#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from typing import Tuple, Any, Callable, Optional, Dict, Type
from ax.core.runner import Runner
from ax.runners.synthetic import SyntheticRunner
from ax.storage.json_store.encoders import runner_to_dict
from ax.storage.json_store.registry import CORE_ENCODER_REGISTRY, CORE_DECODER_REGISTRY
from ax.utils.common.logger import get_logger
# TODO[T113829027] Remove in a few months
logger = get_logger(__name__)
"There have been some recent changes to `register_metric`. Please see "
"https://ax.dev/tutorials/gpei_hartmann_developer.html#9.-Save-to-JSON-or-SQL "
"for the most up-to-date information on saving custom runners."
# """
# Mapping of Runner classes to ints.
# All runners will be stored in the same table in the database. When
# saving, we look up the runner subclass in RUNNER_REGISTRY, and store
# the corresponding type field in the database. When loading, we look
# up the type field in REVERSE_RUNNER_REGISTRY, and initialize the
# corresponding runner subclass.
# """
CORE_RUNNER_REGISTRY: Dict[Type[Runner], int] = {SyntheticRunner: 0}
[docs]def register_runner(
runner_cls: Type[Runner],
runner_registry: Dict[Type[Runner], int] = CORE_RUNNER_REGISTRY,
encoder_registry: Dict[
Type, Callable[[Any], Dict[str, Any]]
decoder_registry: Dict[str, Type] = CORE_DECODER_REGISTRY,
val: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Tuple[
Dict[Type[Runner], int],
Dict[Type, Callable[[Any], Dict[str, Any]]],
Dict[str, Type],
"""Add a custom runner class to the SQA and JSON registries.
For the SQA registry, if no int is specified, use a hash of the class name.
registered_val = val or abs(hash(runner_cls.__name__)) % (10 ** 5)
new_runner_registry = {runner_cls: registered_val, **runner_registry}
new_encoder_registry = {runner_cls: runner_to_dict, **encoder_registry}
new_decoder_registry = {runner_cls.__name__: runner_cls, **decoder_registry}
return new_runner_registry, new_encoder_registry, new_decoder_registry
[docs]def register_runners(
runner_clss: Dict[Type[Runner], Optional[int]],
runner_registry: Dict[Type[Runner], int] = CORE_RUNNER_REGISTRY,
encoder_registry: Dict[
Type, Callable[[Any], Dict[str, Any]]
decoder_registry: Dict[str, Type] = CORE_DECODER_REGISTRY,
) -> Tuple[
Dict[Type[Runner], int],
Dict[Type, Callable[[Any], Dict[str, Any]]],
Dict[str, Type],
"""Add custom runner classes to the SQA and JSON registries.
For the SQA registry, if no int is specified, use a hash of the class name.
new_runner_registry = {
runner_cls: val if val else abs(hash(runner_cls.__name__)) % (10 ** 5)
for runner_cls, val in runner_clss.items()
new_encoder_registry = {
**{runner_cls: runner_to_dict for runner_cls in runner_clss},
new_decoder_registry = {
**{runner_cls.__name__: runner_cls for runner_cls in runner_clss},
return new_runner_registry, new_encoder_registry, new_decoder_registry