, minimize) if len(minimize) != 2: warnings.warn( f"Expected 2-dimensional `minimize` but got {len(minimize)} dimensions: " f"{minimize}. Please specify `minimize` of length 2 or provide an " "experiment whose `optimization_config` includes 2 objectives. Returning " "None." ) return None return minimize def _maybe_get_default_minimize_single_metric( metric_name: str, objective_thresholds: List[ObjectiveThreshold], optimization_config: Optional[OptimizationConfig] = None, ) -> Optional[bool]: minimize = None # First try to get metric_name from optimization_config if ( optimization_config is not None and metric_name in optimization_config.objective.metric_names ): if optimization_config.is_moo_problem: multi_objective = checked_cast( MultiObjective, optimization_config.objective ) for objective in multi_objective.objectives: if == metric_name: return objective.minimize else: return optimization_config.objective.minimize # Next try to get minimize from objective_thresholds if objective_thresholds is not None: constraint_op_names = { for objective_threshold in objective_thresholds } invalid_constraint_op_names = constraint_op_names - VALID_CONSTRAINT_OP_NAMES if invalid_constraint_op_names: raise ValueError( "Operators of all constraints must be in " f"{VALID_CONSTRAINT_OP_NAMES}. Got {invalid_constraint_op_names}.)" ) minimize = { == "LEQ" for objective_threshold in objective_thresholds } minimize = minimize.get(metric_name) if minimize is None: warnings.warn( f"Extraction of default `minimize` failed for metric {metric_name}. " f"Ensure {metric_name} is an objective of the provided experiment. " "Setting `minimize` to `None`." ) return minimize