Source code for ax.core.types

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

import enum
from typing import DefaultDict, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from botorch.acquisition import AcquisitionFunction

TParamCounter = DefaultDict[int, int]
TParamValue = Optional[Union[str, bool, float, int]]
TParameterization = Dict[str, TParamValue]
TParamValueList = List[TParamValue]  # a parameterization without the keys
TContextStratum = Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]]]

TBounds = Optional[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]
TModelMean = Dict[str, List[float]]
TModelCov = Dict[str, Dict[str, List[float]]]
TModelPredict = Tuple[TModelMean, TModelCov]
# Model predictions for a single arm:
# ( { metric -> mean }, { metric -> { other_metric -> covariance } } ).
TModelPredictArm = Tuple[Dict[str, float], Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]]]

# 1-arm `Trial` evaluation data: {metric_name -> (mean, standard error)}}.
TTrialEvaluation = Dict[str, Tuple[float, Optional[float]]]

# 1-arm evaluation data with trace fidelities
TFidelityTrialEvaluation = List[Tuple[TParameterization, TTrialEvaluation]]

# Format for trasmitting evaluation data to Ax is either:
# 1) {metric_name -> (mean, standard error)} (TTrialEvaluation)
# 2) (mean, standard error) and we assume metric name == objective name
# 3) only the mean, and we assume metric name == objective name and standard error == 0
# 4) [({fidelity_param -> value}, {metric_name} -> (mean, standard error))]
TEvaluationOutcome = Union[
    TTrialEvaluation, Tuple[float, Optional[float]], float, TFidelityTrialEvaluation

TConfig = Dict[str, Union[int, float, str, AcquisitionFunction]]
TBucket = List[Dict[str, List[str]]]

[docs]class ComparisonOp(enum.Enum): """Class for enumerating comparison operations.""" GEQ: int = 0 LEQ: int = 1
[docs]def merge_model_predict( predict: TModelPredict, predict_append: TModelPredict ) -> TModelPredict: """Append model predictions to an existing set of model predictions. TModelPredict is of the form: {metric_name: [mean1, mean2, ...], {metric_name: {metric_name: [var1, var2, ...]}}) This will append the predictions Args: predict: Initial set of predictions. other_predict: Predictions to be appended. Returns: TModelPredict with the new predictions appended. """ mu, cov = predict mu_append, cov_append = predict_append if len(mu) != len(mu_append) or len(cov) != len(cov_append): raise ValueError("Both sets of model predictions must have the same metrics") # Iterate down to the list level and simply add. for metric_name, metric_values in mu.items(): mu[metric_name] = metric_values + mu_append[metric_name] for metric_name, co_cov in cov.items(): for co_metric_name, cov_values in co_cov.items(): cov[metric_name][co_metric_name] = ( cov_values + cov_append[metric_name][co_metric_name] ) return mu, cov