Source code for ax.models.random.sobol

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np
from ax.core.types import TConfig
from ax.models.model_utils import tunable_feature_indices
from ax.models.random.base import RandomModel
from ax.utils.stats.sobol import SobolEngine  # pyre-ignore: Not handling .pyx properly

[docs]class SobolGenerator(RandomModel): """This class specifies the generation algorithm for a Sobol generator. As Sobol does not make use of a model, it does not implement the fit or predict methods. Attributes: deduplicate: If true, a single instantiation of the generator will not return the same point twice. init_position: The initial state of the Sobol generator. Starts at 0 by default. scramble: If True, permutes the parameter values among the elements of the Sobol sequence. Default is True. seed: An optional seed value for scrambling. """ engine: Optional[SobolEngine] = None def __init__( self, seed: Optional[int] = None, deduplicate: bool = False, init_position: int = 0, scramble: bool = True, ) -> None: super().__init__(deduplicate=deduplicate, seed=seed) self.init_position = init_position self.scramble = scramble # Initialize engine on gen. self._engine = None # pyre-fixme[11]: Type `SobolEngine` is not defined.
[docs] def init_engine(self, n_tunable_features: int) -> SobolEngine: """Initialize singleton SobolEngine, only on gen. Args: n_tunable_features: The number of features which can be searched over. Returns: SobolEngine, which can generate Sobol points. """ if not self._engine: self._engine = SobolEngine( # pyre-ignore: .pyx not parsed properly. dimen=n_tunable_features, scramble=self.scramble, seed=self.seed ).fast_forward(self.init_position) return self._engine
@property # pyre-fixme[11]: Type `SobolEngine` is not defined. def engine(self) -> SobolEngine: """Return a singleton SobolEngine.""" return self._engine
[docs] def gen( self, n: int, bounds: List[Tuple[float, float]], linear_constraints: Optional[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]] = None, fixed_features: Optional[Dict[int, float]] = None, model_gen_options: Optional[TConfig] = None, rounding_func: Optional[Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]] = None, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Generate new candidates. Args: n: Number of candidates to generate. bounds: A list of (lower, upper) tuples for each column of X. linear_constraints: A tuple of (A, b). For k linear constraints on d-dimensional x, A is (k x d) and b is (k x 1) such that A x <= b. fixed_features: A map {feature_index: value} for features that should be fixed to a particular value during generation. rounding_func: A function that rounds an optimization result appropriately (e.g., according to `round-trip` transformations) but *unused here*. Returns: 2-element tuple containing - (n x d) array of generated points. - Uniform weights, an n-array of ones for each point. """ tf_indices = tunable_feature_indices( bounds=bounds, fixed_features=fixed_features ) self.init_engine(len(tf_indices)) points, weights = super().gen( n=n, bounds=bounds, linear_constraints=linear_constraints, fixed_features=fixed_features, model_gen_options=model_gen_options, rounding_func=rounding_func, ) if self.engine: self.init_position = self.engine.num_generated return (points, weights)
def _gen_samples(self, n: int, tunable_d: int) -> np.ndarray: """Generate n samples. tunable_d is ignored; as it is specified at engine initialization. Args: bounds: A list of d (lower, upper) tuples for each column of X. fixed_feature_indices: Indices of features which are fixed at a particular value. """ if self.engine is None: raise ValueError( # pragma nocover "Sobol Engine must be initialized before candidate generation." ) return self.engine.draw(n)