#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING, Union
import numpy as np
from ax.core.objective import ScalarizedObjective
from ax.core.observation import ObservationData, ObservationFeatures
from ax.core.optimization_config import (
from ax.core.outcome_constraint import (
from ax.core.search_space import SearchSpace
from ax.exceptions.core import DataRequiredError, UnsupportedError, UserInputError
from ax.modelbridge.transforms.base import Transform
from ax.modelbridge.transforms.utils import get_data
from ax.models.types import TConfig
from ax.utils.common.logger import get_logger
from ax.utils.common.typeutils import checked_cast
# import as module to make sphinx-autodoc-typehints happy
from ax import modelbridge as modelbridge_module # noqa F401 # pragma: no cover
logger = get_logger(__name__)
class WinsorizationConfig:
"""Dataclass for storing Winsorization configuration parameters
lower_quantile_margin: Winsorization will increase any metric value below this
quantile to this quantile's value.
upper_quantile_margin: Winsorization will decrease any metric value above this
quantile to this quantile's value. NOTE: this quantile will be inverted before
any operations, e.g., a value of 0.2 will decrease values above the 80th
percentile to the value of the 80th percentile.
lower_boundary: If this value is lesser than the metric value corresponding to
``lower_quantile_margin``, set metric values below ``lower_boundary`` to
``lower_boundary`` and leave larger values unaffected.
upper_boundary: If this value is greater than the metric value corresponding to
``upper_quantile_margin``, set metric values above ``upper_boundary`` to
``upper_boundary`` and leave smaller values unaffected.
lower_quantile_margin: float = 0.0
upper_quantile_margin: float = 0.0
lower_boundary: Optional[float] = None
upper_boundary: Optional[float] = None
OLD_KEYS = ["winsorization_lower", "winsorization_upper", "percentile_bounds"]
AUTO_WINS_QUANTILE = -1 # This shouldn't be in the [0, 1] range
DEFAULT_CUTOFFS = (-float("inf"), float("inf"))
[docs]class Winsorize(Transform):
"""Clip the mean values for each metric to lay within the limits provided in
the config. The config can contain either or both of two keys:
- ``"winsorization_config"``, corresponding to either a single
``WinsorizationConfig``, which, if provided will be used for all metrics; or
a mapping ``Dict[str, WinsorizationConfig]`` between each metric name and its
- ``"optimization_config"``, which can be used to determine default winsorization
settings if ``"winsorization_config"`` does not provide them for a given
For example,
``{"winsorization_config": WinsorizationConfig(lower_quantile_margin=0.3)}``
will specify the same 30% winsorization from below for all metrics, whereas
"metric_1": WinsorizationConfig(lower_quantile_margin=0.2),
"metric_2": WinsorizationConfig(upper_quantile_margin=0.1),
will winsorize 20% from below for metric_1 and 10% from above from metric_2.
Additional metrics won't be winsorized.
You can also determine the winsorization cutoffs automatically without having an
``OptimizationConfig`` by passing in AUTO_WINS_QUANTILE for the quantile you want
to winsorize. For example, to automatically winsorize large values:
``"m1": WinsorizationConfig(upper_quantile_margin=AUTO_WINS_QUANTILE)``.
This may be useful when fitting models in a notebook where there is no corresponding
Additionally, you can pass in winsorization boundaries ``lower_boundary`` and
``upper_boundary``that specify a maximum allowable amount of winsorization. This
is discouraged and will eventually be deprecated as we strongly encourage
that users allow ``Winsorize`` to automatically infer these boundaries from
the optimization config.
def __init__(
search_space: SearchSpace,
observation_features: List[ObservationFeatures],
observation_data: List[ObservationData],
modelbridge: Optional["modelbridge_module.base.ModelBridge"] = None,
config: Optional[TConfig] = None,
) -> None:
if len(observation_data) == 0:
raise DataRequiredError(
"`Winsorize` transform requires non-empty observation data."
if config is None:
raise ValueError(
"Transform config for `Winsorize` transform must be specified and "
"non-empty when using winsorization."
all_metric_values = get_data(observation_data=observation_data)
# Check for legacy config
use_legacy = False
old_present = set(OLD_KEYS).intersection(config.keys())
if old_present:
"Winsorization received an out-of-date `transform_config`, containing "
f"the following deprecated keys: {old_present}. Please update the "
"config according to the docs of "
use_legacy = True
# Get winsorization and optimization configs
winsorization_config = config.get("winsorization_config", {})
opt_config = config.get("optimization_config", {})
if "optimization_config" in config:
if not isinstance(opt_config, OptimizationConfig):
raise UserInputError(
"Expected `optimization_config` of type `OptimizationConfig` but "
f"got type `{type(opt_config)}."
opt_config = checked_cast(OptimizationConfig, opt_config)
self.cutoffs = {}
for metric_name, metric_values in all_metric_values.items():
if use_legacy:
self.cutoffs[metric_name] = _get_cutoffs_from_legacy_transform_config(
self.cutoffs[metric_name] = _get_cutoffs_from_transform_config(
winsorization_config=winsorization_config, # pyre-ignore[6]
optimization_config=opt_config, # pyre-ignore[6]
def _get_cutoffs_from_transform_config(
metric_name: str,
metric_values: List[float],
winsorization_config: Union[WinsorizationConfig, Dict[str, WinsorizationConfig]],
optimization_config: Optional[OptimizationConfig],
) -> Tuple[float, float]:
# (1) Use the same config for all metrics if one WinsorizationConfig was specified
if isinstance(winsorization_config, WinsorizationConfig):
return _quantiles_to_cutoffs(
# (2) If `winsorization_config` is a dict, use it if `metric_name` is a key,
# and the corresponding value is a WinsorizationConfig.
if isinstance(winsorization_config, dict) and metric_name in winsorization_config:
metric_config = winsorization_config[metric_name]
if not isinstance(metric_config, WinsorizationConfig):
raise UserInputError(
"Expected winsorization config of type "
f"`WinsorizationConfig` but got {metric_config} of type "
f"{type(metric_config)} for metric {metric_name}."
return _quantiles_to_cutoffs(
# (3) For constraints and objectives that don't have a pre-specified config we
# choose the cutoffs automatically using the optimization config (if supplied).
# We ignore ScalarizedOutcomeConstraint and ScalarizedObjective for now. An
# exception is raised if we encounter relative constraints.
if optimization_config:
if metric_name in optimization_config.objective.metric_names:
if isinstance(optimization_config.objective, ScalarizedObjective):
"Automatic winsorization isn't supported for ScalarizedObjective. "
"Specify the winsorization settings manually if you want to "
f"winsorize metric {metric_name}."
return DEFAULT_CUTOFFS # Don't winsorize a ScalarizedObjective
elif optimization_config.is_moo_problem:
# We deal with a multi-objective function the same way as we deal
# with an output constraint. It may be worth investigating setting
# the winsorization cutoffs based on the Pareto frontier in the future.
optimization_config = checked_cast(
MultiObjectiveOptimizationConfig, optimization_config
objective_threshold = _get_objective_threshold_from_moo_config(
optimization_config=optimization_config, metric_name=metric_name
if objective_threshold:
return _get_auto_winsorization_cutoffs_outcome_constraint(
"Automatic winsorization isn't supported for an objective in "
"`MultiObjective` without objective thresholds. Specify the "
"winsorization settings manually if you want to winsorize "
f"metric {metric_name}."
return DEFAULT_CUTOFFS # Don't winsorize if there is no threshold
else: # Single objective
return _get_auto_winsorization_cutoffs_single_objective(
# Get all outcome constraints for metric_name that aren't relative or scalarized
outcome_constraints = _get_outcome_constraints_from_config(
optimization_config=optimization_config, metric_name=metric_name
if outcome_constraints:
return _get_auto_winsorization_cutoffs_outcome_constraint(
# If none of the above, we don't winsorize.
def _get_outcome_constraints_from_config(
optimization_config: OptimizationConfig, metric_name: str
) -> List[OutcomeConstraint]:
"""Get all outcome constraints (non-scalarized) for a given metric."""
# Check for scalarized outcome constraints for the given metric
if any(
isinstance(oc, ScalarizedOutcomeConstraint)
and metric_name in [metric.name for metric in oc.metrics]
for oc in optimization_config.outcome_constraints
"Automatic winsorization isn't supported for a "
"`ScalarizedOutcomeConstraint`. Specify the winsorization settings "
f"manually if you want to winsorize metric {metric_name}."
# Filter scalarized outcome constraints
outcome_constraints = [
for oc in optimization_config.outcome_constraints
if not isinstance(oc, ScalarizedOutcomeConstraint)
and oc.metric.name == metric_name
# Raise an error if there are relative constraints
if any(oc.relative for oc in outcome_constraints):
raise UnsupportedError(
"Automatic winsorization doesn't support relative outcome constraints. "
"Make sure a `Derelativize` transform is applied first."
return outcome_constraints
def _get_objective_threshold_from_moo_config(
optimization_config: MultiObjectiveOptimizationConfig, metric_name: str
) -> List[ObjectiveThreshold]:
"""Get the non-relative objective threshold for a given metric."""
objective_thresholds = [
for ot in optimization_config.objective_thresholds
if ot.metric.name == metric_name
if any(oc.relative for oc in objective_thresholds):
raise UnsupportedError(
"Automatic winsorization doesn't support relative objective thresholds. "
"Make sure a `Derelevatize` transform is applied first."
return objective_thresholds
def _get_tukey_cutoffs(Y: np.ndarray, lower: bool) -> float:
"""Compute winsorization cutoffs similarly to Tukey boxplots.
See https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Box-and-WhiskerPlot.html for more details.
q1 = np.percentile(Y, q=25, interpolation="lower")
q3 = np.percentile(Y, q=75, interpolation="higher")
iqr = q3 - q1
return q1 - 1.5 * iqr if lower else q3 + 1.5 * iqr
def _get_auto_winsorization_cutoffs_single_objective(
metric_values: List[float], minimize: bool
) -> Tuple[float, float]:
"""Automatic winsorization for a single objective.
We use a heuristic similar to what is used for Tukey box-plots in order to determine
what is an outlier. If we are minimizing we make sure that we winsorize large values
and if we maximize we winsorize small values.
Y = np.array(metric_values)
if minimize:
return (DEFAULT_CUTOFFS[0], _get_tukey_cutoffs(Y, lower=False))
return (_get_tukey_cutoffs(Y, lower=True), DEFAULT_CUTOFFS[1])
def _get_auto_winsorization_cutoffs_outcome_constraint(
metric_values: List[float],
outcome_constraints: Union[List[ObjectiveThreshold], List[OutcomeConstraint]],
) -> Tuple[float, float]:
"""Automatic winsorization to an outcome constraint.
We need to be careful here so we don't make infeasible points feasible.
While it is possible to winsorize from both ends, we only winsorize from the
infeasible direction for now so the same method can be used for MOO. We rely on
a heuristic similar to `_get_tukey_cutoffs`, but instead take the max of
q3 and the bound when we have a LEQ constraint and the min of q1 and the bound
with a GEQ constraint.
Y = np.array(metric_values)
q1 = np.percentile(Y, q=25, interpolation="lower")
q3 = np.percentile(Y, q=75, interpolation="higher")
lower_cutoff, upper_cutoff = DEFAULT_CUTOFFS
for oc in outcome_constraints:
bnd = oc.bound
if oc.op == ComparisonOp.LEQ:
upper_cutoff = max(q3, bnd) + 1.5 * (max(q3, bnd) - q1)
elif oc.op == ComparisonOp.GEQ:
lower_cutoff = min(q1, bnd) - 1.5 * (q3 - min(q1, bnd))
raise ValueError("Exected outcome_constraint to use operator LEQ or GEQ")
return lower_cutoff, upper_cutoff
def _quantiles_to_cutoffs(
metric_name: str,
metric_values: List[float],
metric_config: WinsorizationConfig,
) -> Tuple[float, float]:
"""Compute winsorization cutoffs from a config and values."""
Y = np.array(metric_values)
lower = metric_config.lower_quantile_margin or 0.0
upper = metric_config.upper_quantile_margin or 0.0
bnd_l = metric_config.lower_boundary
bnd_u = metric_config.upper_boundary
if (
and lower >= 1 - upper
raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover
f"Lower bound: {lower} was greater than the inverse of the "
f"upper bound: {1 - upper} for metric {metric_name}. Decrease "
f"one or both of `lower_quantile_margin` and "
cutoff_l = _get_tukey_cutoffs(Y=Y, lower=True)
elif lower == 0.0: # Use the default cutoff if there is no winsorization
cutoff_l = DEFAULT_CUTOFFS[0]
cutoff_l = np.percentile(Y, lower * 100, interpolation="lower")
cutoff_u = _get_tukey_cutoffs(Y=Y, lower=False)
elif upper == 0.0: # Use the default cutoff if there is no winsorization
cutoff_u = DEFAULT_CUTOFFS[1]
cutoff_u = np.percentile(Y, (1 - upper) * 100, interpolation="higher")
cutoff_l = min(cutoff_l, bnd_l) if bnd_l is not None else cutoff_l
cutoff_u = max(cutoff_u, bnd_u) if bnd_u is not None else cutoff_u
return (cutoff_l, cutoff_u)
def _get_cutoffs_from_legacy_transform_config(
metric_name: str,
metric_values: List[float],
transform_config: TConfig,
) -> Tuple[float, float]:
winsorization_config = WinsorizationConfig()
if "winsorization_lower" in transform_config:
winsorization_lower = transform_config["winsorization_lower"]
if isinstance(winsorization_lower, dict):
if metric_name in winsorization_lower:
winsorization_config.lower_quantile_margin = winsorization_lower[
elif isinstance(winsorization_lower, (int, float)):
winsorization_config.lower_quantile_margin = winsorization_lower
if "winsorization_upper" in transform_config:
winsorization_upper = transform_config["winsorization_upper"]
if isinstance(winsorization_upper, dict):
if metric_name in winsorization_upper:
winsorization_config.upper_quantile_margin = winsorization_upper[
elif isinstance(winsorization_upper, (int, float)):
winsorization_config.upper_quantile_margin = winsorization_upper
if "percentile_bounds" in transform_config:
percentile_bounds = transform_config["percentile_bounds"]
output_percentile_bounds = (None, None)
if isinstance(percentile_bounds, dict):
if metric_name in percentile_bounds:
output_percentile_bounds = percentile_bounds[metric_name]
elif isinstance(percentile_bounds, tuple):
output_percentile_bounds = percentile_bounds
if len(output_percentile_bounds) != 2 or not all(
isinstance(pb, (int, float)) or pb is None
for pb in output_percentile_bounds
raise ValueError(
f"Expected percentile_bounds for metric {metric_name} to be "
f"of the form (l, u), got {output_percentile_bounds}."
winsorization_config.lower_boundary = output_percentile_bounds[0]
winsorization_config.upper_boundary = output_percentile_bounds[1]
return _quantiles_to_cutoffs(