#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from typing import Any, List, Optional
from ax.core.experiment import Experiment
from ax.exceptions.storage import SQADecodeError
from ax.utils.common.base import Base, SortableBase
[docs]def is_foreign_key_field(field: str) -> bool:
"""Return true if field name is a foreign key field, i.e. ends in `_id`."""
return len(field) > 3 and field[-3:] == "_id"
[docs]def copy_db_ids(source: Any, target: Any, path: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None:
"""Takes as input two objects, `source` and `target`, that should be identical,
except that `source` has _db_ids set and `target` doesn't. Recursively copies the
_db_ids from `source` to `target`.
Raise a SQADecodeError when the assumption of equality on `source` and `target`
is violated, since this method is meant to be used when returning a new
user-facing object after saving.
if not path:
path = []
error_message_prefix = (
f"Error encountered while traversing source {path + [str(source)]} and "
f"target {path + [str(target)]}: "
if len(path) > 15:
# This shouldn't happen, but is a precaution against accidentally
# introducing infinite loops
raise SQADecodeError(error_message_prefix + "Encountered path of length > 10.")
if type(source) != type(target):
if not issubclass(type(target), type(source)):
raise SQADecodeError(
error_message_prefix + "Encountered two objects of different "
f"types: {type(source)} and {type(target)}."
if isinstance(source, Base):
for attr, val in source.__dict__.items():
if attr.endswith("_db_id"):
# we're at a "leaf" node; copy the db_id and return
setattr(target, attr, val)
# Skip over:
# * doubly private attributes
# * _experiment (to prevent infinite loops)
# * most generator run and generation strategy metadata
# (since no Base objects are nested in there,
# and we don't have guarantees about the structure of some
# of that data, so the recursion could fail somewhere)
if attr.startswith("__") or attr in {
# Arms are referenced twice on an Experiment object; once in
# experiment.arms_by_name/signature and once in
# trial.arms_by_name/signature. When copying db_ids, we should
# ignore the former, since it will "collapse" arms of the same
# name/signature that appear in more than one trial.
if isinstance(source, Experiment) and attr in {
copy_db_ids(val, getattr(target, attr), path + [attr])
elif isinstance(source, (list, set)):
source = list(source)
target = list(target)
if len(source) != len(target):
raise SQADecodeError(
error_message_prefix + "Encountered lists of different lengths."
if len(source) == 0:
if isinstance(source[0], Base) and not isinstance(source[0], SortableBase):
raise SQADecodeError(
error_message_prefix + f"Cannot sort instances of {type(source[0])}; "
"sorting is only defined on instances of SortableBase."
source = sorted(source)
target = sorted(target)
except TypeError as e:
raise SQADecodeError(
error_message_prefix + f"TypeError encountered during sorting: {e}"
for index, x in enumerate(source):
copy_db_ids(x, target[index], path + [str(index)])
elif isinstance(source, dict):
for k, v in source.items():
if k not in target:
raise SQADecodeError(
error_message_prefix + "Encountered key only present "
f"in source dictionary: {k}."
copy_db_ids(v, target[k], path + [k])