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Version: 0.5.0



In Ax, an experiment keeps track of the whole optimization process. It contains a search space, optimization config, metadata, information on what metrics to track and how to run iterations, etc. An experiment is composed of a sequence of trials each of which has a set of parameterizations (or arms) to be evaluated. A trial is added to the experiment when a new set of arms is proposed by the optimization algorithm. The trial is then evaluated to compute the values of each metric for each arm, which are fed into the algorithms to create a new trial. Most applications have one arm per trial, which is the default implementation.

The core constructs that define the experiment are detailed below.

Trial VS. Batch Trial

An experiment consists of trials, which can be one of two types: regular trial or batch trial. A regular trial contains a single arm and relevant metadata. A batch trial contains multiple arms, relevant metadata, and optionally a set of arm weights, which are a measure of how much of the total resources allocated to evaluating a batch should go towards evaluating the specific arm.

A batch trial is not just a trial with many arms! It is a trial for which it is important that the arms are evaluated simultaneously and together. For instance, a batch trial would be appropriate in an A/B test where the evaluation results are subject to nonstationarity and require multiple arms to be deployed (and gathered data for) at the same time. For cases where multiple arms are evaluated separately and independently of each other, use multiple trials with a single arm each, which will allow Ax to keep track of their deployment and results appropriately.

Search Space and Parameters

A search space is composed of a set of parameters to be tuned in the experiment, and optionally a set of parameter constraints that define restrictions across these parameters (e.g. p_a <= p_b). Each parameter has a name, a type (int, float, bool, or string), and a domain, which is a representation of the possible values the parameter can take. The search space is used by the optimization algorithms to know which arms are valid to suggest.

Ax supports three types of parameters:

  • Range parameters: must be of type int or float, and the domain is represented by a lower and upper bound. If the parameter is specified as an int, newly generated points are rounded to the nearest integer by default.
from ax import RangeParameter, ParameterType
float_range_param = RangeParameter(name="x1", parameter_type=ParameterType.FLOAT, lower=0.0, upper=1.0)
int_range_param = RangeParameter(name="x2", parameter_type=ParameterType.INT, lower=0, upper=10)
  • Choice parameters: domain is a set of values
from ax import ChoiceParameter, ParameterType
choice_param = ChoiceParameter(name="y", parameter_type=ParameterType.STRING, values=["foo", "bar"])
  • Fixed parameters: domain is a single value
from ax import FixedParameter, ParameterType
fixed_param = FixedParameter(name="z", parameter_type=ParameterType.BOOL, value=True)

Ax supports three types of parameter constraints, each of which can only be used on int or float parameters:

  • Linear constraints: w * v <= b where w is the vector of parameter weights, v is a vector of parameter values, * is the dot product, and b is the specified bound. Linear constraints are specified with the bound and a dictionary that maps parameter name to the weight
from ax import ParameterConstraint

param_a = RangeParameter(name="a", parameter_type=ParameterType.FLOAT, lower=0.0, upper=1.0)
param_b = RangeParameter(name="b", parameter_type=ParameterType.FLOAT, lower=0.0, upper=1.0)

# 1.0*a + 0.5*b <= 1.0
con_1 = ParameterConstraint(constraint_dict={"a": 1.0, "b": 0.5}, bound=1.0)
  • Order constraints: specifies that one parameter must be smaller than the other
from ax import OrderConstraint

# a <= b
con_2 = OrderConstraint(lower_parameter=param_a, upper_parameter=param_b)
  • Sum constraints: specifies that the sum of the parameters must be greater or less than a bound
from ax import SumConstraint

# a + b >= 0.5
con_3 = SumConstraint(parameters=[param_a, param_b], is_upper_bound=False, bound=0.5)

Given parameters and (optionally) parameter constraints, you can construct a search space:

from ax import SearchSpace

SearchSpace(parameters=[param_a, param_b], parameter_constraints=[con_1, con_2, con_3])

Optimization Config

An optimization config is composed of an objective metric to be minimized or maximized, and optionally a set of outcome constraints that place restrictions on how other metrics can be moved by the experiment. Note that you cannot constrain the objective metric.

from ax import Metric
from ax import Objective

objective = Objective(metric=Metric(name="m1"), minimize=True)

There is no minimum or maximum number of outcome constraints, but an individual metric can have at most two constraints — which is how we represent metrics with both upper and lower bounds.

Outcome constraints may be of the form metric >= bound or metric <= bound. The bound can be expressed as an absolute measurement, or relative to the status quo (if applicable), in which case the bound is the acceptable percent change from the status quo's value.

from ax import Metric
from ax import OutcomeConstraint
from ax import ComparisonOp

# m2 cannot regress the status quo by more than 5%
oc = OutcomeConstraint(metric=Metric(name="m2"), op = ComparisonOp.GEQ, bound=-5.0, relative=True)

Finally, create the optimization config to attach to the experiment.

from ax import OptimizationConfig

opt_config = OptimizationConfig(objective=objective, outcome_constraints=[oc])


An arm in Ax is a set of parameters and their values with a name attached to it. In the case of hyperparameter optimization, an arm corresponds to a hyperparameter configuration explored in the course of a given optimization.

An arm is defined by specifying the value for each parameter, and optionally giving it a name:

from ax import Arm

Arm(parameters={"x": 0, "y": "Foo", z: True})

# Names are automatically assigned by the experiment
# but can also be specified by the user
Arm(parameters={"x": 0, "y": "Foo", z: True}, name="arm1")

Arms are typically attached to trials, as discussed in the Experiment Lifecycle section below.

Status Quo

An experiment can optionally contain a status quo arm, which represents the “control” parameterization. This allows viewing results and doing optimization using relativized outcomes, meaning all metrics will be presented as percentage deltas against the status quo.

If the status quo is specified on the experiment, it will be automatically added to every trial that is created.

Experiment Lifecycle

An experiment consists of a sequence of trials, each of which evaluates one or more arms. For more details on the implementing the evaluation, see the trial evaluation and metric references.

Based on the evaluation results, the optimization algorithm suggest one or more arms to evaluate. You then create a new trial containing these suggested arms, evaluate this trial, and repeat.

You can directly add arm(s) to a new trial, or you can add a generator run –– output of the optimization algorithm:

# If only one arm should be evaluated

# If multiple arms should be evaluated
experiment.new_batch_trial().add_arms_and_weights(arms=[Arm(...), Arm(...)])

# To evaluate the arms suggested by a GeneratorRun

A trial goes through multiple phases during the experimentation cycle, tracked by its TrialStatus field. These stages are:

  • CANDIDATE - Trial has just been created and can still be modified before deployment.
  • STAGED - Relevant for external systems, where the trial configuration has been deployed but not begun the evaluation stage.
  • RUNNING - Trial is in the process of being evaluated.
  • COMPLETED - Trial completed evaluation successfully.
  • FAILED - Trial incurred a failure while being evaluated.
  • ABANDONED - User manually stopped the trial for some specified reason.

When a trial is first created, its status is "candidate". If applicable, we can call trial.mark_staged to move the trial into "staged" mode. We then call to run the trial, which moves it into the "running" stage. We can then call trial.mark_completed, trial.mark_failed, or trial.mark_abandoned to end the trial.

If the trial's runner has "staging_required" = True, then will first mark the trial as "staged", and we can later call trial.mark_running explicitly to move the trial to "running".