Source code for ax.core.map_data

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional

import pandas as pd
from ax.core.abstract_data import AbstractDataFrameData
from import Data
from ax.core.types import TMapTrialEvaluation

[docs]class MapData(AbstractDataFrameData): """Class storing mapping-like results for an experiment. Mapping-like results occur whenever a metric is reported as a collection of results, each element corresponding to a tuple of values. The simplest case is a sequence. For instance a time series is a mapping from the 1-tuple `(timestamp)` to (mean, sem) results. Another example: MultiFidelity results. This is a mapping from `(fidelity_feature_1, ..., fidelity_feature_n)` to (mean, sem) results. The dataframe is retrieved via the `df` property. The data can be stored to an external store for future use by attaching it to an experiment using `experiment.attach_data()` (this requires a description to be set.) """ # Note: Although the SEM (standard error of the mean) is a required column in data, # downstream models can infer missing SEMs. Simply specify NaN as the SEM value, # either in your Metric class or in Data explicitly. REQUIRED_COLUMNS = {"arm_name", "metric_name", "mean", "sem"} def __init__( self, df: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, map_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Init `MapData`. Args: df: DataFrame with underlying data, and required columns. map_keys: List of all elements of the Tuple that makes up the key in MapData. description: Human-readable description of data. """ if map_keys is None and df is not None: raise ValueError( "map_keys may only be `None` when `df` is also None " "(an empty `MapData`)." ) self._map_keys = map_keys or [] # Represent MapData internally as a flat `DataFrame` # Make an empty `DataFrame with map_keys if available` if df is None: self._df = pd.DataFrame( columns=self.required_columns().union(self.map_keys) ) else: columns = set(df.columns) missing_columns = self.required_columns() - columns if missing_columns: raise ValueError( f"Dataframe must contain required columns {list(missing_columns)}." ) extra_columns = columns - self.supported_columns( extra_column_names=self.map_keys ) if extra_columns: raise ValueError(f"Columns {list(extra_columns)} are not supported.") df = df.dropna(axis=0, how="all").reset_index(drop=True) df = self._safecast_df(df=df, extra_column_types=self.map_key_types) # Reorder the columns for easier viewing col_order = [ c for c in self.column_data_types(self.map_key_types) if c in df.columns ] self._df = df[col_order] self.description = description
[docs] @staticmethod # pyre-ignore [14]: `Iterable[Data]` not a supertype of overridden parameter. def from_multiple_data( data: Iterable[MapData], subset_metrics: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None ) -> MapData: """Combines multiple data objects into one (with the concatenated underlying dataframe). NOTE: if one or more data objects in the iterable is of a custom subclass of `MapData`, object of that class will be returned. If the iterable contains multiple types of `Data`, an error will be raised. Args: data: Iterable of Ax `MapData` objects to combine. subset_metrics: If specified, combined `MapData` will only contain metrics, names of which appear in this iterable, in the underlying dataframe. """ # Filter out empty dataframes because they may not have correct map_keys. data = [datum for datum in data if not datum.df.empty] dfs = [datum.df for datum in data if not datum.df.empty] if len(dfs) == 0: return MapData() if subset_metrics: dfs = [df.loc[df["metric_name"].isin(subset_metrics)] for df in dfs] # cast to list data = list(data) if not all((type(datum) is MapData) for datum in data): # check if all types in iterable match the first type raise ValueError("Non-MapData in inputs.") # obtain map_keys of first elt in iterable (we know it's not empty) map_keys = data[0].map_keys if not all((set(datum.map_keys) == set(map_keys)) for datum in data): raise ValueError("Inconsistent map_keys found in data iterable.") else: # if all validation is passed return concatenated data. return MapData(df=pd.concat(dfs, axis=0, sort=True), map_keys=map_keys)
@property def map_keys(self): """Return the names of fields that together make a map key. E.g. ["timestamp"] for a timeseries, ["fidelity_param_1", "fidelity_param_2"] for a multi-fidelity set of results. """ return self._map_keys @property def map_key_types(self): return {map_key: Any for map_key in self.map_keys}
[docs] def update(self, new_data: MapData) -> None: if not new_data.map_keys == self.map_keys: raise ValueError("Inconsistent map_keys found in new data.") self._df = self.df.append(new_data.df)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_map_evaluations( evaluations: Dict[str, TMapTrialEvaluation], trial_index: int, map_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> MapData: """ Convert dict of mapped evaluations to an Ax MapData object Args: evaluations: Map from arm name to metric outcomes (itself a mapping of metric names to tuples of mean and optionally a SEM). trial_index: Trial index to which this data belongs. map_keys: List of all elements of the Tuple that makes up the key in MapData. Returns: Ax MapData object. """ records = [ { "arm_name": name, "metric_name": metric_name, "mean": value[0] if isinstance(value, tuple) else value, "sem": value[1] if isinstance(value, tuple) else 0.0, "trial_index": trial_index, **map_dict, } for name, map_dict_and_metrics_list in evaluations.items() for map_dict, evaluation in map_dict_and_metrics_list for metric_name, value in evaluation.items() ] map_keys_list = [ list(map_dict.keys()) for name, map_dict_and_metrics_list in evaluations.items() for map_dict, evaluation in map_dict_and_metrics_list ] map_keys = map_keys or map_keys_list[0] if not all((set(mk) == set(map_keys)) for mk in map_keys_list): raise ValueError("Inconsistent map_key sets in evaluations.") return MapData(df=pd.DataFrame(records), map_keys=map_keys)
[docs] def to_standard_data(self) -> Data: return Data(df=self.df)