Source code for ax.plot.contour

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import re
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from ax.core.observation import ObservationFeatures
from ax.modelbridge.base import ModelBridge
from ax.plot.base import AxPlotConfig, AxPlotTypes, PlotData
from ax.plot.color import BLUE_SCALE, GREEN_PINK_SCALE, GREEN_SCALE
from ax.plot.helper import (

# type aliases
ContourPredictions = Tuple[
    PlotData, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, Dict[str, bool]


[docs]def short_name(param_name: str) -> str: if len(param_name) < MAX_PARAM_LENGTH: return param_name # Try to find a canonical prefix prefix = re.split(r"\s|_|:", param_name)[0] if len(prefix) > 10: prefix = param_name[0:10] suffix = param_name[len(param_name) - (MAX_PARAM_LENGTH - len(prefix) - 3) :] return prefix + "..." + suffix
def _get_contour_predictions( model: ModelBridge, x_param_name: str, y_param_name: str, metric: str, generator_runs_dict: TNullableGeneratorRunsDict, density: int, slice_values: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, fixed_features: Optional[ObservationFeatures] = None, ) -> ContourPredictions: """ slice_values is a dictionary {param_name: value} for the parameters that are being sliced on. """ x_param = get_range_parameter(model, x_param_name) y_param = get_range_parameter(model, y_param_name) plot_data, _, _ = get_plot_data( model, generator_runs_dict or {}, {metric}, fixed_features=fixed_features ) grid_x = get_grid_for_parameter(x_param, density) grid_y = get_grid_for_parameter(y_param, density) scales = {"x": x_param.log_scale, "y": y_param.log_scale} grid2_x, grid2_y = np.meshgrid(grid_x, grid_y) grid2_x = grid2_x.flatten() grid2_y = grid2_y.flatten() if fixed_features is not None: slice_values = fixed_features.parameters else: fixed_features = ObservationFeatures(parameters={}) fixed_values = get_fixed_values(model, slice_values) param_grid_obsf = [] for i in range(density**2): predf = deepcopy(fixed_features) predf.parameters = fixed_values.copy() predf.parameters[x_param_name] = grid2_x[i] predf.parameters[y_param_name] = grid2_y[i] param_grid_obsf.append(predf) mu, cov = model.predict(param_grid_obsf) f_plt = mu[metric] sd_plt = np.sqrt(cov[metric][metric]) # pyre-fixme[7]: Expected `Tuple[PlotData, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, # np.ndarray, Dict[str, bool]]` but got `Tuple[PlotData, typing.List[float], # typing.Any, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, Dict[str, bool]]`. return plot_data, f_plt, sd_plt, grid_x, grid_y, scales
[docs]def plot_contour_plotly( model: ModelBridge, param_x: str, param_y: str, metric_name: str, generator_runs_dict: TNullableGeneratorRunsDict = None, relative: bool = False, density: int = 50, slice_values: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, lower_is_better: bool = False, fixed_features: Optional[ObservationFeatures] = None, trial_index: Optional[int] = None, ) -> go.Figure: """Plot predictions for a 2-d slice of the parameter space. Args: model: ModelBridge that contains model for predictions param_x: Name of parameter that will be sliced on x-axis param_y: Name of parameter that will be sliced on y-axis metric_name: Name of metric to plot generator_runs_dict: A dictionary {name: generator run} of generator runs whose arms will be plotted, if they lie in the slice. relative: Predictions relative to status quo density: Number of points along slice to evaluate predictions. slice_values: A dictionary {name: val} for the fixed values of the other parameters. If not provided, then the status quo values will be used if there is a status quo, otherwise the mean of numeric parameters or the mode of choice parameters. lower_is_better: Lower values for metric are better. fixed_features: An ObservationFeatures object containing the values of features (including non-parameter features like context) to be set in the slice. Returns: go.Figure: contour plot of objective vs. parameter values """ if param_x == param_y: raise ValueError("Please select different parameters for x- and y-dimensions.") if trial_index is not None: if slice_values is None: slice_values = {} slice_values["TRIAL_PARAM"] = str(trial_index) data, f_plt, sd_plt, grid_x, grid_y, scales = _get_contour_predictions( model=model, x_param_name=param_x, y_param_name=param_y, metric=metric_name, generator_runs_dict=generator_runs_dict, density=density, slice_values=slice_values, ) config = { "arm_data": data, "blue_scale": BLUE_SCALE, "density": density, "f": f_plt, "green_scale": GREEN_SCALE, "green_pink_scale": GREEN_PINK_SCALE, "grid_x": grid_x, "grid_y": grid_y, "lower_is_better": lower_is_better, "metric": metric_name, "rel": relative, "sd": sd_plt, "xvar": param_x, "yvar": param_y, "x_is_log": scales["x"], "y_is_log": scales["y"], } config = AxPlotConfig(config, plot_type=AxPlotTypes.GENERIC).data traces = contour_config_to_trace(config) density = config["density"] grid_x = config["grid_x"] grid_y = config["grid_y"] lower_is_better = config["lower_is_better"] xvar = config["xvar"] yvar = config["yvar"] x_is_log = config["x_is_log"] y_is_log = config["y_is_log"] xrange = axis_range(grid_x, x_is_log) yrange = axis_range(grid_y, y_is_log) xtype = "log" if x_is_log else "linear" ytype = "log" if y_is_log else "linear" layout = { "title": metric_name, "annotations": [ { "font": {"size": 14}, "showarrow": False, "text": "Mean", "x": 0.25, "xanchor": "center", "xref": "paper", "y": 1, "yanchor": "bottom", "yref": "paper", }, { "font": {"size": 14}, "showarrow": False, "text": "Standard Error", "x": 0.8, "xanchor": "center", "xref": "paper", "y": 1, "yanchor": "bottom", "yref": "paper", }, ], "autosize": False, "height": 450, "hovermode": "closest", "legend": {"orientation": "h", "x": 0, "y": -0.25}, "margin": {"b": 100, "l": 35, "pad": 0, "r": 35, "t": 35}, "width": 950, "xaxis": { "anchor": "y", "autorange": False, "domain": [0.05, 0.45], "exponentformat": "e", "range": xrange, "tickfont": {"size": 11}, "tickmode": "auto", "title": xvar, "type": xtype, }, "xaxis2": { "anchor": "y2", "autorange": False, "domain": [0.6, 1], "exponentformat": "e", "range": xrange, "tickfont": {"size": 11}, "tickmode": "auto", "title": xvar, "type": xtype, }, "yaxis": { "anchor": "x", "autorange": False, "domain": [0, 1], "exponentformat": "e", "range": yrange, "tickfont": {"size": 11}, "tickmode": "auto", "title": yvar, "type": ytype, }, "yaxis2": { "anchor": "x2", "autorange": False, "domain": [0, 1], "exponentformat": "e", "range": yrange, "tickfont": {"size": 11}, "tickmode": "auto", "type": ytype, }, } return go.Figure(data=traces, layout=layout)
[docs]def plot_contour( model: ModelBridge, param_x: str, param_y: str, metric_name: str, generator_runs_dict: TNullableGeneratorRunsDict = None, relative: bool = False, density: int = 50, slice_values: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, lower_is_better: bool = False, fixed_features: Optional[ObservationFeatures] = None, trial_index: Optional[int] = None, ) -> AxPlotConfig: """Plot predictions for a 2-d slice of the parameter space. Args: model: ModelBridge that contains model for predictions param_x: Name of parameter that will be sliced on x-axis param_y: Name of parameter that will be sliced on y-axis metric_name: Name of metric to plot generator_runs_dict: A dictionary {name: generator run} of generator runs whose arms will be plotted, if they lie in the slice. relative: Predictions relative to status quo density: Number of points along slice to evaluate predictions. slice_values: A dictionary {name: val} for the fixed values of the other parameters. If not provided, then the status quo values will be used if there is a status quo, otherwise the mean of numeric parameters or the mode of choice parameters. lower_is_better: Lower values for metric are better. fixed_features: An ObservationFeatures object containing the values of features (including non-parameter features like context) to be set in the slice. Returns: AxPlotConfig: contour plot of objective vs. parameter values """ return AxPlotConfig( data=plot_contour_plotly( model=model, param_x=param_x, param_y=param_y, metric_name=metric_name, generator_runs_dict=generator_runs_dict, relative=relative, density=density, slice_values=slice_values, lower_is_better=lower_is_better, fixed_features=fixed_features, trial_index=trial_index, ), plot_type=AxPlotTypes.GENERIC, )
[docs]def interact_contour_plotly( model: ModelBridge, metric_name: str, generator_runs_dict: TNullableGeneratorRunsDict = None, relative: bool = False, density: int = 50, slice_values: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, lower_is_better: bool = False, fixed_features: Optional[ObservationFeatures] = None, trial_index: Optional[int] = None, ) -> go.Figure: """Create interactive plot with predictions for a 2-d slice of the parameter space. Args: model: ModelBridge that contains model for predictions metric_name: Name of metric to plot generator_runs_dict: A dictionary {name: generator run} of generator runs whose arms will be plotted, if they lie in the slice. relative: Predictions relative to status quo density: Number of points along slice to evaluate predictions. slice_values: A dictionary {name: val} for the fixed values of the other parameters. If not provided, then the status quo values will be used if there is a status quo, otherwise the mean of numeric parameters or the mode of choice parameters. lower_is_better: Lower values for metric are better. fixed_features: An ObservationFeatures object containing the values of features (including non-parameter features like context) to be set in the slice. Returns: go.Figure: interactive plot of objective vs. parameters """ # NOTE: This implements a hack to allow Plotly to specify two parameters # simultaneously. It is not possible within Plotly to specify a third, # so `metric_name` must be specified and cannot be selected via dropdown # by the user. if trial_index is not None: if slice_values is None: slice_values = {} slice_values["TRIAL_PARAM"] = str(trial_index) range_parameters = get_range_parameters(model) plot_data, _, _ = get_plot_data( model, generator_runs_dict or {}, {metric_name}, fixed_features=fixed_features ) # TODO T38563759: Sort parameters by feature importances param_names = [ for parameter in range_parameters] is_log_dict: Dict[str, bool] = {} grid_dict: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = {} for parameter in range_parameters: is_log_dict[] = parameter.log_scale grid_dict[] = get_grid_for_parameter(parameter, density) # Populate `f_dict` (the predicted expectation value of `metric_name`) and # `sd_dict` (the predicted SEM), each of which represents a 2D array of plots # where each parameter can be assigned to each of the x or y axes. # pyre-fixme[9]: f_dict has type `Dict[str, Dict[str, np.ndarray]]`; used as # `Dict[str, Dict[str, typing.List[Variable[_T]]]]`. f_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, np.ndarray]] = { param1: {param2: [] for param2 in param_names} for param1 in param_names } # pyre-fixme[9]: sd_dict has type `Dict[str, Dict[str, np.ndarray]]`; used as # `Dict[str, Dict[str, typing.List[Variable[_T]]]]`. sd_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, np.ndarray]] = { param1: {param2: [] for param2 in param_names} for param1 in param_names } for param1 in param_names: for param2 in param_names: _, f_plt, sd_plt, _, _, _ = _get_contour_predictions( model=model, x_param_name=param1, y_param_name=param2, metric=metric_name, generator_runs_dict=generator_runs_dict, density=density, slice_values=slice_values, fixed_features=fixed_features, ) f_dict[param1][param2] = f_plt sd_dict[param1][param2] = sd_plt # Set plotting defaults for all subplots config = { "arm_data": plot_data, "blue_scale": BLUE_SCALE, "density": density, "f_dict": f_dict, "green_scale": GREEN_SCALE, "green_pink_scale": GREEN_PINK_SCALE, "grid_dict": grid_dict, "lower_is_better": lower_is_better, "metric": metric_name, "rel": relative, "sd_dict": sd_dict, "is_log_dict": is_log_dict, "param_names": param_names, } config = AxPlotConfig(config, plot_type=AxPlotTypes.GENERIC).data arm_data = config["arm_data"] density = config["density"] grid_dict = config["grid_dict"] f_dict = config["f_dict"] lower_is_better = config["lower_is_better"] metric = config["metric"] rel = config["rel"] sd_dict = config["sd_dict"] is_log_dict = config["is_log_dict"] param_names = config["param_names"] green_scale = config["green_scale"] green_pink_scale = config["green_pink_scale"] blue_scale = config["blue_scale"] CONTOUR_CONFIG = { "autocolorscale": False, "autocontour": True, "contours": {"coloring": "heatmap"}, "hoverinfo": "x+y+z", "ncontours": int(density / 2), "type": "contour", } if rel: f_scale = reversed(green_pink_scale) if lower_is_better else green_pink_scale else: f_scale = green_scale f_contour_trace_base = { "colorbar": { "len": 0.875, "x": 0.45, "y": 0.5, "ticksuffix": "%" if rel else "", "tickfont": {"size": 8}, }, "colorscale": [(i / (len(f_scale) - 1), rgb(v)) for i, v in enumerate(f_scale)], "xaxis": "x", "yaxis": "y", # zmax and zmin are ignored if zauto is true "zauto": not rel, } sd_contour_trace_base = { "colorbar": { "len": 0.875, "x": 1, "y": 0.5, "ticksuffix": "%" if rel else "", "tickfont": {"size": 8}, }, "colorscale": [ (i / (len(blue_scale) - 1), rgb(v)) for i, v in enumerate(blue_scale) ], "xaxis": "x2", "yaxis": "y2", } # pyre-fixme[6]: Expected `Mapping[str, typing.Union[Dict[str, # typing.Union[Dict[str, int], float, str]], typing.List[Tuple[float, str]], bool, # str]]` for 1st param but got `Dict[str, typing.Union[Dict[str, str], int, # str]]`. f_contour_trace_base.update(CONTOUR_CONFIG) # pyre-fixme[6]: Expected `Mapping[str, typing.Union[Dict[str, # typing.Union[Dict[str, int], float, str]], typing.List[Tuple[float, str]], # str]]` for 1st param but got `Dict[str, typing.Union[Dict[str, str], int, # str]]`. sd_contour_trace_base.update(CONTOUR_CONFIG) # Format and add hovertext to contour plots. insample_param_values = {} for param_name in param_names: insample_param_values[param_name] = [] for arm_name in arm_data["in_sample"].keys(): insample_param_values[param_name].append( arm_data["in_sample"][arm_name]["parameters"][param_name] ) insample_arm_text = [] for arm_name in arm_data["in_sample"].keys(): atext = f"Arm {arm_name}" params = arm_data["in_sample"][arm_name]["parameters"] ys = arm_data["in_sample"][arm_name]["y"] ses = arm_data["in_sample"][arm_name]["se"] for yname in ys.keys(): sem_str = f"{ses[yname]}" if ses[yname] is None else f"{ses[yname]:.6g}" y_str = f"{ys[yname]}" if ys[yname] is None else f"{ys[yname]:.6g}" atext += f"<br>{yname}: {y_str} (SEM: {sem_str})" for pname in params.keys(): pval = params[pname] pstr = f"{pval:.6g}" if isinstance(pval, float) else f"{pval}" atext += f"<br>{pname}: {pstr}" insample_arm_text.append(atext) out_of_sample_param_values = {} for param_name in param_names: out_of_sample_param_values[param_name] = {} for generator_run_name in arm_data["out_of_sample"].keys(): out_of_sample_param_values[param_name][generator_run_name] = [] for arm_name in arm_data["out_of_sample"][generator_run_name].keys(): out_of_sample_param_values[param_name][generator_run_name].append( arm_data["out_of_sample"][generator_run_name][arm_name][ "parameters" ][param_name] ) out_of_sample_arm_text = {} for generator_run_name in arm_data["out_of_sample"].keys(): out_of_sample_arm_text[generator_run_name] = [ "<em>Candidate " + arm_name + "</em>" for arm_name in arm_data["out_of_sample"][generator_run_name].keys() ] # Populate `xbuttons`, which allows the user to select 1D slices of `f_dict` and # `sd_dict`, corresponding to all plots that have a certain parameter on the x-axis. # Number of traces for each pair of parameters trace_cnt = 4 + (len(arm_data["out_of_sample"]) * 2) xbuttons = [] ybuttons = [] for xvar in param_names: xbutton_data_args = {"x": [], "y": [], "z": []} for yvar in param_names: res = relativize_data( f_dict[xvar][yvar], sd_dict[xvar][yvar], rel, arm_data, metric ) f_final = res[0] sd_final = res[1] # transform to nested array f_plt = [] for ind in range(0, len(f_final), density): f_plt.append(f_final[ind : ind + density]) sd_plt = [] for ind in range(0, len(sd_final), density): sd_plt.append(sd_final[ind : ind + density]) # grid + in-sample xbutton_data_args["x"] += [ grid_dict[xvar], grid_dict[xvar], insample_param_values[xvar], insample_param_values[xvar], ] xbutton_data_args["y"] += [ grid_dict[yvar], grid_dict[yvar], insample_param_values[yvar], insample_param_values[yvar], ] xbutton_data_args["z"] += [f_plt, sd_plt, [], []] for generator_run_name in out_of_sample_param_values[xvar]: generator_run_x_vals = out_of_sample_param_values[xvar][ generator_run_name ] xbutton_data_args["x"] += [generator_run_x_vals] * 2 for generator_run_name in out_of_sample_param_values[yvar]: generator_run_y_vals = out_of_sample_param_values[yvar][ generator_run_name ] xbutton_data_args["y"] += [generator_run_y_vals] * 2 xbutton_data_args["z"] += [[]] * 2 xbutton_args = [ xbutton_data_args, { "xaxis.title": short_name(xvar), "xaxis2.title": short_name(xvar), "xaxis.range": axis_range(grid_dict[xvar], is_log_dict[xvar]), "xaxis2.range": axis_range(grid_dict[xvar], is_log_dict[xvar]), "xaxis.type": "log" if is_log_dict[xvar] else "linear", "xaxis2.type": "log" if is_log_dict[xvar] else "linear", }, ] xbuttons.append({"args": xbutton_args, "label": xvar, "method": "update"}) # Populate `ybuttons`, which uses the `visible` arg to mask the 1D slice of plots # produced by `xbuttons`, down to a single plot, so that only one element `f_dict` # and `sd_dict` remain. # No y button for first param so initial value is sane for y_idx in range(1, len(param_names)): visible = [False] * (len(param_names) * trace_cnt) for i in range(y_idx * trace_cnt, (y_idx + 1) * trace_cnt): visible[i] = True y_param = param_names[y_idx] ybuttons.append( { "args": [ {"visible": visible}, { "yaxis.title": short_name(y_param), "yaxis.range": axis_range( grid_dict[y_param], is_log_dict[y_param] ), "yaxis2.range": axis_range( grid_dict[y_param], is_log_dict[y_param] ), "yaxis.type": "log" if is_log_dict[y_param] else "linear", "yaxis2.type": "log" if is_log_dict[y_param] else "linear", }, ], "label": param_names[y_idx], "method": "update", } ) # calculate max of abs(outcome), used for colorscale # TODO(T37079623) Make this work for relative outcomes # let f_absmax = Math.max(Math.abs(Math.min(...f_final)), Math.max(...f_final)) traces = [] xvar = param_names[0] base_in_sample_arm_config = None # start symbol at 2 for out-of-sample candidate markers i = 2 for yvar_idx, yvar in enumerate(param_names): cur_visible = yvar_idx == 1 f_start = xbuttons[0]["args"][0]["z"][trace_cnt * yvar_idx] sd_start = xbuttons[0]["args"][0]["z"][trace_cnt * yvar_idx + 1] # create traces f_trace = { "x": grid_dict[xvar], "y": grid_dict[yvar], "z": f_start, "visible": cur_visible, } for key in f_contour_trace_base.keys(): f_trace[key] = f_contour_trace_base[key] sd_trace = { "x": grid_dict[xvar], "y": grid_dict[yvar], "z": sd_start, "visible": cur_visible, } for key in sd_contour_trace_base.keys(): sd_trace[key] = sd_contour_trace_base[key] f_in_sample_arm_trace = {"xaxis": "x", "yaxis": "y"} sd_in_sample_arm_trace = {"showlegend": False, "xaxis": "x2", "yaxis": "y2"} base_in_sample_arm_config = { "hoverinfo": "text", "legendgroup": "In-sample", "marker": {"color": "black", "symbol": 1, "opacity": 0.5}, "mode": "markers", "name": "In-sample", "text": insample_arm_text, "type": "scatter", "visible": cur_visible, "x": insample_param_values[xvar], "y": insample_param_values[yvar], } for key in base_in_sample_arm_config.keys(): f_in_sample_arm_trace[key] = base_in_sample_arm_config[key] sd_in_sample_arm_trace[key] = base_in_sample_arm_config[key] traces += [f_trace, sd_trace, f_in_sample_arm_trace, sd_in_sample_arm_trace] # iterate over out-of-sample arms for generator_run_name in arm_data["out_of_sample"].keys(): traces.append( { "hoverinfo": "text", "legendgroup": generator_run_name, "marker": {"color": "black", "symbol": i, "opacity": 0.5}, "mode": "markers", "name": generator_run_name, "text": out_of_sample_arm_text[generator_run_name], "type": "scatter", "xaxis": "x", "x": out_of_sample_param_values[xvar][generator_run_name], "yaxis": "y", "y": out_of_sample_param_values[yvar][generator_run_name], "visible": cur_visible, } ) traces.append( { "hoverinfo": "text", "legendgroup": generator_run_name, "marker": {"color": "black", "symbol": i, "opacity": 0.5}, "mode": "markers", "name": "In-sample", "showlegend": False, "text": out_of_sample_arm_text[generator_run_name], "type": "scatter", "x": out_of_sample_param_values[xvar][generator_run_name], "xaxis": "x2", "y": out_of_sample_param_values[yvar][generator_run_name], "yaxis": "y2", "visible": cur_visible, } ) i += 1 # Initially visible yvar yvar = param_names[1] xrange = axis_range(grid_dict[xvar], is_log_dict[xvar]) yrange = axis_range(grid_dict[yvar], is_log_dict[yvar]) xtype = "log" if is_log_dict[xvar] else "linear" ytype = "log" if is_log_dict[yvar] else "linear" layout = { "title": metric_name, "annotations": [ { "font": {"size": 14}, "showarrow": False, "text": "Mean", "x": 0.25, "xanchor": "center", "xref": "paper", "y": 1, "yanchor": "bottom", "yref": "paper", }, { "font": {"size": 14}, "showarrow": False, "text": "Standard Error", "x": 0.8, "xanchor": "center", "xref": "paper", "y": 1, "yanchor": "bottom", "yref": "paper", }, { "x": 0.26, "y": -0.26, "xref": "paper", "yref": "paper", "text": "x-param:", "showarrow": False, "yanchor": "top", "xanchor": "left", }, { "x": 0.26, "y": -0.4, "xref": "paper", "yref": "paper", "text": "y-param:", "showarrow": False, "yanchor": "top", "xanchor": "left", }, ], "updatemenus": [ { "x": 0.35, "y": -0.29, "buttons": xbuttons, "xanchor": "left", "yanchor": "middle", "direction": "up", }, { "x": 0.35, "y": -0.43, "buttons": ybuttons, "xanchor": "left", "yanchor": "middle", "direction": "up", }, ], "autosize": False, "height": 450, "hovermode": "closest", "legend": {"orientation": "v", "x": 0, "y": -0.2, "yanchor": "top"}, "margin": {"b": 100, "l": 35, "pad": 0, "r": 35, "t": 35}, "width": 950, "xaxis": { "anchor": "y", "autorange": False, "domain": [0.05, 0.45], "exponentformat": "e", "range": xrange, "tickfont": {"size": 11}, "tickmode": "auto", "title": short_name(xvar), "type": xtype, }, "xaxis2": { "anchor": "y2", "autorange": False, "domain": [0.6, 1], "exponentformat": "e", "range": xrange, "tickfont": {"size": 11}, "tickmode": "auto", "title": short_name(xvar), "type": xtype, }, "yaxis": { "anchor": "x", "autorange": False, "domain": [0, 1], "exponentformat": "e", "range": yrange, "tickfont": {"size": 11}, "tickmode": "auto", "title": short_name(yvar), "type": ytype, }, "yaxis2": { "anchor": "x2", "autorange": False, "domain": [0, 1], "exponentformat": "e", "range": yrange, "tickfont": {"size": 11}, "tickmode": "auto", "type": ytype, }, } return go.Figure(data=traces, layout=layout)
# return AxPlotConfig(config, plot_type=AxPlotTypes.INTERACT_CONTOUR)
[docs]def interact_contour( model: ModelBridge, metric_name: str, generator_runs_dict: TNullableGeneratorRunsDict = None, relative: bool = False, density: int = 50, slice_values: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, lower_is_better: bool = False, fixed_features: Optional[ObservationFeatures] = None, trial_index: Optional[int] = None, ) -> AxPlotConfig: """Create interactive plot with predictions for a 2-d slice of the parameter space. Args: model: ModelBridge that contains model for predictions metric_name: Name of metric to plot generator_runs_dict: A dictionary {name: generator run} of generator runs whose arms will be plotted, if they lie in the slice. relative: Predictions relative to status quo density: Number of points along slice to evaluate predictions. slice_values: A dictionary {name: val} for the fixed values of the other parameters. If not provided, then the status quo values will be used if there is a status quo, otherwise the mean of numeric parameters or the mode of choice parameters. lower_is_better: Lower values for metric are better. fixed_features: An ObservationFeatures object containing the values of features (including non-parameter features like context) to be set in the slice. Returns: AxPlotConfig: interactive plot of objective vs. parameters """ return AxPlotConfig( data=interact_contour_plotly( model=model, metric_name=metric_name, generator_runs_dict=generator_runs_dict, relative=relative, density=density, slice_values=slice_values, lower_is_better=lower_is_better, fixed_features=fixed_features, trial_index=trial_index, ), plot_type=AxPlotTypes.GENERIC, )