Source code for ax.utils.common.typeutils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from typing import cast, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union

import numpy as np
import torch
from typeguard import check_type

T = TypeVar("T")
V = TypeVar("V")
K = TypeVar("K")
X = TypeVar("X")
Y = TypeVar("Y")

[docs]def not_none(val: Optional[T]) -> T: """ Unbox an optional type. Args: val: the value to cast to a non ``None`` type Returns: V: ``val`` when ``val`` is not ``None`` Throws: ValueError if ``val`` is ``None`` """ if val is None: raise ValueError("Argument to `not_none` was None.") return val
[docs]def checked_cast(typ: Type[T], val: V) -> T: """ Cast a value to a type (with a runtime safety check). Returns the value unchanged and checks its type at runtime. This signals to the typechecker that the value has the designated type. Like `typing.cast`_ ``check_cast`` performs no runtime conversion on its argument, but, unlike ``typing.cast``, ``checked_cast`` will throw an error if the value is not of the expected type. The type passed as an argument should be a python class. Args: typ: the type to cast to val: the value that we are casting Returns: the ``val`` argument, unchanged .. _typing.cast: """ if not isinstance(val, typ): raise ValueError(f"Value was not of type {typ}:\n{val}") return val
[docs]def checked_cast_complex(typ: Type[T], val: V, message: Optional[str] = None) -> T: """ Cast a value to a type (with a runtime safety check). Used for subscripted generics which isinstance cannot run against. Returns the value unchanged and checks its type at runtime. This signals to the typechecker that the value has the designated type. Like `typing.cast`_ ``check_cast`` performs no runtime conversion on its argument, but, unlike ``typing.cast``, ``checked_cast`` will throw an error if the value is not of the expected type. Args: typ: the type to cast to val: the value that we are casting message: message to print on error Returns: the ``val`` argument casted to typ .. _typing.cast: """ try: check_type("val", val, typ) return cast(T, val) except TypeError: raise ValueError(message or f"Value was not of type {typ}: {val}")
[docs]def checked_cast_optional(typ: Type[T], val: Optional[V]) -> Optional[T]: """Calls checked_cast only if value is not None.""" if val is None: return val return checked_cast(typ, val)
[docs]def checked_cast_list(typ: Type[T], old_l: List[V]) -> List[T]: """Calls checked_cast on all items in a list.""" new_l = [] for val in old_l: val = checked_cast(typ, val) new_l.append(val) return new_l
[docs]def checked_cast_dict( key_typ: Type[K], value_typ: Type[V], d: Dict[X, Y] ) -> Dict[K, V]: """Calls checked_cast on all keys and values in the dictionary.""" new_dict = {} for key, val in d.items(): val = checked_cast(value_typ, val) key = checked_cast(key_typ, key) new_dict[key] = val return new_dict
# pyre-fixme[34]: `T` isn't present in the function's parameters.
[docs]def checked_cast_to_tuple(typ: Tuple[Type[V], ...], val: V) -> T: """ Cast a value to a union of multiple types (with a runtime safety check). This function is similar to `checked_cast`, but allows for the type to be defined as a tuple of types, in which case the value is cast as a union of the types in the tuple. Args: typ: the tuple of types to cast to val: the value that we are casting Returns: the ``val`` argument, unchanged """ if not isinstance(val, typ): raise ValueError(f"Value was not of type {type!r}:\n{val!r}") # pyre-fixme[7]: Expected `T` but got `V`. return val
[docs]def numpy_type_to_python_type(value: Any) -> Any: """If `value` is a Numpy int or float, coerce to a Python int or float. This is necessary because some of our transforms return Numpy values. """ if isinstance(value, np.integer): value = int(value) # pragma: nocover (covered by generator tests) if isinstance(value, np.floating): value = float(value) # pragma: nocover (covered by generator tests) return value
[docs]def torch_type_to_str(value: Any) -> str: """Converts torch types, commonly used in Ax, to string representations.""" if isinstance(value, torch.dtype): return str(value) if isinstance(value, torch.device): return checked_cast(str, value.type) raise ValueError(f"Object {value} was of unexpected torch type.")
[docs]def torch_type_from_str( identifier: str, type_name: str ) -> Union[torch.dtype, torch.device]: if type_name == "device": return torch.device(identifier) if type_name == "dtype": return getattr(torch, identifier[6:]) raise ValueError(f"Unexpected type: {type_name} for identifier: {identifier}.")