#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import enum
from numbers import Real
from typing import List, Tuple
# type aliases
TRGB = Tuple[Real, ...]
[docs]class COLORS(enum.Enum):
STEELBLUE = (128, 177, 211)
CORAL = (251, 128, 114)
TEAL = (141, 211, 199)
PINK = (188, 128, 189)
LIGHT_PURPLE = (190, 186, 218)
ORANGE = (253, 180, 98)
# colors to be used for plotting discrete series
# 11-class PiYG from ColorBrewer (for contour plots)
(142, 1, 82),
(197, 27, 125),
(222, 119, 174),
(241, 182, 218),
(253, 224, 239),
(247, 247, 247),
(230, 245, 208),
(184, 225, 134),
(127, 188, 65),
(77, 146, 33),
(39, 100, 25),
(247, 252, 253),
(229, 245, 249),
(204, 236, 230),
(153, 216, 201),
(102, 194, 164),
(65, 174, 118),
(35, 139, 69),
(0, 109, 44),
(0, 68, 27),
(255, 247, 251),
(236, 231, 242),
(208, 209, 230),
(166, 189, 219),
(116, 169, 207),
(54, 144, 192),
(5, 112, 176),
(3, 78, 123),
# 24 Class Mixed Color Palette
# Source: https://graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/a/3815
(2, 63, 165),
(125, 135, 185),
(190, 193, 212),
(214, 188, 192),
(187, 119, 132),
(142, 6, 59),
(74, 111, 227),
(133, 149, 225),
(181, 187, 227),
(230, 175, 185),
(224, 123, 145),
(211, 63, 106),
(17, 198, 56),
(141, 213, 147),
(198, 222, 199),
(234, 211, 198),
(240, 185, 141),
(239, 151, 8),
(15, 207, 192),
(156, 222, 214),
(213, 234, 231),
(243, 225, 235),
(246, 196, 225),
(247, 156, 212),
[docs]def rgba(rgb_tuple: TRGB, alpha: float = 1) -> str:
"""Convert RGB tuple to an RGBA string."""
return "rgba({},{},{},{alpha})".format(*rgb_tuple, alpha=alpha)
[docs]def plotly_color_scale(
list_of_rgb_tuples: List[TRGB],
reverse: bool = False,
alpha: float = 1,
) -> List[Tuple[float, str]]:
"""Convert list of RGB tuples to list of tuples, where each tuple is
break in [0, 1] and stringified RGBA color.
if reverse:
list_of_rgb_tuples = list_of_rgb_tuples[::-1]
return [
(round(i / (len(list_of_rgb_tuples) - 1), 3), rgba(rgb))
for i, rgb in enumerate(list_of_rgb_tuples)