Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Type

from ax.core.map_metric import MapMetric
from ax.core.metric import Metric
from ax.metrics.branin import BraninMetric
from ax.metrics.branin_map import BraninTimestampMapMetric
from ax.metrics.chemistry import ChemistryMetric
from ax.metrics.factorial import FactorialMetric
from ax.metrics.hartmann6 import Hartmann6Metric
from ax.metrics.noisy_function import NoisyFunctionMetric
from ax.metrics.sklearn import SklearnMetric
from import metric_to_dict
from ax.utils.common.logger import get_logger

# TODO[T113829027] Remove in a few months
logger = get_logger(__name__)
    "There have been some recent changes to `register_metric`. Please see "
    " "
    "for the most up-to-date information on saving custom metrics."

Mapping of Metric classes to ints.

All metrics will be stored in the same table in the database. When
saving, we look up the metric subclass in METRIC_REGISTRY, and store
the corresponding type field in the database.
CORE_METRIC_REGISTRY: Dict[Type[Metric], int] = {
    Metric: 0,
    FactorialMetric: 1,
    BraninMetric: 2,
    NoisyFunctionMetric: 3,
    Hartmann6Metric: 4,
    SklearnMetric: 5,
    ChemistryMetric: 7,
    MapMetric: 8,
    BraninTimestampMapMetric: 9,

[docs]def register_metric( metric_cls: Type[Metric], metric_registry: Optional[Dict[Type[Metric], int]] = None, encoder_registry: Dict[ Type, Callable[[Any], Dict[str, Any]] ] = CORE_ENCODER_REGISTRY, decoder_registry: Dict[str, Type] = CORE_DECODER_REGISTRY, val: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Tuple[ Dict[Type[Metric], int], Dict[Type, Callable[[Any], Dict[str, Any]]], Dict[str, Type], ]: """Add a custom metric class to the SQA and JSON registries. For the SQA registry, if no int is specified, use a hash of the class name. """ logger.warn(WARNING_MSG) metric_registry = metric_registry or {Metric: 0} registered_val = val or abs(hash(metric_cls.__name__)) % (10 ** 5) new_metric_registry = {metric_cls: registered_val, **metric_registry} new_encoder_registry = {metric_cls: metric_to_dict, **encoder_registry} new_decoder_registry = {metric_cls.__name__: metric_cls, **decoder_registry} return new_metric_registry, new_encoder_registry, new_decoder_registry
[docs]def register_metrics( metric_clss: Dict[Type[Metric], Optional[int]], metric_registry: Optional[Dict[Type[Metric], int]] = None, encoder_registry: Dict[ Type, Callable[[Any], Dict[str, Any]] ] = CORE_ENCODER_REGISTRY, decoder_registry: Dict[str, Type] = CORE_DECODER_REGISTRY, ) -> Tuple[ Dict[Type[Metric], int], Dict[Type, Callable[[Any], Dict[str, Any]]], Dict[str, Type], ]: """Add custom metric classes to the SQA and JSON registries. For the SQA registry, if no int is specified, use a hash of the class name. """ logger.warn(WARNING_MSG) metric_registry = metric_registry or {Metric: 1} new_metric_registry = { **{ metric_cls: val if val else abs(hash(metric_cls.__name__)) % (10 ** 5) for metric_cls, val in metric_clss.items() }, **metric_registry, } new_encoder_registry = { **{metric_cls: metric_to_dict for metric_cls in metric_clss}, **encoder_registry, } new_decoder_registry = { **{metric_cls.__name__: metric_cls for metric_cls in metric_clss}, **decoder_registry, } return new_metric_registry, new_encoder_registry, new_decoder_registry