Source code for ax.modelbridge.strategies.rembo

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import math
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple

import numpy as np
import torch
from import Data
from ax.core.experiment import Experiment
from ax.core.generator_run import GeneratorRun
from ax.core.search_space import SearchSpace
from ax.modelbridge.factory import DEFAULT_TORCH_DEVICE
from ax.modelbridge.generation_strategy import GenerationStep, GenerationStrategy
from ax.modelbridge.random import RandomModelBridge
from ax.modelbridge.torch import TorchModelBridge
from ax.modelbridge.transforms.centered_unit_x import CenteredUnitX
from ax.modelbridge.transforms.standardize_y import StandardizeY
from ax.models.random.rembo_initializer import REMBOInitializer
from ax.models.torch.rembo import REMBO
from ax.utils.common.typeutils import not_none

[docs]def get_rembo_initializer( search_space: SearchSpace, A: np.ndarray, bounds_d: List[Tuple[float, float]], **kwargs: Any, ) -> RandomModelBridge: """Instantiates a uniform random generator. Args: search_space: Search space. A: Projection matrix. bounds_d: Bounds in low-d space. kwargs: kwargs Returns: RandomModelBridge, with REMBOInitializer as model. """ return RandomModelBridge( search_space=search_space, model=REMBOInitializer(A=A, bounds_d=bounds_d, **kwargs), transforms=[CenteredUnitX], )
[docs]def get_REMBO( experiment: Experiment, data: Data, A: torch.Tensor, initial_X_d: torch.Tensor, bounds_d: List[Tuple[float, float]], search_space: Optional[SearchSpace] = None, dtype: torch.dtype = torch.double, device: torch.device = DEFAULT_TORCH_DEVICE, **model_kwargs: Any, ) -> TorchModelBridge: """Instantiates a BotorchModel.""" if search_space is None: search_space = experiment.search_space if data.df.empty: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("REMBO model requires non-empty data.") return TorchModelBridge( experiment=experiment, search_space=search_space, data=data, model=REMBO(A=A, initial_X_d=initial_X_d, bounds_d=bounds_d, **model_kwargs), transforms=[CenteredUnitX, StandardizeY], torch_dtype=dtype, torch_device=device, )
[docs]class REMBOStrategy(GenerationStrategy): """Generation strategy for REMBO. Both quasirandom initialization and BO are done with the same random projection. As is done in the REMBO paper, k independent optimizations are done, each with an independently generated projection. Args: D: Dimensionality of high-dimensional space d: Dimensionality of low-dimensional space k: Number of random projections init_per_proj: Number of arms to use for random initialization of each of the k projections. name: Name of strategy dtype: torch dtype device: torch device gp_kwargs: kwargs sent along to the GP model """ def __init__( self, D: int, d: int, init_per_proj: int, k: int = 4, name: str = "REMBO", dtype: torch.dtype = torch.double, device: torch.device = DEFAULT_TORCH_DEVICE, gp_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: self.D = D self.d = d self.k = k self.init_per_proj = init_per_proj self.dtype = dtype self.device = device self.gp_kwargs = gp_kwargs if gp_kwargs is not None else {} self.projections = { i: self.get_projection( D=self.D, d=self.d, dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device ) for i in range(self.k) } self.X_d_by_proj = defaultdict(list) self.current_iteration = 0 self.arms_by_proj: Dict[int, Set[str]] = {i: set({}) for i in range(self.k)} # The first GenerationStep, and super A, bounds_d = self.projections[0] steps = [ GenerationStep( model=get_rembo_initializer, num_trials=1, model_kwargs={"A": A, "bounds_d": bounds_d}, ) ] super().__init__(steps=steps, name=name) @property def model_transitions(self) -> List[int]: """Generator changes every iteration with rotating strategy""" return list(range(self.current_iteration)) # pyre-fixme[14]: `gen` overrides method defined in `GenerationStrategy` # inconsistently.
[docs] def gen( self, experiment: Experiment, data: Optional[Data] = None, n: int = 1, **kwargs: Any, ) -> GeneratorRun: """Generate new points, rotating through projections each time.""" if data is None: data = experiment.fetch_data() # Get the next model in the rotation i = self.current_iteration % self.k data_by_proj = self._filter_data_to_projection( experiment=experiment, data=data, arm_sigs=self.arms_by_proj[i], ) lgr = self.last_generator_run # NOTE: May need to `model_class.deserialize_model_state` in the # future if using non-readily serializable state. model_state = ( not_none(lgr._model_state_after_gen) if lgr is not None and lgr._model_state_after_gen is not None else {} ) A, bounds_d = self.projections[i] if ( data_by_proj is None or len(data_by_proj.df["arm_name"].unique()) < self.init_per_proj ): # Not enough data to switch to GP, use Sobol for initialization m = get_rembo_initializer( search_space=experiment.search_space, A=A.double().numpy(), bounds_d=bounds_d, **model_state, ) else: # We have enough data to switch to GP. m = get_REMBO( experiment=experiment, data=data_by_proj, A=A, initial_X_d=torch.tensor( self.X_d_by_proj[i], dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device ), bounds_d=bounds_d, **self.gp_kwargs, ) self.current_iteration += 1 # Call gen gr = m.gen(n=n) self.X_d_by_proj[i].extend(not_none(m.model).X_d_gen) # pyre-ignore[16] self.arms_by_proj[i].update(a.signature for a in gr.arms) self._generator_runs.append(gr) return gr
[docs] def clone_reset(self) -> "REMBOStrategy": """Copy without state.""" return self.__class__( D=self.D, d=self.d, k=self.k, init_per_proj=self.init_per_proj,, dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device, gp_kwargs=self.gp_kwargs, )
def _filter_data_to_projection( self, experiment: Experiment, data: Data, arm_sigs: Set[str] ) -> Optional[Data]: """Extract the arms in data that are in arm_sigs. Return None if none. """ arm_names: Set[str] = set({}) for arm_name in data.df["arm_name"].unique(): sig = experiment.arms_by_name[arm_name].signature if sig in arm_sigs: arm_names.add(arm_name) if len(arm_names) == 0: return None # Else, df_i = data.df[data.df["arm_name"].isin(arm_names)].copy() return Data(df_i)
[docs] def get_projection( self, D: int, d: int, dtype: torch.dtype, device: torch.device ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, List[Tuple[float, float]]]: """Generate the projection matrix A as a (D x d) tensor Also return the box bounds for the low-d space. """ A = torch.randn((D, d), dtype=dtype, device=device) bounds_d = [(-(math.sqrt(d)), math.sqrt(d))] * d return A, bounds_d
[docs]class HeSBOStrategy(REMBOStrategy): """Generation strategy for HeSBO. Args: D: Dimensionality of high-dimensional space d: Dimensionality of low-dimensional space k: Number of random projections init_per_proj: Number of arms to use for random initialization of each of the k projections. name: Name of strategy dtype: torch dtype device: torch device gp_kwargs: kwargs sent along to the GP model """ def __init__( self, D: int, d: int, init_per_proj: int, k: int = 1, name: str = "HeSBO", dtype: torch.dtype = torch.double, device: torch.device = DEFAULT_TORCH_DEVICE, gp_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__( D=D, d=d, init_per_proj=init_per_proj, k=k, name=name, dtype=dtype, device=device, gp_kwargs=gp_kwargs, )
[docs] def get_projection( self, D: int, d: int, dtype: torch.dtype, device: torch.device ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, List[Tuple[float, float]]]: """Generate the projection matrix A as a (D x d) tensor Also return the box bounds for the low-d space. """ A = torch.zeros((D, d), dtype=dtype, device=device) h = torch.randint(d, size=(D,)) s = 2 * torch.randint(2, size=(D,)) - 1 for i in range(D): A[i, h[i]] = s[i] bounds_d = [(-1.0, 1.0)] * d return A, bounds_d