Source code for ax.plot.pareto_utils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import enum
from typing import Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np
from ax.core.batch_trial import BatchTrial
from import Data
from ax.core.experiment import Experiment
from ax.core.metric import Metric
from ax.core.objective import ScalarizedObjective
from ax.core.observation import ObservationFeatures
from ax.core.optimization_config import OptimizationConfig
from ax.core.outcome_constraint import OutcomeConstraint
from ax.core.types import TParameterization
from ax.exceptions.core import AxError, UnsupportedError
from ax.modelbridge.registry import Models
from ax.models.torch.posterior_mean import get_PosteriorMean
from ax.utils.common.logger import get_logger
from ax.utils.stats.statstools import relativize

# type aliases
Mu = Dict[str, List[float]]
Cov = Dict[str, Dict[str, List[float]]]

[docs]class COLORS(enum.Enum): STEELBLUE = (128, 177, 211) CORAL = (251, 128, 114) TEAL = (141, 211, 199) PINK = (188, 128, 189) LIGHT_PURPLE = (190, 186, 218) ORANGE = (253, 180, 98)
logger = get_logger(__name__)
[docs]def rgba(rgb_tuple: Tuple[float], alpha: float = 1) -> str: """Convert RGB tuple to an RGBA string.""" return "rgba({},{},{},{alpha})".format(*rgb_tuple, alpha=alpha)
[docs]class ParetoFrontierResults(NamedTuple): """Container for results from Pareto frontier computation.""" param_dicts: List[TParameterization] means: Dict[str, List[float]] sems: Dict[str, List[float]] primary_metric: str secondary_metric: str absolute_metrics: List[str] outcome_constraints: Optional[List[OutcomeConstraint]]
[docs]def compute_pareto_frontier( experiment: Experiment, primary_objective: Metric, secondary_objective: Metric, data: Optional[Data] = None, outcome_constraints: Optional[List[OutcomeConstraint]] = None, absolute_metrics: Optional[List[str]] = None, num_points: int = 10, trial_index: Optional[int] = None, chebyshev: bool = True, ) -> ParetoFrontierResults: """Compute the Pareto frontier between two objectives. For experiments with batch trials, a trial index must be provided. Args: experiment: The experiment to compute a pareto frontier for. primary_objective: The primary objective to optimize. secondary_objective: The secondary objective against which to trade off the primary objective. outcome_constraints: Outcome constraints to be respected by the optimization. Can only contain constraints on metrics that are not primary or secondary objectives. absolute_metrics: List of outcome metrics that should NOT be relativized w.r.t. the status quo (all other outcomes will be in % relative to status_quo). num_points: The number of points to compute on the Pareto frontier. chebyshev: Whether to use augmented_chebyshev_scalarization when computing Pareto Frontier points. Returns: ParetoFrontierResults: A NamedTuple with the following fields: - param_dicts: The parameter dicts of the points generated on the Pareto Frontier. - means: The posterior mean predictions of the model for each metric (same order as the param dicts). - sems: The posterior sem predictions of the model for each metric (same order as the param dicts). - primary_metric: The name of the primary metric. - secondary_metric: The name of the secondary metric. - absolute_metrics: List of outcome metrics that are NOT be relativized w.r.t. the status quo (all other metrics are in % relative to status_quo). """ model_gen_options = { "acquisition_function_kwargs": {"chebyshev_scalarization": chebyshev} } if trial_index is None and any( isinstance(t, BatchTrial) for t in experiment.trials.values() ): raise UnsupportedError( "Must specify trial index for experiment with batch trials" ) absolute_metrics = [] if absolute_metrics is None else absolute_metrics for metric in absolute_metrics: if metric not in experiment.metrics: raise ValueError(f"Model was not fit on metric `{metric}`") if outcome_constraints is None: outcome_constraints = [] else: # ensure we don't constrain an objective _validate_outcome_constraints( outcome_constraints=outcome_constraints, primary_objective=primary_objective, secondary_objective=secondary_objective, ) # build posterior mean model if not data: try: data = ( experiment.trials[trial_index].fetch_data() if trial_index else experiment.fetch_data() ) except Exception as e:"Could not fetch data from experiment or trial: {e}") model = Models.MOO( experiment=experiment, data=data, acqf_constructor=get_PosteriorMean ) status_quo = experiment.status_quo if status_quo: try: status_quo_prediction = model.predict( [ ObservationFeatures( parameters=status_quo.parameters, # pyre-fixme [6]: Expected `Optional[np.int64]` for trial_index trial_index=trial_index, ) ] ) except ValueError as e: logger.warning(f"Could not predict OOD status_quo outcomes: {e}") status_quo = None status_quo_prediction = None else: status_quo_prediction = None param_dicts: List[TParameterization] = [] # Construct weightings with linear angular spacing. # TODO: Verify whether 0, 1 weights cause problems because of subset_model. alpha = np.linspace(0 + 0.01, np.pi / 2 - 0.01, num_points) primary_weight = (-1 if primary_objective.lower_is_better else 1) * np.cos(alpha) secondary_weight = (-1 if secondary_objective.lower_is_better else 1) * np.sin( alpha ) weights_list = np.stack([primary_weight, secondary_weight]).transpose() for weights in weights_list: outcome_constraints = outcome_constraints oc = _build_new_optimization_config( weights=weights, primary_objective=primary_objective, secondary_objective=secondary_objective, outcome_constraints=outcome_constraints, ) # TODO: (jej) T64002590 Let this serve as a starting point for optimization. # ex. Add global spacing criterion. Implement on BoTorch side. # pyre-fixme [6]: Expected different type for model_gen_options run = model.gen(1, model_gen_options=model_gen_options, optimization_config=oc) param_dicts.append(run.arms[0].parameters) # Call predict on points to get their decomposed metrics. means, cov = model.predict( [ObservationFeatures(parameters) for parameters in param_dicts] ) return _extract_pareto_frontier_results( param_dicts=param_dicts, means=means, variances=cov,,, absolute_metrics=absolute_metrics, outcome_constraints=outcome_constraints, status_quo_prediction=status_quo_prediction, )
def _extract_pareto_frontier_results( param_dicts: List[TParameterization], means: Mu, variances: Cov, primary_metric: str, secondary_metric: str, absolute_metrics: List[str], outcome_constraints: Optional[List[OutcomeConstraint]], status_quo_prediction: Optional[Tuple[Mu, Cov]], ) -> ParetoFrontierResults: """Extract prediction results into ParetoFrontierResults struture.""" metrics = list(means.keys()) means_out = {metric: m.copy() for metric, m in means.items()} sems_out = {metric: np.sqrt(v[metric]) for metric, v in variances.items()} # relativize predicted outcomes if requested primary_is_relative = primary_metric not in absolute_metrics secondary_is_relative = secondary_metric not in absolute_metrics # Relativized metrics require a status quo prediction if primary_is_relative or secondary_is_relative: if status_quo_prediction is None: raise AxError("Relativized metrics require a valid status quo prediction") sq_mean, sq_sem = status_quo_prediction for metric in metrics: if metric not in absolute_metrics and metric in sq_mean: means_out[metric], sems_out[metric] = relativize( means_t=means_out[metric], sems_t=sems_out[metric], mean_c=sq_mean[metric][0], sem_c=np.sqrt(sq_sem[metric][metric][0]), as_percent=True, ) return ParetoFrontierResults( param_dicts=param_dicts, means={metric: means for metric, means in means_out.items()}, sems={metric: sems for metric, sems in sems_out.items()}, primary_metric=primary_metric, secondary_metric=secondary_metric, absolute_metrics=absolute_metrics, outcome_constraints=outcome_constraints, ) def _validate_outcome_constraints( outcome_constraints: List[OutcomeConstraint], primary_objective: Metric, secondary_objective: Metric, ) -> None: """Validate that outcome constraints don't involve objectives.""" objective_metrics = [,] if outcome_constraints is not None: for oc in outcome_constraints: if in objective_metrics: raise ValueError( "Metric `{metric_name}` occurs in both outcome constraints " "and objectives".format( ) def _build_new_optimization_config( weights, primary_objective, secondary_objective, outcome_constraints=None ): obj = ScalarizedObjective( metrics=[primary_objective, secondary_objective], weights=weights, minimize=False, ) optimization_config = OptimizationConfig( objective=obj, outcome_constraints=outcome_constraints ) return optimization_config