Source code for ax.benchmark.benchmark_result

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import logging
from typing import Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from ax.benchmark.benchmark_problem import BenchmarkProblem, SimpleBenchmarkProblem
from ax.core.batch_trial import BatchTrial
from ax.core.experiment import Experiment
from ax.core.trial import Trial
from ax.core.utils import best_feasible_objective, get_model_times
from ax.plot.base import AxPlotConfig
from ax.plot.render import plot_config_to_html
from ax.plot.trace import (
from ax.utils.common.logger import get_logger
from ax.utils.common.typeutils import checked_cast, not_none
from import h2_html, h3_html, p_html, render_report_elements

logger: logging.Logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class BenchmarkResult(NamedTuple): # {method_name -> [[best objective per trial] per benchmark run]} objective_at_true_best: Dict[str, np.ndarray] # {method_name -> [total fit time per run]} fit_times: Dict[str, List[float]] # {method_name -> [total gen time per run]} gen_times: Dict[str, List[float]] # {method_name -> trials where generation strategy changed} optimum: Optional[float] = None model_transitions: Optional[Dict[str, Optional[List[int]]]] = None
[docs]def aggregate_problem_results( runs: Dict[str, List[Experiment]], problem: BenchmarkProblem, # Model transitions, can be obtained as `generation_strategy.model_transitions` model_transitions: Optional[Dict[str, List[int]]] = None, ) -> BenchmarkResult: # Results will be put in {method -> results} dictionaries. objective_at_true_best: Dict[str, List[np.ndarray]] = {} fit_times: Dict[str, List[float]] = {} gen_times: Dict[str, List[float]] = {} for method, experiments in runs.items(): objective_at_true_best[method] = [] fit_times[method] = [] gen_times[method] = [] for experiment in experiments: assert ( in ), "Problem and experiment name do not match." fit_time, gen_time = get_model_times(experiment=experiment) true_best_objective = extract_optimization_trace( experiment=experiment, problem=problem ) # Compute the things we care about # 1. True best objective value. objective_at_true_best[method].append(true_best_objective) # 2. Time fit_times[method].append(fit_time) gen_times[method].append(gen_time) # TODO: If `evaluate_suggested` is True on the problem # 3. True obj. value of model-predicted best # 4. True feasiblity of model-predicted best # 5. Model prediction MSE for each gen run # TODO: remove rows from <values>[method] of length different # from the length of other rows, log warning when removing return BenchmarkResult( objective_at_true_best={ m: np.array(v) for m, v in objective_at_true_best.items() }, # pyre-fixme[6]: [6]: Expected `Optional[Dict[str, Optional[List[int]]]]` # but got `Optional[Dict[str, List[int]]]` model_transitions=model_transitions, optimum=problem.optimal_value, fit_times=fit_times, gen_times=gen_times, )
[docs]def make_plots( benchmark_result: BenchmarkResult, problem_name: str, include_individual: bool ) -> List[AxPlotConfig]: plots: List[AxPlotConfig] = [] # Plot objective at true best plots.append( optimization_trace_all_methods( y_dict=benchmark_result.objective_at_true_best, optimum=benchmark_result.optimum, title=f"{problem_name}: cumulative best objective", ylabel="Objective at best-feasible point observed so far", ) ) if include_individual: # Plot individual plots of a single method on a single problem. for m, y in benchmark_result.objective_at_true_best.items(): plots.append( optimization_trace_single_method( y=y, optimum=benchmark_result.optimum, # model_transitions=benchmark_result.model_transitions[m], title=f"{problem_name}, {m}: cumulative best objective", ylabel="Objective at best-feasible point observed so far", ) ) # Plot time plots.append( optimization_times( fit_times=benchmark_result.fit_times, gen_times=benchmark_result.gen_times, title=f"{problem_name}: optimization times", ) ) return plots
[docs]def generate_report( benchmark_results: Dict[str, BenchmarkResult], errors_encountered: Optional[List[str]] = None, include_individual_method_plots: bool = False, notebook_env: bool = False, ) -> str: html_elements = [h2_html("Bayesian Optimization benchmarking suite report")] for p, benchmark_result in benchmark_results.items(): html_elements.append(h3_html(f"{p}:")) plots = make_plots( benchmark_result, problem_name=p, include_individual=include_individual_method_plots, ) html_elements.extend(plot_config_to_html(plt) for plt in plots) if errors_encountered: html_elements.append(h3_html("Errors encountered:")) html_elements.extend(p_html(err) for err in errors_encountered) else: html_elements.append(h3_html("No errors encountered!")) # Experiment name is used in header, which is disabled in this case. return render_report_elements( experiment_name="", html_elements=html_elements, header=False, notebook_env=notebook_env, )
[docs]def extract_optimization_trace( # pragma: no cover experiment: Experiment, problem: BenchmarkProblem ) -> np.ndarray: """Extract outcomes of an experiment: best cumulative objective as numpy ND- array, and total model-fitting time and candidate generation time as floats. """ # Get true values by evaluting the synthetic function noiselessly if isinstance(problem, SimpleBenchmarkProblem) and problem.uses_synthetic_function: return _extract_optimization_trace_from_synthetic_function( experiment=experiment, problem=problem ) # True values are not available, so just use the known values elif isinstance(problem, SimpleBenchmarkProblem): "Cannot obtain true best objectives since an ad-hoc function was used." ) assert len(experiment.optimization_config.outcome_constraints) == 0 values = np.array( [checked_cast(Trial, trial).objective_mean for trial in experiment.trials] ) return best_feasible_objective( optimization_config=experiment.optimization_config, values={ values}, ) else: # Get true values for every outcome for each iteration return _extract_optimization_trace_from_metrics(experiment=experiment)
def _extract_optimization_trace_from_metrics(experiment: Experiment) -> np.ndarray: names = [] for trial in experiment.trials.values(): for i, arm in enumerate(trial.arms): reps = int(trial.weights[i]) if isinstance(trial, BatchTrial) else 1 names.extend([] * reps) iters_df = pd.DataFrame({"arm_name": names}) data_df = experiment.fetch_data(noisy=False).df metrics = data_df["metric_name"].unique() true_values = {} for metric in metrics: df_m = data_df[data_df["metric_name"] == metric] # Get one row per arm df_m = df_m.groupby("arm_name").first().reset_index() df_b = pd.merge(iters_df, df_m, how="left", on="arm_name") true_values[metric] = df_b["mean"].values return best_feasible_objective( optimization_config=experiment.optimization_config, values=true_values ) def _extract_optimization_trace_from_synthetic_function( experiment: Experiment, problem: SimpleBenchmarkProblem ) -> np.ndarray: if any(isinstance(trial, BatchTrial) for trial in experiment.trials.values()): raise NotImplementedError("Batched trials are not yet supported.") true_values = [] for trial in experiment.trials.values(): parameters = not_none(checked_cast(Trial, trial).arm).parameters # Expecting numerical parameters only. value = problem.f(*[float(x) for x in parameters.values()]) # pyre-ignore[6] true_values.append(value) return best_feasible_objective( optimization_config=experiment.optimization_config, values={ true_values}, )